GW’s New 2019 Release Roadmap: UPDATED

By Rob Baer | February 5th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Want to know more on all the new releases coming from Games Workshop for 2019? Take a look at the latest news and rumors updated from the weekender!

Games Workshop has had a busy year in 2018 and they aren’t slowing down for 2019 either. Take a look at the latest from the Warhammer New Year’s Open, and the Heresy Weekender, along with all the juicy new release rumors as well.

coming in 2019

Three of GW’s top 5 new previews from January are still on deck for the main brand games still. Let’s start there first!

If you’ve been playing Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress and you’re already hungry for more, you won’t have to wait long – 2019 will see new models for this game of dark quests, and new expansions to boot. If you thought a Man of Iron was cool, you haven’t seen anything yet…

BSF expansion 1

An expansion is on the way for Blackstone Fortress and some kind of monstrous Xenos creature is set to run into the band of explorers. More encounters, a new ship, and a slew of new discovery cards are just a few things that are looking to be inside the expansion.

BSF expansion 2


bsf expansion 3

With Vigilus Defiant now on shelves and in the hands of gamers across the world, the stage is set for the epic second chapter of this massive conflict. With the Black Legion set to arrive on this beleaguered sentinel world, the 41st Millennium could be in for even more major developments…

At the New Years Open Games Workshop dropped one little image that seems to support the return of Chaos and possibly a Vigilus part two campaign book

new chaos new years open sm

While we can’t tell you anything about this guy yet, it’s safe to say he’s not a good guy – and the Imperium is in for some very dark days indeed…

From the picture itself, it appears that not only are there Primaris Space Marines depicted, but also the outstretched Talon of Horus in the top right seems to indicate the presence of Abaddon himself.

There are rumors of Chaos models getting updated and with Haarken’s 80-day countdown to take Vigilus, could Chaos models be hiding just around the corner?

Finally, 2019 is the year it happens. Plastic Sisters of Battle are coming at last – and whether you’re a new player or you’ve been waiting decades for this to happen, it’s going to blow you away…

Sisters of Battle Cover Img

Sisters of Battle Codex is definitely on the way. We just got their Beta codex in Chapter Approved 2018. With that came a whole truckload of Stratagems and rules as well.

We’re still on the lookout for those Plastic Sisters models.

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On the Age of Sigmar side of things Three of their Top 5 previews from January are still on deck and in play for 2019!

While Slaanesh may still be mysteriously absent from the Mortal Realms, his servants have been very busy indeed – we daresay that Wrath and Rapture heralds even more new models for the Hosts…

SLaanesh wal hor daemonette Save Hobby $$$ Buy One Army for 40k & Age of Sigmar!

Slaanesh is stirring in AoS as well. GW hasn’t specifically mentioned that Slaanesh himself would make an appearance in AoS, however, his Daemons are definitely doing his bidding. Wrath & Rapture may only be the start of what’s coming.

Check out what is on page 166 of the Age of Sigmar Rulebook:

slaanesh rumors

“Silk-Clad courtesans… each wearing hideous masks and mock claws

Sounds like Slaanesh may have some allies in the Mortal Realms, that are far from Daemonic… as of yet. Plus spoilers in the passage may seem to indicate even more new miniatures may be on the way as well.

Endless spells have become a much-loved part of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, with every army having the option to take their choice of summoned sorceries. In 2019, we’ll be seeing even more, including powerful and strange new options available to any faction…

endless spells

Endless Spells are coming to AoS and they’ll be usable by any faction. If the art is showing what the spells will look like, we have a flaming skull and some kind of rift portal, on the way. The latest Endless Spell releases we’ve seen are for the Gloomspite Gitz. Showcasing a smaller Bad Moon, a walking Cauldron and more.

But we know there are more on the way for the Carrion Empires of Skaven, and the Flesh Eater Courts as well!

 In 2019, we’ll get to delve more deeply into the spiralling consequences of the Necroquake, with further dispatches from the Soul Wars…

stormcast necroquake

Soul Wars advancements are going to be made. With that, we can suspect more Stormcast Eternals and Nighthaunt models. Check out the latest artwork with the mention of the Necroquake. The Skeleton on the bottom right looks oddly similar to the Warband leader for the Sepulchral Guard in Shadespire. 



Now let’s go over releases that Games Workshop has shifted to the side for now or didn’t recently mention before we map what may be on deck overall for 2019:

With datasheets for using your Forge World Adeptus Custodes, an expanded list of units for the Grey Knights, and rules for using your Sisters of Silence as a standalone army, this book is going to be a treat for Imperium players.

Recently we saw GW roll out the Beta Adeptus Custodes rules, however no word if they will be making into a revamped and updated supplement that was promised by Forge World last year.

