Reasons Why We’ll See New 40k Chaos Marine Previews

Haarken Worldclaimer

Will new Chaos 40k models be joining the fight on Vigilus, or does Games Workshop have something else planned entirely for the ongoing series.

Haarken promised Abaddon that Vigilus would belong to Chaos in 80 days. GW released an 80-day countdown video which, from the time of its release, points to March 5th, 2019. We’re only a little over a month away from seeing more Chaos previews, along with what the future holds for Vigilus.

Let’s take a look at where we’re at and what we’ve seen so far as well as the latest report from Marneus Calgar.

Haarken’s Declaration

We Have Returned!

The video ends in a countdown clock to a date 30-ish days from when the video was released:

Using the clock in the video to where we are now, it indicates March 5th 2019, but what exactly may happen that day is still very much a mystery.

Do you think Chaos could explode with support in the form of new models and rules? Well here are some of our guesses which of course is just 100% pure speculation and wishlisting.

Taken literally what the countdown really could be, however, is the day that actual new models and content previews arrive from Games Workshop, as March 5th, 2019 is on a Tuesday.

Haarken officially thrust his spear into the shattered wastes of Vigilus and declared that the planet would belong to Chaos very soon. However, Marneus Calgar is commanding the forces of the Imperium to put a halt to this. Marneus being Haarken’s opponent should be a serious threat to him. After all, in GW’s eyes, the Ultramarines don’t have failure in their vocabulary.

Hopefully, this isn’t just another ending to a campaign that we can see from a mile away where the good guys beat the bad guys and everyone calls it a day.

A Second Book To Vigilus

There may be no better indicator that there will be a Vigilus book two, with potentially new rules for Chaos and any new models they release (such as the case with Haarkan, and Primarneus), than the first book itself.

Vigilus Book Two Warhammer 40k

Vigilus Part 1

Why else would GW put “I” on the spine of the book, if they were not planning on making additional parts to it?

Chaos is Rolling out New Warmachines

urban conquest 2

What happens when a Spider bites a Daemon Prince? That thing. 

Forces of the Black Legion were spotted making their way through a blasted archway with some kind of (Daemon Engine?) which we’ve never seen before. From what we can tell, it looks like it doesn’t have any real shooting weaponry. It might be able to lash at something with its tongue but that looks to be about it. The real weapons look like the armored legs with spikes.

Not the First Time We’ve Seen New Black legion Models

blackstone fortress

Blackstone Fortress had just a sprinkling of some new Black Legion models. Take a close look at the two Marines. They look much more in-line with the Marines in the art from Urban Conquest. Maybe Black Legion are getting specific kits in the future.

new chaos new years open sm abaddon

Lastly, a Chaos Sorcerer model was spotted for the Warhammer New Year’s Open Day painted up in the colors of the Black Legion.

rogue psyker

He’s got some similarities to the Rogue Psykers found inside Blackstone Fortress as he’s levitating and holding a staff. The only real difference is that he’s in power armor and doesn’t have a massive head. On a side note, did you notice what’s in the background of the Psyker model?

We highlighted it in red. That’s unmistakably Abaddon’s arm. He still uses Horus’s Claw hand and it’s an iconic figure for the Black Legion after all. He may be lurking within the ranks of the Black Legion biding his time to jump out and attack Marneus Calgar.

Remember GW likes to hide new models in plain sight as well a lot of times, and they have not directly addressed the walker art above yet either.

Marneus Gives a Status Report

vigilus 2 rumors

With word on Vigilus being quiet for quite a while, we noticed Marneus’s status report on the Warhammer 40,000 Facebook Page  It sounds like the Ultramarines are paving a path to victory on the already-claimed lands whether by Xenos or by Chaos. However, he’s showing worry about what’s to come. If this isn’t textbook foreshadowing, we don’t know what is!

Perhaps only the forces of the Archenemy would worry Marneus so, and as we say with the New Years Open, there is most definitely a new Chaos Space Marine on the way!

las vegas open

Also as you may already know tomorrow on February 7th 2019 Games Workshop will be hosting a preview seminar at the Las Vegas Open.

Warhammer Community had this to say about the upcoming previews which bodes well for all Warhammer hobbyists:

We can’t reveal anything about this year’s LVO preview yet, save that it’s going to blow you away, whatever you collect. The preview will be held on Thursday night in Las Vegas…

For a glimpse at what we may see there, let’s jump back and take a look at LVO 2018.

Last year’s preview showed us what was next for Warhammer 40k codex faction wise, new releases for WHU: Shadespire and introduced the Daughters of Khaine for the first time.

Perhaps PriMarneus will make an appearance as well with more news on what’s next lore and release wise for Vigilus as well?


Either way, it is probably assured that the fighting is only going to continue with a second Vigilus book.

marneus haarkan

Ultimately, we’re about a month away from when Haarken’s time is supposed to run out. We know that failure is not an option for the Ultramarines as time and time again, they have won their battles in the lore.

What do you think everything will boil down to when the clock strikes zero? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.