Top 10 Warhammer 40k Army Showcases of 2018

By Wesley Floyd | December 25th, 2018 | Categories: Army Showcase, Top 10, Warhammer 40k News

wobbly moddelers tau

Remember these amazing painted armies? With the year coming to a close we felt like this would be a great time to look back at our top armies of the 2018!

Warhammer 40k is home to all kinds of factions and there are certain paint colors that can really make a collection pop – not to mention dope conversions as well! Art may be subjective, but these talented hobbyists have turned these Imperium, Tau, and even Khorne Berserker armies into masterpieces.

Here are the top 10 Painted Armies that we featured here in 2018, based on reader views throughout the year.

1. On a Steel Horse They Ride: Primaris Army Showcase

gmm steel horse

GMM Studios has done it again, kicking off the year with an amazing Clan Lachesis original army. These models and display board look absolutely amazing and show off some great techniques.

2. Fly Him Closer: Dark Angels Primaris Army Showcase

dark angels army showcase 3

Fly him closer he wants to hit them with his power sword. Come see a very cool Dark Angels Primaris and Ravenwing army painted with a uniquely mysterious, knightly flair.

3. 2000+ Points of Custodes: Army Showcase

custodes dark bunny creatives

The Adeptus Custodes look fantastic and hit hard with a limited variety of model choices. Take a look at over 2000 points of the best the Custodes units they have to offer!

4. Deadpool’s T’au Posse: Army Showcase

wobbly moddelers tau

Deadpool has made it to the T’au homeworld and found a way to add his own flare to their army… for the greater good, of course. Take a look at this fun converted T’au army showcase!

5. Ocean Pattern T’au: Army Showcase

den of imagination tau ocean

The T’au are ready to battle with this amazingly painted ocean-themed army showcase. Take a look at these absolutely gorgeous models by Den of Imagination.

6. Khorne Army Showcase: The Mountain of Madness

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GMM studios have another amazing army showcase, this time featuring warriors of Khorne. Take a look at this amazing display board and fantastic models aptly named the Mountain of Madness!

7. Army Showcase: Craftworld Mymeara

Craftworld Mymeara Eldar Showcase Vampire Hunter

The reclusive Aeldari of Craftworld Mymeara and known for their striking teal and blue armor. Take a look at this painted army showcase that captures those unique tones so well!

8. Over the Top: Tau Ion Plasma Storm Army Showcase

tau ghostkeel

You really owe it to yourself to check out what we think is one of the best looking Tau armies out there, painted in an Ion Plasma Storm pattern by Top Miniature Studios.

9. Foreign French Guard Legion: Army Showcase

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The French have had ENOUGH of all the drama going on in the galaxy. They came in a stronger than WWI at the latest Beats Lab Tournament.

10. Khorne’s Blood Pact: Warzone Atlanta Army Showcase

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Warzone Atlanta 2018 was the host of all sorts of beautifully painted armies. Check out these worshippers of Khorne and what they brought along with them.

And there you have it. Those are the top 10 armies that you all have checked out the most over this past year. Which army is your favorite? Are you working on bringing your army up to this quality? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.