Value & Pricing For 40k Kill Team: Octarius Starter Box

kill-team-octarius-worth-value-pricingCheck out the value and pricing for the new Warhammer 40k Kill Team: Octarius Box that comes with some key in-demand products for hobbyists!

Obviously, when you compare Octarius to the Kill Team Pariah Nexus Starter Box, it has way more inside. So if you were hoping for the box to be the exact same price, it sorta makes sense this new one is $200. (which is $40 more than Pariah Nexus). This time. though you get more awesome terrain in the box instead of a little throw terrain here and there.

Hopefully, they release the minis included faster than they did with Pariah Nexus, which came out nearly 3 months later, but still was faster than the ‘normal” 4-6 months or so.

Anyway, take a second to look back at Pariah Nexus, and then let’s get into the values of Octarius.

Latest on Warhammer 40k Kill Team: Octarius Starter Box

As it turns out Octarius is not the actual starter box for Kill Team, it was a limited edition box set available to hobbyists and contains a similar amount of figures and terrain inside with a retail price of $200.

40k Kill Team Starter

The actual Kill Team starter set was revealed by Games Workshop at Gen Con and features the same Ork Kommandos and Death Korps of Kreig Veterans from Octarius with a little less terrain. We would expect this to have a $150 price tag based on the previous starter set versions of Warhammer 40k Indomitus and Age of Sigmar Dominion that followed the limited edition boxes just like Octarius.

40k Kill Team Starter 2

As we said, if you’re getting into the game, this will probably be the easiest and cheapest way to do it, if you missed out on Octarius that is. Now, let’s get to the exciting part, the Orks and DKoK are getting separate boxes on their own!

40k Kill Team Starter 4

While we don’t have an exact date, they usually don’t reveal the boxes more than a month or so out. It is interesting they are putting these in Kill Team-specific boxes, but we could always see new 40k branded boxes for them at a later date.

Values & Pricing For 40k Kill Team: Octarius Starter Box

Kill Team Octarius layout

In the Octarius Kill Team box you get more minis in this (but no characters), waaaaay better terrain, the new books, and all the accessories you need to play. So just looking at that, right away the difference in price from Pariah Nexus is understandable, but let’s break down everything inside and see.


  • 10DKoK Troops $50-60 (potentially broken into two sets for later release, with two regular troops sprues at $45, maybe with the full command staff for $55)
  • 10 Orks $50-60 (based on similar sized new units)


This is where it gets a little weird because you basically get half of the Ork Mekboy Shop (rubble piles and barricades) plus what looks to be about a Battlezone’s worth of dedicated unreleased Ork terrain.

Honestly, we expect the terrain here will end up being worth way more if/when GW releases them as their respective kits when the Ork release(s) finally hit later this year.


But wait there is more! Both the Core Rulebook as well as the Templates and accessories will all have separate products at launch. So hobbyists that just want those to play their existing armies can buy the rulebook and compendium, and applicable accessories while hobbyists getting this box would in theory just need the Compendium to be up and running with any new and current Kill Teams!

  • Kill Team Rulebook $50 
  • Tac Ops Cards $18 (may be different than the separate product- 54 in the box versus 51 in Tac Ops Pack?)
  • Kill Zone Essentials $35

Total MSRP $378 on the low side

Total Value (ESTIMATED) $178 

That puts this as having about an extra $178 minimum extra in value which is considerably more value than the Pariah Nexus box. Honestly, that valuation realistically depends on the retail price of the new DKoK and Orks, which could conceivably release with up to a $60 price tag in the near future.

KT box set

Still, this is all conjecture at this point, but the numbers are pretty close to what we saw for the last Kill Team Starter set to release in 2018– with about $180 in value as well (but from a $130 price tag).

Check out the latest New Release Roadmap & Gen Con Reveals!

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