What’s Next From GW: March 2021 New Releases Roadmap

new-gw-releases-marchDon’t miss the latest GW new releases roadmap for 2021 that is filling up fast with new model previews, and rumors for March and beyond!

Love GW miniatures? The release roadmap is back and more loaded than ever. 

What’s Next From GW: 2021 New Releases Roadmap

Table of Contents & Article Summary


Lords of the mortal realms preview

Warhammer Community has been busy previewing batch after batch of what’s on the way along in their engaging online previews

2020 was an interesting year, to say the least, and with previews still going strong for all avenues of Games Workshop, there are still plenty of new releases waiting to hit the shelves in March and beyond from GW. With that said, we’ll be going over what’s left to get released heading into the remainder of 2021.

RUMORS: Age of Sigmar New Edition in 2021!

age-of-sigmar-3.0We may be about due for another edition of Age of Sigmar in 2021, as we’re seeing the signs of a build-up to an edition change…

So what does it all mean? Well, it seems like we have a pretty solid repeating pattern from Games Workshop that is a semi-predictable release schedule (revenue stream) for both their major games. Read the whole article from last fall right here.

New 40k Warzone Charadon: Book of Rust Expansion

preview-chardon-death-guardA new 40k expansion is here as Warzone Charadon from the Book of Rust is focused on a Death Guard assault on an Imperium Forge World.

warzone charadonA new narrative expansion similar to Vigils is on the way. Act 1 also suggests this will be a multiple book-long narrative and development. The book focuses on a Typhus lead Death Guard campaign to take down an Imperium Forge World. However, it’s not just Mechanicus and Death Guard…

There’s more than just the background of an epic war zone in here, the book also includes new rules for:

  • Death Guard
  • Adeptus Mechanicus
  • Imperial and Chaos Knights
  • Drukhari 

The warriors of Commorragh are keen to take advantage of the chaos and confusion caused by Typhus’ invasion. Alongside these codex supplements are rules for playing through the Charadon campaign yourself. Can you claim Metalica for the Death Guard or will you try to stop Typhus?

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Crusade: Plague Purge

crusade plague purgeThe Plague Purge Mission Pack allows everyone to join the fun in the Charadon war zone with a host of specific Crusade rules. Send your army campaigning through a land of rust and decay, and pick up some new relics and abilities along the way. In the same way as Beyond the Veil, this pack gives you a whole new region of space to set your campaigns in.

This Crusade pack is paired with the Book of Rust, so expect to see an emphasis on the same factions: Death Guard, Mechanicus, Knights, and Drukhari.

Drukhari 9th Edition 40k Codex

Next to the Dark Angels, we got a Drukhari Codex Announced.

The first xenos codex of 2021 makes the Drukhari faster and deadlier than ever before. You’ll see:

  • More attacks
  • Higher damage
  • Lethal combat output across the board

The stabbiest of the Aeldari are about to get stabbier. Their new rules allow you to take the realspace raiding force you’ve dreamed of without being penalised in Command point cost. Want to run a pure Wych cult? You can do that. Have an urge to mix up Kabals with Haemonculi Covens? Do it! The book also introduces new Crusade rules that allow you to expand your influence and become a feared crime lord of Commorragh.

Incubi will easily slice through anything that gets in their way. Now that their klaives are Damage 2, even Space Marines will be no match for them in combat.

Unlike Dark Angels, Drukhari got a model statline teased with the Codex. With an INSANE 2+ ws on a non-character non-Custodes, these might be one of the best melee combatants in the new book. The 2 damage also makes them an absolute menace to Primaris Space Marines.

5 New Warhammer 40k Models Teased Teased

We know Lelith is coming with the new DE book, but she was teased a long time ago and we just want the mini!

Indomitus day ad mech 1After that, there is a very clearly Ad Mech model holding a small scepter.

Indomitus day ad mech 2

Orks After Dark Eldar?

Ork Collectible CoinWe’ve seen a coin in the wild for Orks, a new mini previewed, and with how early they got their codex in 8th, it all lines up well for you Ork players out there! The real question is, what could they be getting? It would be awesome to see them and Ad Mech both receive a box much like Piety & Pain.

But other than that, there are a couple of units for both that we think could be very likely. Let’s start with the Orks.

The model also has an almost “Captain Morgan” style pose, making it seem more likely to be a character.

Indomitus day ork 1Last of the teases is an Ork model. Perhaps an updated Boy?

