Over the Top: Tau Ion Plasma Storm Army Showcase

By Drago | January 25th, 2019 | Categories: Army Showcase, Tau, Top Miniatures, Videos

tau ghostkeel

You really owe it to yourself to check out what we think is one of the best looking Tau armies out there, painted in an Ion Plasma Storm pattern by Top Miniature Studios.

The T’au fight for the greater good of everything in the galaxy and need to bring out the big guns at times to make their point.

The folks over at Top Miniatures Studio have painted some amazing Tau in Ion Plasma Storm pattern for us in the past, and they were able to match it up to our specifications for 8th Edition reinforcements.

Top Miniatures is a commission studio with a variety of price ranges and options, and the paint job for this commission is absolutely fantastic, the attention to detail is truly amazing, and everything is cleanly done.

tau army showcase

The army includes a Ghostkeel, Broadsides, Stealth Suits, and the Supremacy Armor. The bases are custom, the golds have non-metal metallic and the snow looks absolutely fresh The Just check out the attention to detail with the airbrush. All the hyper-edge highlights are crisp and fantastic, the plasma glow is great, and everything is posed quite dynamically. Some items on the army are even magnetized to switch between weapon options, based on points and strategies.

tau ion storm pattern

The army combines heavy weapon choices, elites, fast attacks, and some new troop choices with drone upgrades and interchangeable weapons. There are now many stratagems, weapon options, and more to make the T’au a fun army to play, so long as you stay out of close combat!

tau big guns

For more information regarding commissions from Top Miniatures, or to see some of their other fantastic work, be sure to check out their website. To see the entire showcase, press play on the video below!

Miniatures Painted For Promotion and Review