What Could Be Next From GW? Adepticon Preview LATEST

Love GW miniatures? Get the latest on what new releases may be previewed by Games Workshop tonight at their seminar at Adepticon 2019!

Warhammer Community is going to be hosting a new release preview tonight at Adepticon 2019:

It’s AdeptiCon week – and whether you’re there in person or following along with the action online, it’s going to be an exciting one!

Before we jump into some of the things that we may see previewed, let’s go over what we saw revealed last year.

Adepticon 2018 Reveals

Around this time last year, we saw three codexes get announced. Knights, Harlequins, and Deathwatch.  Looking at 2019, we’ve still got only the Ynnari left as a faction that could get a codex. Perhaps we’ll see the long-rumored Space Marines 2.0 codex?

As for the Mortal Realms, and the Deepkin emerged on the scene for the first time!

First new Non-Gw Event Exclusive:

Over the past few years, we’ve been lucky enough to support and attend some fantastic independent events around the world, with AdeptiCon being just one of the highlights of our calendar. The passion of the organizers and attendees of these events has been nothing short of inspirational, and we really wanted to do something extra special to reward their commitment to the Warhammer hobby. So, starting at AdeptiCon 2019, we’ll be introducing all-new miniatures and giving them exclusively to events like AdeptiCon and their attendees. Here’s an early concept of what that first miniature might look like:

Warhammer: Underworlds Shadespire (2018)


This time last year, we saw a few new cards get previewed for Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire. Keep in mind, we’ve already progressed into a new Chapter of Warhammer Underworlds called Nightvault. Could we see some new supplements like extra cards or more playing boards? We’ve seen Mollog’s Mob and the Godsworn Hunt releases and currently there looks to be only TWO more on deck for Nightvault.

Sylvaneth’s Woodsman

NV trailer 3

The Sylvaneth left their forest and are coming into the Nightvault as well. What could be their motive of creeping down into the depths of Warhammer Underworlds? The same theme follows here, it looks like the main lady in the back is going to be a caster, while her band of fighters are specialized in their own weapons.

Kharadron Spelunkers

NV trailer 4

Kharadron Overlords are going to be a little out of place without their flying contraptions! They are still Dwarves at the end of the day. The Kharadron are probably completely okay with creeping through dark corridors below the ground.

What’s in Store for Adepticon 2019 From GW

A whole host of games are going to be played as well as a live stream at the top tables. You can get a first-hand look at the bruiser lists spotted at the event. Of course, to give you an idea on where the meta is going. The Warhammer team will also be giving an inside look at what’s on the way to the shelves.

Meet the Community Team

What Could Be Next From GW? Adepticon Preview LATEST

If you’re at AdeptiCon in person, come say hi! We’ll be around all throughout the event, and recognisable by our (rather fetching) Warhammer Community shirts. You’ll be able to catch studio Megaboss Pete Foley and pick up some painting tips from Duncan himself.

Warhammer Live

What Could Be Next From GW? Adepticon Preview LATEST

Over four days, we’ll be broadcasting from the AdeptiCon Warhammer 40,000 Team Tournament, Warhammer 40,000 Championships, Warhammer Age of Sigmar Team Tournament, and Warhammer Age of Sigmar Championships.

We’ll be combining the powers of all-star USA Stream Team, Frankie and Geoff, with our very own Martin and Eddie

The Warhammer Preview

This Wednesday we’ll be bringing you a reveal-packed Warhammer Preview. Make sure to check back for major announcements, new models, and more…


We are still digesting all of the previews that were spotted from the Las Vegas Open But it looks like another wave of previews from GW is on our way.

Ultimately, no matter what games you play, you may want to check back with us tonight. We will be breaking down everything that gets revealed at the event. Keep your eyes peeled on some last minute rumors to pop up as the event kicks off!

What do you think will be revealed at Adepitocn? Will there be something for everybody at the event? Could a third book for Vigilus be announced? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.