Indomitus day ork 2Whatever it is, they appear to have a lizard or dinosaur style skin on their head.


Indomitus day sister teaseLast up is an actually confirmed model! After taking a look at this sword we get a full look at the model.

Indomitus day sister This is a Palatine – a battlefield commander who works under a Canoness to coordinate Adepta Sororitas forces and smite any heretics who get in her way.

Sisters of Battle Paragon Warsuit

paragon warsuitAs you can see, it looks like some Sisters of Battle may be in cahoots with the Grey Knights as they get their own version of a Dreadknight-like mech suit.

It appears there are multiple weapon options. This model has a Spear and heavy bolt rifle, we also saw a flamer option within the video that these were revealed in.

paragon warsuit 3Finally z model by its self, it’s wielding a multi melta. These are sure to hit hard and be decently durable. If they have anything in common with the Dreadknights, they were one of the better models in their lineup, so this might be pretty good on the tabletop.

Piety & Pain: New 40k Rules, Release Date!

palatine statlineThe palatine got her stat line revealed along with a unique rule (which we already saw previously). Overall, re-rolls are always fantastic and seem decent assuming it isn’t too over-costed. Giving a buff to your units is never a bad thing! And with the normal rerolls of hits, plus her ability too (that doesn’t seem to be locked to <core> units), you can really up the efficiency of the army.

She’s also got a Plasma pistol and Power sword, so she should be able to hit decently hard on her own at the end of the day as well.

lelith rulesOn the surface, Lelith seems head and shoulders ahead, however, she is also assumed to be a much more selfish unit, focusing on being a solo star instead of buffing her allies. With that in mind, 7 attacks at even strength 4 will allow her to absolutely cleave through any chaff. If you can buff up her strength to over 5 with other Drukhari rules in their new codex, she’ll have no issue cleaving through marines to we bet!

As it stands, she does look pretty fragile, so you may need to protect her, or perhaps she can hide/deep strike in to assassinate targets…

lelith command phase rulesLelith also got an additional preview. Natural Perfection allows Lelith to choose either to: be able to Fall back/Advance and still charge OR fight a second time if it kills any models in the Fight phase. The only downside is you have to decide in your command phase. Both options are very strong. Now knowing she gets a minimum of 7 attacks, that’s a whopping 14 attacks unbuffed in fighting from a single body, which is bonkers. She will without a doubt delete units if she is allowed to get into melee- especially with a strength or bonus to wound buff.

Finally one last tidbit WHC snuck into the preview post was this:

Who are you rooting for? Are you looking to liberate the city’s holy relics or turn the faith of the Imperium against itself in a gory gladiatorial display? Make sure to pre-order Piety and Pain on Saturday the 20th of March

There we have it, Piety & Pain finally has an order date, and it’s not too far off either!  We expect it may be a two-week preview, and delivered the same day as the new Dark Eldar codex (and release) on April 3rd.

GW Announces Heavy Intercessor & Flayed One Release Date

Heavy Intercessor flayed one box mayThe recent release of Kill Team: Pariah Nexus saw the first appearance of the Space Marines’ brilliantly beefy Heavy Intercessors and freshly updated Necron Flayed Ones, and a lot of you have been eager to know when you can add more of them to your armies. 

We have good news on that front – these units will be available in their own boxes in May.

These units originally caused quite a stir, because of just how good they actually were! This is also a huge surprise because other than the occasional cryptic GW roadmap they update, it’s usually really hard to nail down time frames. Even then, they rarely give specifics!

But don’t count your new releases before they are hatched- remember those Orktober releases from years back actually came out that November, and those new Dark Eldar you can pre-order in March actually release in April…

Age of Sigmar Broken Realms Be’lakor Revealed

aos-broken-realms-be'lakorDuring one of GWs Sunday previews, they sneaked in a video announcing the next in the Broken Realms saga, Broken Realms: Belakor.

The video starts out with Stormcast getting hammered by chaos until the big man himself shows up…

belakorWith the scene ending with Be’lakor’s arrival, we can see that he does look much bigger like his model teasers also showed. There is a huge emphasis on darkness, so hopefully, the new book will also emphasize that aspect of Be’lakor.

broken realms belakorThere isn’t much to go off of in terms of contents, but an announcement is a great start. Both Morathi and Teclis have super impactful books (with new Realm-lords rules coming in Teclis’) with Morathi’s even including her ascension to godhood. Be’lakors is sure to contain similarly impactful developments assuming it follows the pattern of the previous books.

