New Genestealer Cult Brood Brothers 40k Rules Revealed!

genestealer-cults-rules-newThe new Genestealer Cult Brood Brothers rules let you corrupt the weak minds of the imperium for your Patriarch.

The new rules will let you ‘recruit’ up to an entire detachment from the Astra Militarum to your forces. This is a nice way to give you some more flexibility in terms of army construction. It also looks like even if you grab an entire detachment, you won’t lose your Crossfire rules and such. 

Warhammer Community unveiled the new rules and regimental doctrines. Let’s first check out the Crossfire rules, then jump into the new stuff!

Genestealer Cults Crossfire 40k Rules

Genestealer cults crossfire rules

Whenever a unit with the Crossfire keyword shoots and scores at least five hits (or a hit with a Damage characteristic other than 1) their target gains a crossfire marker. Once an enemy unit has a crossfire marker, it becomes especially vulnerable to attack. First, any further Crossfire units shooting at them add 1 to their hit rolls. Then, if the target is Exposed, they’re in for a world of hurt.

How does a target become Exposed? If you draw a line from the attacking unit’s base to another friendly Crossfire model within sight, and that line passes over the targeted unit, that targeted unit is Exposed (like the picture above).  

Attackers add 1 to their wound rolls against the Exposed unit, and if the attackers are within 12” of their target, they ignore enemy cover too. Enemies taking cover in Obscuring terrain have some protection, but unsuspecting foes will fall victim to the Cult’s diabolic pincer attacks.

This is a pretty cool rule and basically turns your units into marker lights that also do damage! If you get both the five hits on a unit and have them exposed, you will have all kinds of buffs. So be sure to order your shots correctly so your better units get the bonuses.

Crossfire Stratagems

Genestealer cults stratagems

If that sounds powerful already, you’d be right, and that’s far from all the Genestealer Cults can do with their Crossfire units. Coming under such heavy fire often renders enemies completely unable to defend against an incoming charge and gives their attackers plenty of time to hack away before risking retaliation.

Covering Fire for 1CP is pretty nice to get your units where you want them without the enemy being able to do anything about it. Coordinated Assault is also a great way to get all of your attacks in before the enemy even has a chance.

A Perfect Ambush

Genestealer cults crossfire rules 2

You can even upgrade one of your units to be able to use the Crossfire rule as soon as they arrive from Reinforcements, meaning that your enemies are never safe from the Genestealer Cults.

For 15 points this can be insanely strong. While it will only be for one turn, you’ll be getting +1 to hit, adding 1 to your Wound rolls, and ignoring cover!

New Genestealer Cult Brood Brothers Rules!

Brood Brothers

You can include an entire Detachment from Codex: Astra Militarum in your Genestealer Cults army. Not only does this give you access to lots of additional units but, even better, it doesn’t prevent the Genestealer Cult units from using the awesome new Crossfire rule to gun down anyone standing in the way of your rebellion.

This is a GSC classic and we like to see how they are handling it this time around. Just remember to not let the amount go over 25% of your Power Rating , not points. While they are generally similar, just pay attention or you’ll lose your Crossfire rules.

Brood Brothers 2

Previously, Infantry units would get a boost to their Leadership thanks to the Cult’s shared consciousness. Now, that boon is stronger than ever and spreads to all Brood Brothers forces. While they may not gain the Crossfire keyword, it’s hard for the massive firepower offered by a Heavy Weapons Squad or some Valkyrie air support to go unappreciated by Acolyte and Primus alike.

Getting this for everything is really nice and of course, Infantry gaining the Unquestioning Loyalty is going to help them stay on the field longer.

They also mention taking heavy hitters like the Leman Russ tank (now with a 2+) save along with Heavy Weapon squads etc.

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

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