What Could Be Next From GW? Nova Preview LATEST

Love GW miniatures? Get the latest on what new releases may be previewed by Games Workshop tonight at their hobby sneak peek seminar!

Warhammer Community is going to be hosting a new release preview tonight at NoVA Open!

In 2018, we pulled the covers off Speed Freeks, an Imperial Knight and a new season of Warhammer Underworlds. Now, in 2019, we’ll be BLOWING YOUR MIND with reveals and teases for pretty much every Warhammer game you fancy. 


Nova Open preview 2018 warhammer 40k

Reveals For ALL This – And More

Release Roadmap: Bold Release Predictions Ahead For Septemeber & Beyond

It’s back and more loaded than ever. Don’t miss the GW’s latest new release roadmap that is filling up fast with new model previews, and rumors as well.

All eyes are looking at the upcoming previews that will mark FIVE consecutive months of GW reveals revolved around hobby!  But what clues have we already seen that could predict more from back to school time and into fall?

Well, the 800lb Gorilla in the room is the big rumor that a new revised edition of the 40k rules may be on the way.

Rumors of 40k “8.5” Edition Emerge

An Industry Insider is saying that a “new” edition for Warhammer 40k is coming soon…

New 40k “8.5” rules this fall with all the new release fan-fare, after back to school time.

Rumor or not, that is a bold statement. You can take a look at the overall hobby picture from the post here.

Space Marine Releases Still Out there:

But how much will all cost? Judging by the first weeks of pricing we should be able to get a pretty good idea now. Check out our thoughts on the rest of the upcoming models and more!

Iron Hands (and other chapters?) Upgrade Kits: $25 ea

iron hand upgrade sprue

Looking at some of the IH models above their left shoulder plate all have clearly defined and raised edges of the Iron Hands Chapter insignia as well. It might be safe to say that, like the White Scars, most of the new codex supplement chapters will also getting an Upgrade sprue in the future.

White Scars upgrade set primaris

Also, bear in mind too that it is possible we will see the existing Fists sprue re-released as well because that only came in the holiday battleforce so far.

imperial fists upgrae sprue primaris

Primaris Impulsor $75?

primaris impulsor

The Imperium took a Rhino chassis and rolled it through the ol’ grav-tech factory bringing us the Impulsor. The Impulsor is running a handful of the same weapons spotted on the Invictor Warsuit. However, it’s also got some side-sponsons Bolters for some added dakka. The best part about this model is that this is the first Primaris Dedicated Transport that actually does its job.

Comparing it to the Ad Mech Skorpius, the last “hover” transport to come out for the Imperium, and the repulsor at $85, $75 seems to be the high range for this model. It may clock in at $65 seeing as how it is not a dual kit.  Only time will tell for sure here!

Primaris Reiver Lieutenant $35?

Spotted on the Primaris Lieutenant Twitter account, a new character-looking Reiver Lieutenant was unblurred. This model comes from the video we saw a while back showcasing a whole slew of blurred-out Primaris models.



primaris lieutenant

With multiple previews on this character, it looks like a Reiver Lieutenant is on the way! Now, you’ll be able to keep phobos-themed army strong with another Lieutenant model.

$35 seems to be the new standard for non-named characters.

Eliminator Squads $50?

eliminator squad 2

Moving into the stuff first spotted out of Shadowspear, Eliminators are getting a kit of their own with a few new sculpts. Plus, the Las-Fusils spotted in the Apocalypse datasheet are going to be a 40k weapon option as well.

The only thing we have to compare these to are Centurions and Inceptors, both of which are $50 or higher and have multiple options just like these models.

Infiltrator Squads $60 For 10, $35 For 5??

primaris infiltrator

In the same vein, Infiltrator squads are getting their own kit as well. These guys are making a name for themselves in 8th edition’s meta and now, the Infiltrators might be getting more sculpts (and maybe more weapon options).

This kit also makes another version of models as well now. So it’s possible that their path to market may be a 5 man box at first for $35-40, and then later on a 10 pack may become available for $60-70. Or vice versa. It’s hard to say with any certainty what path to market these will take, but they are staples that many lists will be running now.

Iron Father: $35-$40?

Sure we know Tiggy and Khan are $40 now, and the other non-special character primaris characters are $35, that sets an important pricing standard of the previous $35/$25 not too long ago…

new iron hands primaris space marine spotted

We think it’s safe to say the wait was worth it! This named Iron Father will be hitting shelves (and your opponents) later this year…

Rather unexpectedly, the Iron Hands got a named Primaris character coming to their faction. This took us by surprise for the fact that GW decided to show love to a very minor chapter in 40k. Makes a strong case for Iron Hands getting their own book in the latest preview.

Depending on whether this is a named character or not, will prob mean at least a $5 difference in price per Tiggy and company above.

7 New Space Marine Codex Books!

So it goes without saying that the rumors about a new Ultramarines and White Scars codex book were true, so that leaves 4 more chapters to get named on those ++redacted supplement++ spines.