That is of course after Teclis comes out.

GW Reveals 40k & AoS Versions of Be’lakor!

The new Be’lakor mini has been revealed in New Model Mondays for both 40k and AoS- check out the incredible new model!

New Be'lakor


Be'lakor Daemon Prince oldThe Daemon is going to be getting new rules and release alongside the 3rd Broken Realms book, very fittingly called Be’lakor. When you compare this to the old mini, well, let’s just be nice to the old mini and say this one is way cooler.

Everything from the scenic base to the new sculpts to the flaming sword. It really feels like the original Daemon Prince of Chaos Undivided has a mini to match his prowess! If you want to see more about what could be coming along with the mini, you can check that out here.

New Be'lakor 40kThey also gave him some nifty little bits to fit perfectly into 40k! From the dead Primaris on his base to the laurels to the Space Marine helmet, and laurels hanging from his wings. But, if you want to use him in both games, you can easily just leave the mini off the base, keep just the skulls on the wings and he would fit in both perfectly.

New Broken Realms Book Revealed!

New Be'lakor broken realmsTime is meaningless to such an ancient creature as Be’lakor, so he is more than willing to play the (super-)long game if it will see his past glory restored. What’s more, his latest masterplan is about to be played out in the next stage of the Broken Realms saga

He’s also going to be featured in the 3rd installment of the Broken Realms books for AoS, so hopefully, it won’t be too long before we see some rules. And who knows? Maybe they come out with new rules at the same time for 40k. That way the rules can actually live up to the monstrosity that this model is.

Exclusive GW Anniversary Miniatures For 2021:

Plus we even have two more miniatures coming in 2021 with the Store Anniversary models that were revealed in early January.

Both of these models will only be sold through Warhammer stores on their appointed anniversaries, but don’t worry about stock running out – if your store runs out, you can order the miniatures at the till and we’ll ship them right to the store for you to pick up.

Some hobbyists may see opening time disruptions due to the global situation, so your store’s celebration might be on a different day than it normally would. But don’t worry – everyone will still have their chance to get these celebratory models.

Necron anniversary mini

Kamoteph the Crooked is the new mini coming for the Necrons and 40k. He’s considered ancient even by Necron standards, he may not be fast but he sure is cunning! They also say that these will be basically unlimited stock. Even if they don’t have any in the store, as long as you order it in the first week, they’ll get you a mini, let’s hope that holds true.

AoS Anniversary mini


For AoS we’ll be getting a new Stormcast mini this year, Sylas Beastbane. If you ask us, the mini seems very appropriately named. He is armed with the new Questor Axe-hammer which allows him to strike an additional time against anyone he hits.

Get $5 Off & Reserve Your DeamonSlayer-Spartan Now!

Exclusive minis are usually hard to get ahold of. Especially in times of social distancing and quarantining. But as we move forward into the next year, here’s to hoping GW makes some of these exclusive models easier to get.

Broken Realms Teclis

Broken Realms Teclis

Along with new background that will forever change the Mortal Realms, the book features warscroll battalions for

  • Lumineth Realm-lords
  • Cities of Sigmar
  • Maggotkin of Nurgle
  • Flesh-eater Courts
  • Ossiarch Bonereapers

There are also warscrolls for a swathe of new Lumineth Realm-lords units, including some that we saw earlier in the week, and unique battleplans that let you play out some of the battles from the narrative yourself. 

The main goal of Teclis and his forces is to stop or at least hinder Nagash and his plans. Teclis believes Nagash is the main threat to the mortal realms and therefore demands his attention.

Sevireth, Lord of the Seventh Wind

2020 saw the release of the glorious Lumineth Realm-lords range, and now this year will see reinforcements on their way for the aelves, including Sevireth, Lord of the Seventh Wind.

Sevireth, Lord of the Seventh Wind detailsThis fox-like creature is a demi-god empowered by the wind spirits of Hysh, just in case you thought that Teclis had peaked with mountains. 

This character is sure to pack a punch and assumably will have a ton of movement, ya know, empowered with wind and all… It also looks to primarily be a ranged unit with only its trusty bow, and no sign of melee weaponry.

New AoS Soulblight Gravelords Coming

VampireThere was a shoddy picture of this new Soulblight Gravelords mini spotted recently. But GW decided that wasn’t good enough so they put out this high-quality photo before the big preview. While the Vampires have a different feel to them, we’re sure you could use both in your army and no one would say anything. Next, let’s look at what’s coming next for Warhammer Underworlds. 

