We Need a Loyalist Primarch To Balance the 40k Scales

primarch leman russ rules warhammer 40k space wolvesThe way things are looking, we could probably use another loyalist primarch to hit the 40k scene. Especially if Fulgrim comes back like the rumors saying…

In 40k, Loyalists are already outnumbered in the Primarch department by 2:1. But more and more teasers are emerging adding weight to the real possibility that Fulgrim is coming back into the fold.

InB4 someone says “FuLgRiM FaNbOys ThAtS AlL YoU GuYs TaLk AbOuT,” no not really… These sources come from GW themselves as he’s been mentioned with his Noisy bois in a handful of Psychic Awakening books already.

Early Psychic Awakening Fulgrim Teasers Add Weight to His Return

fulgrim daemon wal hor chaos rumors games workshop primarchThese are all excerpts taken from various books in Psychic Awakening.

psychic awakening slaaneshOne of Fulgrim’s titles in the Horus Heresy era was “Fulgrim the Illuminator”. And while he’s been living his best life on a hidden pleasure world, he was mentioned in a vox message. In short, it said he is coming.

The funny thing about this is that it was a random Vox transmission and nobody else out of the Chaos fleet responded. Some hyped-up fanboy just probably hopped on the mic and gassed up his Gene-daddy.

fulgrim screaming serpentHere, Fulgrim or some sort of creature matching the description of the elevated Daemon Primach Fulgrim lead a traitor host (The Great Cacophony) of ceramite armor against both Guardsmen and Ulthwe Black Guardians back in the Blood of the Phoenix book.

If that description sounds familiar it may be because you may remember the last (small) Daemon Fulgrim model from the 1990s. Modeled on a 25mm base, this epic scale mini’s four arms were equipped with three swords, and a whip.

Fulgrim daemon primarch model epic

GW is certainly drawing attention to Fulgrim and his mad lads in Psychic Awakening. Although there have been rumors saying when exactly he’d return, some of the same sources other rumors look to have been disproven so we’re not going to waste any time on those right now.

With that said, we already need a Loyalist Primarch to even out the Guillimav Vs. Morty/Magnus combo. But even more so if Fulgrim stops in to pay a visit.

Reasons Why Loyalists Need a Primarch- We Just Lost Our Castellan

chaos knight dominusMagnus and Mortarion have been linking arms for almost two years now. Things were okay for a while, mainly because the Loyalists had the Castellan up their sleeve. However, Chaos now has access to the Castellan equivalent (on top of the brothers) which puts the Imperium right back to square one with Guilliman carrying the Imperium on his shoulders.

Sure, Primaris are a big help, but there’s been a steady increase in 2-damage weaponry across all factions basically negating their extra wound over normal Marines. 

Another Primarch Might Have Something To Say About Primaris

jaghatai khanWith Robbie G essentially acting as the Emperor’s hand right now, we’re at a perfect time for another Primarch to step in and take the “Primaris ball” and run with it. Jaghatai could make all sorts of new fast vehicles that’ll be useful. Speaking of White Scars, we already know they’re in desperate need to get some Primaris Bike love.

Basically all of the characters on Bikes got thrown into Warhammer Legends not long ago which could have set the stage for some Primaris Bikes to hit the table. No one really knows for sure right now though.

Another Primarch Could Make Another Chapter Popular

corvus corax bigRaven Guard, Imperial Fists, Salamanders, White Scars, etc. would become even more popular if a Primarch decided to show up and bolster their ranks. (We would include Iron hands but you guys lost your Primarch because he didn’t know how to block). Either way, this would be a great avenue for GW to turn down. Non-Space Marine players are probably tired of seeing all the Primaris support but Space Marine players are tired of seeing Ultramarines as the only way to take a Primarch.

Some Melee Love Would Be Great

leman russ space wolf walRight now, the meta is ridiculously shooty. With armies trying their hardest to spam two-damage gun platforms or screen the living hell out of some Psykers (which psychic powers can be considered ranged attacks in a sense), melee is lacking its effectiveness. If a Primarch like Russ showed up, it would give incentive for players to start building potent melee lists. Along with Russ’s badass melee capabilities, however, he’d also have to come equipped with different auras to help Space Wolves in combat as well.

For Guilliman, he’s definitely solid. But given his generic reroll rules, you’re automatically able to get more value by standing back and shooting.

It doesn’t really matter which direction GW decides to take adding another Loyalist Primarch. The Imperium should be thankful for any kind of Primarch love they can get right now. Especially seeing that on top of two Primarchs already in the game, Fulgrim is now popping up left and right in official GW books.

What Primarch would you like to see added into the game? Do you think Chaos will get another Primarch before they add another Loyalist? 

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