Tom Holland Asked Superman Henry Cavill To Play Warhammer

Spider-Man Just Asked Superman To Play WarhammerYou read that right. In a recent interview Tom Holland the actor that plays Spider-Man asked Henry Cavill the actor who plays Superman if he could play Warhammer with him.

What a time to be alive. We all know Henry Cavill is into Warhammer, but in a recent interview on the Graham Norton show, he not only confirmed he plays it but mentioned that he has folks over to play it.

Not only that, but there were a few other guests on the show that day that seemed interested in Warhammer too..

Spider-Man Tom Holland Asks Superman Henry Cavill To Play Warhammer

What a time to be alive. We all know Henry Cavill is into Warhammer, but in a recent interview on the Graham Norton show, he not only confirmed he plays it but mentioned that he has folks over to game as well!

But it gets better because Tom Holland, the actor who plays Spider-Man, got in on the roasting of Cavill a bit, but in the end, asked to come over and play Warhammer too.

That’s not all, it’s possible this just went from a Warhammer Celebrity double feature to a triple event!

tom holland and zendaya warhammer

It is easy to miss but look closely at the guest dressed in green in the quick pan above.  It’s the actress Zendaya that not only plays Spider-Man’s girlfriend ‘MJ’ in the movies but is also Tom Holland’s significant other in real life.

tom holland and zendaya warhammer

So not only may Spider-Man get to play Warhammer with Superman, but there is a possibility MJ will be there too…  What an amazingly mainstream time for the Warhammer hobby. We can’t wait to see what comes next!

Between the WWE and Hollywood, Warhammer seems to quickly become more and more mainstream.  Check out more articles on Warhammer going mainstream below!

All the latest on Warhammer, Henry Cavill, & More

What do you think of Superman Henry Cavill playing a game of Warhammer with Spider-Man Tom Holland?

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