Lumineth Realm-lords Minis: Hurakan Windchargers

Lumineth Realm Lords minis 2


Lumineth Realm Lords minis 3


Lumineth Realm Lords minisWe saw a bunch of teaser pics for these not so long ago, but we usually don’t see the minis come out so fast. They didn’t say much else in the post about rules or anything like that. Just that they will be as fast as the Autumn wind. They are interesting models if nothing else and shows that GW is willing to take things in a new direction with their mounts. Maybe with them being Treerunners, they will get to ignore terrain or something like that? But if nothing else we know one of the factions the new Broken Realms book is going to focus on!

9 New Lumineth Ream-lords AoS Releases Revealed!

GW-Previews-lumineth-realmlordsIt’s raining new Lumineth Realm-lords models for Age of Sigmar as GW just revealed 9 new releases effectively doubling the range!

The ranks of your Lumineth armies are set to swell further, thanks to a whole host of new models. Feast your eyes on these – first up are the Vanari Bladelords.

Vanari Bladelords

Vanari Bladelords

Harkening back to the old High Elves Swordmasters of Hoeth, these new Bladelords look to be filling the same “elite” role in the Lumineth Realm-lords army.

Vanari Starshard Ballistas

Vanari Starshard BallistasAnother great-looking reboot from the world that was, this re-imagined bolt thrower is both beautiful to behold, but dangerous to be on the receiving end of.

Shrine Luminor

Shrine Luminor

The obligatory terrain piece for the army has finally arrived, and while the scale is hard to determine, it should make any tabletop look a little better, especially for the Lumineth!

Lumineth Heroes:

To lead your new units into battle is a selection of Heroes. These Lumineth add a unique set of magical and martial skills to your army, including the Hurakan Spirit of the Wind, which is an alternate build for Sevireth, who we showed off last month.

Games Workshop did really elaborate much on these new units, and some we dug out of the preview that were not even mentioned on the Community post.

Lumineth General

Lumineth Realm-lords General


Ellania and Ellathor



Ellania and Ellathor

Hurakan Spirit of The Wind

Hurakan Spirit of The Wind

Sevireth, Lord of the Seventh Wind

Sevireth, Lord of the Seventh Wind details

This fox-like creature is a demi-god empowered by the wind spirits of Hysh, just in case you thought that Teclis had peaked with mountains. 

This character is sure to pack a punch and assumably will have a ton of movement, ya know, empowered with wind and all… It also looks to primarily be a ranged unit with only its trusty bow, and no sign of melee weaponry.

Other Heroes On The Way:

Lumineth Realm-lords hero 4


Lumineth Realm-lords hero 3


Lumineth Realm-lords hero 2


Lumineth Realm-lords hero

Lumineth Realm-lords Battletome

lumineth realm lords battletome

Looks like the new pointy elves got a bit of an upgrade, with all their new and current rules collected into the above battletome! Get ready to crank this army up to an 11 when all these new Lumineth Realm-lords releases drop

Krulghast Cruciator, The Wight King, & Gardus Steel Soul

GW-Previews-Lords-mortal-realms3 new heroes, or Lords, of the Mortal Realms, are here: Krulghast Cruciator, The Wight King, and Gardus Steel Soul!

Krulghast Cruciator

This is a Krulghast Cruciator. Once mortals, these phantasmal beings met a gruesome end through the foulest torture imaginable – someone poured out their Agrax Earthshade in front of their very eyes.

Knight Cruciator

Gardus Steel Soul

Gardus Steel Soul makes his debut in model form, based on his appearance on the cover of the Black Library novel Hallowed Knights: Black Pyramid. The Lord-Celestant battled his way across Nurgle’s Garden – if you need someone to purge your backyard of Nurglings, Gardus is the go-to guy.

Gardus Steel SoulThe main man for the Steel Soul chamber, this character now gets a miniature inspired by the cover of the Hallowed Knights novel.

Wight King

The necromancers are hard at work as we speak, preparing the legions of the undead to march to war later in the year.

Wight King

The Wight King is back, and better than ever! Plus it looks like he will be the vanguard for something new coming for the Soulblight in the near future.