Prior to 2017, there was always a 40k Imperial Armor released late summer (technically they followed this pattern in 2017 with the Index: Imperial Armor) and a new Horus Heresy supplement around the holidays, which still happened of sorts with the new red book update. There were however no such updates in 2018 as they seemed busy setting up new warehouses in other countries and subsequently raised their prices 20% or more overnight.

Imperial Armour: Fires of Cyraxus 


Still on deck from 2016, Fires of Cyraxus seems lost in the warp at this point.

Horus Heresy Book 8: Malevolence

Speaking of the Horus Heresy Weekender event, be on the lookout for the new Malevolence book that will be hitting the Forge World store shortly:



malevolence New Forge World Heresy & 40k Models, Rules LATEST


Sanguinius’s rules sheet is going to be found in the book as well as a host of other characters. Daemons are coming to another game with them now being (30k, 40k, and AoS-playable).

Malevolence would be huge if it was just about the Space Marine Legions – but it also sees Daemons enter the fray in full for the first time. We’re talking full-scale incursions – tides of hellspawn pouring forth from open wounds in reality. On the tabletop, this means a full army list that lets you bring daemonic forces to the Horus Heresy

Book Nine working title: Crusade, not Angelus, still about the Dark Angels/NL/Thramas and Dark Mechanicum. -They’re already planning the next step in the timeline.

Speaking of book nine…

hh book 9 1

Thramas crusades are going to be delved into with campaign systems revolving around key missions.

hh book 9 2

With every book like this that drops, there’s one or two Legions that are completely covered. The Dark Angels are going to be getting the spotlight in book nine. Like we are seeing with Malevolence, book nine will also have a host of special characters for the Legion.

hh book 9 3

Looking at the Traitor’s side of things, Dark Mechanicum is going to be getting their full army list as well as more details and coverage on the Nightlords. There haven’t been any specifics on anything and no dates were mentioned.

hh book 9 4

With a glimpse into the future, we know that Horus Heresy isn’t going to be slowing down. They’re already planning the next book and have even taken the liberty of playtesting potential rules more thoroughly to keep the game fair.

What’s Ahead for the Rest of 2019?

A lot has been covered…but not all of it. There are still some rumors floating around the web as well as some previews from a while back that GW seems to be sitting on. Check out the other releases we may need to keep our eyes peeled for.

The Doom of Molech campaign book allows you to fight these battles for yourself, with lore and campaigns that bring the conflicts explored in Black Library’s Vengeful Spirit to life in sumptuous detail. Meanwhile, rules for a variety of Titan Legions offer you even more tactical choice. There’s even the option to field an entire army of nothing but Knights for maximum gallantry – particularly fitting, as Molech was where the most infamous of Traitor Knight Houses, Devine, would reveal the depths of their perfidy and turn upon their allies.



  • RUMORS new Primaris models:  Initially spotted as a rumor, but most hobbyists seem to be expecting new models based of Rumor Engine previews.
  • RUMORS Ynnari Codex Still a rumor. However, this faction has been incredibly powerful throughout 8th edition.
  • Rumored New Space Marine codex 2.0 (compilation book with new material) makes sense seeing how now we have new content that is not in the first codex.

A Second Book To Vigilus

There may no better indicator that there will be a Vigilus book two, with potentially new rules for Chaos and any new models they release (such as the case with Haarkan, and Primarneus), than the first book itself.

Vigilus Book Two Warhammer 40k

Vigilus Part 1

Why else would GW put “I” on the spine of the book, if they were not planning on making additional parts to it?

Chaos is Rolling out New Warmachines

urban conquest 2

What happens when a Spider bites a Daemon Prince? That thing. 

Forces of the Black Legion were spotted making their way through a blasted archway with some kind of (Daemon Engine?) which we’ve never seen before. From what we can tell, it looks like it doesn’t have any real shooting weaponry. It might be able to lash at something with its tongue but that looks to be about it. The real weapons look like the armored legs with spikes.

Haarken was subject to an FAQ recently that only let him reroll failed hits for Black Legion. However, in a twenty-four-hour time period, GW pulled that FAQ and let him reroll all failed hits for any Raptor unit.

Haarken Worldclaimer

the idea that Abaddon’s right-hand-Raptor would lead ALL the Raptors of the traitor Legions is pretty cool – so we’re removing that change from the errata. After all, Haarken is the personal herald of the Warmaster who commands Heretic Astartes from all the traitor Legions.  

Up to this point, we’ve only seen previews of new models to come as well as some mysterious figures in artwork. Keep your eyes peeled for even more Chaos to breakthrough as the days countdown on Vigilus.

One month into 2019, we can already tell it’ll be jam-packed with exciting releases. Warhammer New Year’s Open, and the Weekender gave us a hefty look into the future for GW’s projects and this is only the beginning of the year!

What are your overall thoughts from what was shown at the Horus Heresy Weekender? What are you most excited for? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.