The usual suspects could be:

  • Raven Guard (Rumored Next)
  • Iron Hands (Rumored Next)
  • Imperial Fists (mentioned above in GW’s preview)- This could, in fact, be a “Fist Soup” book of all the Dorn Chapter rules.
  • Salamanders (Confirmed per product snafu?)

Remember that the Crimson Fists just got updated earlier in the year via the first Index Astartes White Dwarf Article.

Forge World: Adeptus Titanicus Titanicus Bits & More

Still, on deck are a slew of painted models for what we can only assume will be a release in the next three months. For the most part these all have product shots and have been actively previewed from May onward.




Contemptor-Incaendius Class Dreadnought



Custodes Ares Gunship

More Horus Heresy: Book Nine & Dark Angels

book 9

While book nine was only mentioned, they did show off some of the Dark Angel’s specific models. Take a look at how intricate the detailing is on the Dreadnoughts and Praetors!

Look for the Dark Angels to be battling the Night Lords and Dark Mechanicum in book nine.

Warhammer Underworlds Season Three Announced


whu beastgrave

This is Warhammer Underworlds: Beastgrave – the triumphant third season of the ultimate competitive miniatures game…Look forward to an even tighter ruleset, sharply designed game mechanics, unusual and rewarding new card design and some incredible new warbands.


whu beastgrave 2

It looks like there are new boards, cards, Warbands, and more tricks on the way to Warhammer Underworlds. Going by this pic alone, we know that there will be some spell-casting going on for at least one of the Warbands as well.

Before we jump into the new models, you might be asking “Why is it called Beastgrave”? Well lorewise, the Necroquake caused the Mirrored City to crack and bleed its magic into other realms. Beastgrave is set in Ghur bringing all of the current Warbands to the table from the Mirrored City. However, there are some dark beastial fighters lying in wait as well that will be all-new in this expansion!

Draknar’s Ravagers

whu beasts1

whu beasts 2

Check out Draknar’s Ravagers! These guys are the Beasts of Chaos that were first previewed as silhouettes in an earlier video. Keeping the theme of most Warbands, it looks like this pack of fighters will have two heavy-hitters. While the rest might be objective campers/harassers.

Skaeth’s Wild Hunt

whu aelves

Skaeth’s Wild Hunt offers us new insights into the Mortal Realms with our first look at the Kurnothi – aelf-like creatures with a savage style of their own. Offering a fast and highly specialised group of fighters, they’re a deadly and flexible warband capable of cutting down enemies at any range.

Looking at their trusty Lion companion in the middle, he was the first model previewed for the expansion from a while back. But comparing these guys to the Beasts, they look to be more Elite, and probably more skilled fighters.

Overall, the models all look like dynamic characters (which is what we expect to see in Warbands) and are brand new factions to the game.

Reminder: Not pictured are even more Lord of the Rings and Blood Bowl releases.

Rumors abound of TWO new Blood Bowl Teams coming to the pitch soon, one that conveniently coincides with Sigmar rumors below. Perhaps it is too early to tell…

Two New Battletomes Announced for AoS!

Earlier this year, we told you that EVERY Grand Alliance would be getting at least one new battletome – and we’re incredibly excited to announce the next two. Both of these books reinvent much-loved factions, bringing them into the second edition of the game in style.

Sticking to a battletome strategy that seems to have started with the Beast of Chaos army, GW looks to be perfecting including as many rules in one book as they can.

Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz, together at last! Orruk Warclans isn’t so much one battletome as three, containing allegiance abilities and sub-factions for the Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz, as well as a third set of allegiance abilities for the Great Waaagh! – a combination of both forces. This offers these popular factions much more strategic diversity, with the ultra-durable Ironjawz complemented perfectly by the fast-moving and frenzied Bonesplitterz.

Not entirely unexpected in the schemes of things, destruction has seemed to lag behind in power level since the release of the first Generals Handbook in 2016.

Cities of Sigmar

Since the beginning of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, we’ve heard stories of the free cities and the brave alliances of humans, duardin and aelves who guard them… The Living City, Tempest’s Eye, the Greywater Fastness, Hallowheart, Anvilgard and The Phoenicium are now beloved parts of the setting, and at long last, they have a battletome of their own!

Completely out of left field and very much appreciated by hobbyists who have been hoping for this day for 4 years, the Empire is returning.

Cities of Sigmar takes sub-factions as diverse as the Scourge Privateers and the Ironweld Arsenal and forges them into a single force. No fewer than seven sets of allegiance abilities allow you to field mixed forces of duardin, humans and aelves, with a massive roster of units available.

Yep, that’s right they said Dwarves and Elves folks! Looks like the Aleven Wanderers and possibly the Duardin Dispossessed will get rules inside yet another multi-keyword/faction tome!

Feast of Bones:

Warhammer community took the covers off a new Ogor Tyrant model at their recent event, and he looks stunning.

Ogor ogre kingdoms tyrant Age of Sigmar


This is the first Ogor designed with the Mortal Realms in mind, combining classic aesthetic touches like a tusked gutplate and grisly trophies with some neat touches from the Age of Sigmar.

