TWO New Games Workshop Previews in the Next 2 Weeks!

new gw previews adepticon LVO nova openWith AdeptiCon and GAMA coming up, there could be two new Games Workshop previews coming in the next two weeks- check it out!

While they haven’t announced either preview quite yet, the last two times these events happened, GW had some pretty sizable previews for new minis! GAMA is taking place from March 14th-18th, and GW is a sponsor, so there are some good grounds to hope for new minis there! Then, AdeptiCon is taking place from March 23rd-27th and they always have big reveals.

Let’s check out what we saw last time and what could be next time around!

Two New Games Workshop Previews in the Next 2 Weeks!

Adepticon Feature r walIf you’ve been feeling a little hobby dry as of late, well, we hope this will come to fruition and actually get big things going. Considering GW has been super slow on the release schedule, this would make sense as they are saving up the big reveals for these two cons.

With GAMA coming first, we don’t have a ton to go off, other than this, GW previewed stuff last time the show took place and they are a big sponsor of the event. So, keep your eyes open next week for GAMA previews!

For AdeptiCon, GW has always brought out the big guns, so we just think they are waiting until a little closer to give us the teaser. so with that in mind, let’s check out what came out last time!

adepticon wal 2Warhammer Community at Adepticon 2019

Last AdeptiCon Reveal in 2019

keeper of secrets 2There were some awesome reveals at AdeptiCon including the Keeper of Secrets from above, Fabius Bile, and plenty of Elves! The reveal was pretty heavily focused on AoS last time around, but since they haven’t said anything yet, it could really be wide open. They also have been a little behind on the releases lately, so who knows, maybe we just see one or two new models or something that’s months away now. Let’s hope it’s not the latter…

GAMA 2020

Gama 2020Back in 2020 GAMA also had a pretty big reveal with Necromunda, Adeptus Titanicus, AoS, and more. So, with GW being a sponsor again this year, we don’t see any reason why they wouldn’t at least show off something this year. This is all during the week as well, so it might give them some stuff to put out for WC throughout the week.

However, AdeptiCon is usually the bigger of the two reveals, so if they skip either it could be this one. Just be sure to keep checking back the week of March 14th-18th. 

While we’re thinking about old cons, check out some of the really cool armies we saw from the last AdeptiCon way back in 2019!

Best 40k Armies from Adepticon 2019 Day 1

adepticon necron 2Here are some of our favorite armies that we saw at the Adepticon 2019 40k Championships.

Top Age of Sigmar Armies of Adepticon 2019

sylvaneth 2

Adepticon had the full Age of Sigmar scene going! Take a look at what the event managed to bring in from all the corners of the globe.

Top Horus Heresy Armies of Adepticon 2019

nightlords 2Adepticon didn’t shy away from showing Horus Heresy from love. Check out the Legions in all their glory as they made their way to the tabletop.

Long War 40k Doubles Top Painted Armies: Adepticon 2019

lwd 4The team tournament always has some really awesome combo armies!

What reveals do you think we’ll see? Are you going to either event this year? 

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