40k Kill Team Pariah Nexus Box Value

kill team boxWe’re going to compare this to some older sets to find the value of the new 40k Pariah Nexus Kill Team box, to see if it’s worth it!

GW likes to release certain minis exclusively to Kill Team before they get a regular release. This set in particular seems to be a “paywall” for some of the key units Priamris and Necron players have been waiting for since Indomitus.

Sometimes the boxes are pretty worthwhile though if you can split them with a friend because of all the extras. Nothing wrong with getting into a game with a single box and you can also use all the minis in your 40k games.

If you’ve been craving those new Flayed Ones like they crave flesh, you may not really care about the value. But if you don’t mind waiting, we saw the exact same thing with the Kelermorph and eventually, he went up for sale himself. They also revealed some of the rules for this, if you want to check those out, you can here. Anyway, let’s jump into the value of this thing!

40k Kill Team Pariah Nexus Box Value

Just to note first, we haven’t seen a big box revealed for Kill Team since 2019, so we should expect a little price increase for the box, we’re just hoping it’s not too much. You get 12 minis, the Pariah Nexus book, objective cards, a decent amount of terrain, and the game board.

Really, the biggest value comes in the minis that aren’t released to regular circulation yet. That means the value is a little intangible with a side of early birdness as well.

  • Necron Chronomancer $35 (based on other characters
  • 5 Flayed Ones $55 (up from $45 in finecast- this is a “best guess” price)
  • Space Marine Captain $35
  • 5 Heavy Intercessors $55 (already rumored, and would match Chaos Havocs & the Flayed Ones- this is a “best guess” price)
  • All Accessories $90 (based on the Kill Team: Arena Box which had almost identical contents minus minis ) 

Total: $270

MSRP: $160

Value: $110

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new plastic flayed onesThat is all well and good, but what is the price of the box going to look like? Well, the Kill Team: Rogue Trader ran for $130 with basically the same amount of stuff. That was in 2018, so we expect some price increase.

We thought this box could come in right around $150, and it turned out to be $160 retail. Which could make the value of this box as much as $110. That’s pretty decent, but if you just want the minis, well, even splitting it is basically paying $80 for about $90 worth of models seems like not that great of a deal.

It seems like GW has put a premium on “early-bird” pricing.

heavy intercessors

So you won’t really save much, but you will get some minis before anyone who waits. So the value really comes in two places. If you want to get into Kill Team in general, and if you can’t wait for the minis inside to be released in their own sets.

Because let us face it, it’s GW, they will release these models on their own, (or repackaged again) at least one more time…

Will you be picking this up? Do you think it’s worthwhile to grab a set like this for the unreleased minis?

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