Only 1 Week Left For Chaos Space Marine Countdown!

eternal crusade abaddon

Multiple waves of Chaos releases look to be headed our way! With the Vigilus clock running down to the wire, what can we expect to see after March 5th?

Haarken, Abaddon, and everything from the Shadowspear box (which we still haven’t seen all the previews for) are revolving around Vigilus. When Haarken, the Lord of Raptors was introduced, an eighty-day countdown clock began. Haarken told Abaddon that would be all the time he needed to claim Vigilus under Chaos (which started on December 16th).

We Have Returned!

The clock that began to countdown in the video

From the timing above it appears the video indicates March 5th, 2019, (which is as of this writing 8 days away) but what exactly may happen that day is still a bit of a mystery.

With all of the previews that have been popping up, we are beginning to think that it’s all way too much to release at once. We may see three or more waves of Chaos goodies released over time after March 5th.

First Wave: Shadowspear?

Why are we calling Shadowspear the first wave? Well, that’s because it was the first previewed Box Set back from LVO showcasing four new things for Chaos. We think a Box Set will hit the shelves and then other Chaos units will trickle down the pipe as time goes on.

Shadowspear was among the first previews containing forces of Chaos & Space Marines. The Box will contain all new miniaturesTake a look at what was previewed at the front of the line.


chaos venom crawler

Arachnid Daemon Engine Venomcrawler

…the Venomcrawler is a skittering horror that provides withering infernal fire support. This thing is so saturated in the taint of the Warp that its presence thins the veil of reality itself, allowing Daemons easier access to realspace.

New Obliterator Models

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New Obliterator models are coming inside the box that look to be festering with Chaos warp taint. These brutes are fantastic on the table and become even scarier with the Mark of Slaanesh.

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Obliterator from the LVO 2019 preview with cannon and underslung flamer!

Master of Possessions


chaos sorcerer

The New Sorcerer that was previewed earlier is actually some kind of named character that specializes in possessions. He’ll be armed with spells that are specifically designed to help out Daemon allies and corrupt the enemies around him.

New Chaos Marine Models

new chaos marines

While the Chaos Marine unit itself is nothing new, the black Legion are getting completely new sculpts! It’s been a long time coming for Chaos support and we’re finally getting it!

Other Release Waves From Rumor Daemon Engines

New Chaos is Here: Double Rumor Engine Teaser From GW

gw store rumor engine

Games Workshop’s first rumor Daemon engine was introduced showing a Daemon-infused backpack. What else could be in store?

New Chaos Space Marine Teasers Are Here!

khorne daemonkin sm wal chaos

Two Chaos Space Marines Teasers are here, plus we’ve got images of Chaotic melee goodness as well!

Pew! Pew! New Chaos Space Marine Heavy Weapon SPOTTED!

daemon engine warhammer community preview rumor teaser

GW’s rumor Daemon engine rolled out another bit for us to break down. Like the others before, we know it’s something that’s been tainted by the Warp.

GW Teases New Chaos Marine Heavy Bolter Makeover!

heavy bolter chaos space marine

More Chaos Space Marines are here. This teaser is what looks to be a makeover for a weapon that is the staple of Marines good and bad, the Heavy Bolter!

More New Chaos Spotted: Possessed or Mutilator?

gw store rumor engine warhammer community

GW has another Chaos rumor engine in store for us. It looks like there is something very Daemonic on the way for Chaos Marines soon!

GW Rumor Daemon Engine: New Bits REVEALED

daemon engine wal hor new chaos warhammer community

Games Workshop revealed another rumor Daemon engine bit of a pretty gruesome hand. We’ve got two guesses of what it goes to.

Rumor Daemon Engine: Daemonic Cook Book

khorne daemonkin sm wal chaos

Check out this Chaos teaser from Games Workshop!  Rumor Daemon engines are all appearing to be surging with Warp-tainted energy!

New Chaos Is Here: Skull Collector Rumor Engine


GW dropped another rumor Daemon engine and we feel like we have a pretty good idea of what we’re looking at. Break down this bitt with us!

RUMORS: New Abaddon’s Trophy Rack of Horrors?

eternal crusade abaddon

Warhammer Community showcased a new rumor Daemon engine with the classic spikes of Chaos. But these may not be just any spikes…these could belong to the Warmaster himself!rumor engine 2-19-19

Speaking of Abaddon, we had a short teaser video showcasing bits and pieces of his new model. It’s no mistake that you can see the Talon of Horus and his iconic Daemon sword in hand.  Abaddon may be ushering in the second release wave after Shadowspear.


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Well played, GW, the 10th Primaris Lieutenant is here…

The unmistakable Talon of Horus wielded by Abaddon the Despoiler.

The Daemon sword Drach’nyen


Hidden In Plain Sight? New 40k Terrain Coming For Chaos!

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Looking at one of the more recent Daemon Rumor Engines, this clue popped up. This doesn’t look like any kind of handheld weapon or a weird angle on some power armor. To us, this looks like the business end of a terrain piece on its way to Chaos.

The rumor bit looks to be some kind of elevated platform with a massive almost guillotine-like blade in the center. Our gut feeling tells us that this might be a terrain piece for Chaos that may sacrifice models for bonuses. You would just slide a few models underneath the blade while a Sorcerer on top is chanting Rites. Then…THWACK the people below are no more and the Chaos gods are a little pleased.

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Who knows…If there is a Sorcerer on top of the terrain piece, these rumor Daemon engine bits could be a part of his ensemble. He would need a candle-lit altar and a book to chant his Rites after all…right?

AoS: Hidden In Plain Sight


gnawhole chains

Age of Sigmar’s latest faction to get updated was the Skaven Clans. It also just so happens that the Fantasy Rats are aligned with Chaos, and they just got their own terrain piece called Gnawholes.  Those also feature the same kind of chains that were spotted in the rumor Daemon engine that we’ve been breaking down from above.

If the rumor Daemon Engine is indeed a terrain piece, it looks like Games Workshop might have thrown the digital chain design from AoS onto the 40k model (as they are both technically Chaos) and called it a day!

Regardless of however Games Workshop decides to dish out the Chaos support in the coming weeks, we know we have loads in store for us. Plus there’s still possibly another week of these Daemon rumor engines leading up to March 5th as well!

And don’t forget there are new Loyalist models on the way too, that may get a ton of new models as well…

What are your thoughts of Chaos in 8th edition? Do they need new models or new units more? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby group.