RUMORS: New 40k Tyranids Gargoyles 40k Datasheet Rules!

New Tyranids Gargoyles 40k rules have been spotted on the web and the Fleshborer is looking quite spicy!

Before we start with this one, while these images are not 100% confirmed to be correct, they do not appear to be altered leading us to believe they are authentic or at the very least from a playtest version of the new Tyranids codex.

At the end of the day they are technically a rumor, so take these with some salt.

These rules were spotted making the rounds online and as we said, if they’re true, they will be turning some heads for sure with increased range, Strength, and AP.

Which in theory, would also make Termagants way better. Before we jump into the rumors, let’s start with what we know so far (especially since they mentioned specifically the Parasite of Mortrex leading Gargoyles):

GW Confirms New Tyranids 40k Codex Rules With Preview

Tyranids codex


Inside the book you’ll find fully updated rules for the Tyranids and their key hive fleets, as well as background information leading from their first contact with mankind right up to the present day’s apocalyptic Octarian War. Despite the Imperium’s best efforts, Hive Fleet Leviathan runs rampant, and it seems that not even the largest Ork empire in the galaxy can stop them.

As befits a new codex, there’ll be a wealth of rules content from Stratagems and Warlord Traits to Hive Fleet adaptations and the return of Synaptic Link abilities. You’ll also be able to take your fleet on a Crusade campaign of its own, and while we can’t say anything about the specifics just yet, it’s safe to say you’ll be doing the complete opposite of any local T’au Empire players.

The new art is actually pretty cool and we’ve seen a ton of rules leaks which may be confirmed by this Synaptic Link abilities bit above.

This was the latest rules rumor for Synapse:

Synaptic links:

    • Included on every synapse model for no additional cost, and are the mono-faction bonus. At the beginning of the round and once per game effects that work on every unit within 6″ of every Synapse Unit. Once per link, but unsure.

So we have somewhat of an idea to expect, however, don’t judge too soon as we need to see how everything works together. There has been a little bit of salt out there, but new books are always good, so don’t get too worried yet!

Plus don’t forget to check out all the new Tyranids Crusher Stampede rules they just got as well by clicking here.

GW Reveals New Tyranids Parasite of Mortrex Model & Rules

Parasite of Mortrex 2


Parasite of Mortrex 3


Wait, could that be? Yes, it’s the legendary Parasite of Mortrex! This winged Tyranid monstrosity will soon cast a gruesome shadow over the battlefields of Warhammer 40,000.

This huge flying gribbly – first encountered on the planet of Mortrex – was originally mentioned in the 5th edition Tyranid codex, and Crusade rules have allowed Tyranid characters to mimic its horrifying implant attack… but nothing compares to the real deal. With its new plastic model, this classic critter is lunging out of the lore and onto the tabletop for the first time ever. 

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Honestly, it’s a pretty cool model and from the size of what we’ve seen before, it’s just about the size of a Warrior.

It all sticks to the Hexapod style of the Tyranids organism design with a consolidated thorax, six appendages consisting of two sets of wriggly arms, and a set of wings.

When compared to the old 5th edition artwork of the Parasite, this is about as close as you can get. Plus, it makes for an easy addition to the codex because there is already background lore for it and plenty of people remember it

Parasite of MortrexSure there are a few new pieces of flair on the new model, but it looks about the same to us!

It also really looks like Games Workshop may be pushing Gargoyles in the new book, as they even mention it leading a group of them with Synapse. Speaking of them, let’s check out the rumored rules!

RUMORS: New 40k Tyranids Gargoyles Rules Spotted!

Old Gargoyles datasheetOld Datasheet

Gargoyle datasheetNew IKEA Style Datasheet

Well, the stat line itself stays the same, but what’s really different is the Fleshborer! With 6 extra range, an extra Strength, and -1 Ap, it’s just way better.

Wounding all Marine models on 3’s and actually having AP just makes this so much better. Not to mention the extra range. We’ll have to see on this one because as we said if this is true, it’s a huge buff.

Tyranids Gargoyles Datasheet Rules

gargoyles troops points codex tyranids 1

Unfortunately, we don’t know all the special rules, but from the symbol next to the painted model it appears that Gargoyles are making the move to the Troops slot!

swarming masses

It looks like with these new rules and a much better weapon, people might actually field some Gargoyles once again!  This would also mean Termagants might be making a bigger return as their shooting might actually do something!

Either way, exciting times are on the way for Tyranids along with rules and models via all these rumors and reveals. Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should keep an eye out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

What do you think about the new Tyranids Gargoyles rules? 

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