New Exclusives, 3D Models, Spawn, & Bandai Space Marine LATEST

space-marine-terminator-walWow, what a weekend! Don’t miss all the news, rumors and the latest for the wargaming hobby from companies the around the globe!

These were the biggest announcements from the wargaming hobby, along with our expert commentary from April’s fourth weekend! Let’s take a look at what you may have missed.

New Space Marine Saul Tarvitz Captain Model REVEALED!

horus heresy sons of horusCheck out this brand new Space Marines Saul Tarvitz Captain model for the Horus Heresy that was just revealed for the loyalist Emperor’s Children. Read More

Todd McFarlane’s Remastered Spawn Figure Kickstarter

Spawn25 Years later comic book legend Todd McFarlane is teaming up with Kickstarter to bring you a remastered classic of the first Spawn Figure! Read More

Battlemages 3D STL Files In April: Titan Forge Miniatures

titan forge patreonFire up your 3D printer and come see all the new Battlemages miniatures that Titan Forge has for their Patreon subscribers for the month of April! Read More