Sir Hekhtur & Canis Rex Knight Character Rules

forgoten knight walpaper

There’s a new Knight sheriff in town, and his name is Sir Hekhtur. Check out the rumored rules for the new character model and his custom knight Canis Rex that were just spotted.

Since before Adepticon, we had heard an awful lot recently about the new Imperial Knight codex, and Games Workshop even has teased us with some images of the Castellan Knight.

Imperial Knights 2018 Release

We already know there are GIANT FREAKING ROBOTS on the way with their very own codex from the announcement at Adepticon this year.

Castellan Knight New

Knight Castellan 


Scanner has been hinting there may be a lot more meat to the Imperial Knights codex that people have been expecting. However, these are just rumors of what may be on the way rules-wise for the Imperial Knights in 8th Edition:

knight wal hor


Sir Hekhtur & Canis Rex Knight Character Rules Rumors

According to Scanner:

Sir Hecktor & Canis Rex cost 50 more than Robbie G to field. Rex is the new Preceptor class 4A hits on 2+ for CC &Range. Pulse Laser 36″ 2d6 S6 -2 D3 or 18″ D6 S12 -4 d6 damage. Hand of Liberty (melee) S16 -4 2d6 Damage (always at least a 6) trhows dead vehicles and monsters 9″ doing d3 MW on a 4+.  If Sir Hecktor survives Rex’s 2d6 explosion d6MW explosion sets up on board and plays. Vet Guard statline w/ Archotech pistol S5 -2 2. Affected by Freeblade table.

Looks like a new hero in shining armor may be on the way for the Imperial Knights very shortly with this snapshot posted up on the Reg Standard, that seems to depict the weapons mentioned above:

Sir Hecktor & Canis Rex imperial knight

If this pans out to be true that’s a pretty HUGE lineup of new releases with some cool rules for a codex previously only had a handful of datasheets.

Perhaps the combination of Mechanicus and Questor rules will be enough to fill a normal sized 8th edition codex, and four new releases wouldn’t hurt either.

Existing Knight Lineup:imperial knight lineupNo “official” word on the release date for Imperial Knights, however, we know the new Rogue Trader box is on the horizon, as well as Age of Sigmar 2.0 for June.  Sources have told us the Knight Codex will drop by the middle of June.

Are you looking forward to the upcoming Imperial Knight Codex and some GIANT FREAKING ROBOTS? Check out the latest on the Knights and what everyone is saying about these rumors over on our Facebook Hobbies Group.

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