Ogor ogre kingdoms tyrant Age of Sigmar

Look closely, and you’ll see vials of potions, some kind of magical sword and even the faceplate of an unfortunate Stormcast Eternal adorning this model, giving it the feel of a wandering, barbaric warrior-king.

Remember the Ogors, well the Ogre Kingdoms rather first debuted back in January of 2004! So the majority of the range is in “Warhammer High School” currently.

GW’s Latest Tithe Preview Leans Heavily Towards Tomb Kings…

tomb kings new 2019 age of sigmar

Looking at the new Death faction that we’ve been following for a while, we went into extreme detail on who the voice in the videos might be. It might be Constant Drachenfells from the old Warhammer Fantasy lore as he’s really the only one who fits the bill for “surviving the fall of the storm god’s hammer” which he said happened in the first video.

However, as more and more previews turn up, it’s got us scratching our heads.

bone tithe 1

The third video of the Bone Tithe series dropped and it’s called the Mortarch. The same voice is speaking in the video as all of the previous ones. However, there is some artwork in the frames, that could turn out to be new models… Check it out.

Knight Sprues & Weapon Options

This sprue was also spotted on the Warhammer TV  stream on Twitch.  As part of their Titanicus breakdown, they gave us a short glimpse of what the new Knight upgrade sprues were going to look like.

titanicus sprue

Take a look at the sprue next to the new set of Titanicus dice. It’s not the first time we’ve seen dice packaged that way. We’ve been comparing it to the size of the sprue and we feel like the sprue will be about the size of the current stratagem cards. Taking a deeper look at what kind of upgrades we’ll be getting, we’ll have:

  • 6x fists (3 Right and Left)
  • 3x missile pods
  • 3x Meltas
  • 3x Knight heads

Adeptus Titanicus Imperial Knights

While the sprue may come with six fists, it’s actually all geared around upgrading three Knights only. At least we’ll have more options on which hand we want our fist on and if nothing else, these will be a great leftover conversion bits.

Space Marine Heroes Series 3: Death Guard

Here are more Death Guard minis that are coming inside of the Space Marine Heroes: series 3! Check out everything we’ve covered so far and all the new ones below.

Warhammer Yokohama’s Facebook page also gave us a look at the bare plastic models that were in the case at their store.

DG Shelf 2

Clotticus and two of the recent reveals are above in this image of the assembled images.

DG Shelf1

So now that all of the models may be revealed for Series three of Space Marine Heroes, will you be trying to get your hands on them in your country?

New Sisters of Battle


It’s really no surprise but Sisters of Battle are coming at some point in 2019. However recent rumors say they may be getting their full release a lot sooner than a lot of hobbyists were expecting.

Coming from an Industry Insider:

These ladies will be hitting shelves around back to school time.

Sisters have been generating nothing but hype since we’ve started seeing their models more regularly. While this all should still be taken as rumors, your eyes should stay peeled in the weeks ahead for potential release previews from GW and more!


We know there are more Warcry warbands that will be releasing in the near future as well.

Ultimately, no matter what games you play, you may want to check back with us tonight. We will be breaking down everything that gets revealed at the event. Keep your eyes peeled on some last-minute news and rumors to pop up as the event kicks off!

What do you think will be revealed at Nova? Will there be something for everybody at the event?  Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

About the Author: Rob Baer

 rob avatar face

Rob Baer

Job Title: Managing Editor

Founded Spikey Bits in 2009

Socials: Rob Baer on Facebook and @catdaddymbg on X

About Rob Baer: Founder, Publisher, & Managing Editor of Spikey Bits, the leading tabletop gaming news website focused on the hobby side of wargaming and miniatures.

Rob also co-founded and currently hosts the Long War Podcast, which has over 350 episodes and focuses on tabletop miniatures gaming, specializing in Warhammer 40k. and spent six years writing for Bell of Lost Souls. 

Every year, along with his co-hosts, he helps host the Long War 40k Doubles Tournament at Adepticon and the Long War 40k Doubles at the Las Vegas Open, each of which attracts thousands of players from around the world.


Rob has won many Warhammer 40k Tournaments over the years, including multiple first-place finishes in Warhammer 40k Grand Tournaments over the years and even winning 1st place at the 2011 Adepticon 40k Team Tournament. He was even featured for his painting in issue #304 of Games Workshop’s White Dwarf Magazine.

With over 30 years of experience in retail and distribution, Rob knows all the products and exactly which ones are the best. As a member of GAMA (Game Manufacturers Association), he advocates for gaming stores and manufacturers in these difficult times, always looking for the next big thing to feature for the miniatures hobby, helping everyone to provide the value consumers want.

While he’s played every edition of Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy (since 5th Edition) and has been hobbying on miniatures since the 1980s, Titans of all sizes will always be his favorite! It’s even rumored that his hobby vault rivals the Solemnance Galleries, containing rulebooks filled with lore from editions long past, ancient packs of black-bordered Magic Cards, and models made of both pewter and resin.