Amazing New Plastic Treebeard Miniature Revealed For LoTR

Preview-treebeardIn the midst of their latest Warhammer preview, GW also revealed a new Treebeard miniature for Lord of the Rings complete with Merry and Pippin!

riding the entPart of the Magic of the LoTR tabletop games is recreating some of the scenes from the movies. Now, that includes Merry and Pippin riding Treebeard! They can also be taken off and act as models independently which makes for interesting tabletop opportunities. You can even mount and dismount mid-game!

tree beard aloneThis is the first Ent to be made in non-metal, so expect a truer-to-scale experience that was just too hard to do with metal back in the day.

merry and pippinTreebeard even comes with new models of Merry and Pippin, and you can have them seated on top of the Ent or separate. Eagle-eyed viewers might notice that the Hobbits are bigger than their previous models – that’s because they’ve been drinking Ent-draught!

GW 2021 Necromunda New Releases Roadmap

necromunda cawdorThe 2021 Necromunda New Release Roadmap has been revealed- here’s what you can expect for the Underhive in the coming year.

Necromunda BooksHere’s the order of the books we’ve seen up until now. Each one has also been accompanied by some amazing minis! Let’s see what’s coming next year.

2021 roadmapSome of the reinforcements we’ve seen previewed, and maybe a couple we haven’t, are coming first. Once the second quarter of the year hits we then start seeing the new Gangs come into play. Starting with the faithful of House Cawdor! If Fanatics are your thing, then this is the gang for you! After that, we then get the shadow masters of House Delaque. Let’s hear what they have to say about it:

The Cawdor and Delaque clans get the “House of…” treatment and we’ll be seeing some of the Necromunda characters that already have awesome artwork make their debuts as models. So we might be seeing this Master Nautican in the underhive before long – that will be especially helpful for anyone who wants to get a nice cool glass of water in the underhive.

GW Teases New Faction For Necromunda

Redemptionists cults

Not too many other cults would be seen just lifting books up to the sky in the middle of battle, but when you have to bring redemption to the masses, you need your books ready. They also mention a bunch of Pilgrim Cant has been found graffitied on the walls, who else other than Cawdor might do that? hmmm…


Redemption kit The modified shotgun does look like something Cawdor could use, but they would have to clean up the look like crazy for this to work for them. And the Eviscerator Chainsword is nothing like they have now. The old Redemptionists have plenty of weapons that matches up perfectly with that type of weapon.

3 New Water Guild Models Coming to Necromunda!

necromunda hor walpaper

The Underhive is getting some strange new mercenaries in the way of the Water Guild for Necromunda- check it out!

Water GuildThe Mercator Nautica controls ALL of the water on Necromunda, from the sluice run-off that’s essential to the bulk industrial process to the recycled stuff we use in the patrol house to make recaff. Since it’s such a big business. They’re more than happy to grab some ganger to help out while taking those sloshing tanks out to places like the badzones. Having said that, they do have a strong alliance with Escher gangs. So make sure that you read up on our collated case files on the House of Blades.

It looks like the newest mercenaries will be coming in a three-pack. They don’t say whether or not you can take them separately, but if you can, just give us the big guy! Also, these remind us so much of Tank Girl! We could totally see these guys sucking the water out of people to make their own drinking water.

Adeptus Titanicus Warmaster

Warmaster titanicusIf you absolutely, positively have to destroy everything on the battlefield, you need the Warmaster Titan.

warmaster detailsThis might be a Titanicus model, but it’s still packed with detail. It also might even work as an alternate model for a “normal” knight in 40k

warmaster full modelThis might be a smaller scale, but it is still a sweet model with plenty of potential for painters who just like big robots.  This base looks to be either the new 150mm oval for the Ork dragsters or perhaps the 170 oval that 40k Knights come on. THICC!

Adeptus Titanicus: Loyalist Legios Expansion

loyalist legiosAlso coming soon for Adeptus Titanicus is the new Loyalist Legios book. It’s packed with all of the rules and background for 16 Loyalist Titan Legions and 12 Loyalist Knight Households.

With more lore than ever before and a range of Loyalist-specific Titan upgrades and Stratagems, this book is all you need to end the civil war swiftly.

Expansions are always great for these specialist games, they add depth and new ways to play to keep the game fresh and fun with your friends.

Warhammer Underworlds Roadmap Updated

Direchasm RoadmapThe Roadmap for Direchasm was also just updated. That means we’ve got another shadowy Figure and logo to decipher. The figure is pretty much 99.99% an Ossiarch Bonereaper, which also looks like will have a previous rumor engine bit for its weapon. Maybe the scale for the photo is weird, but it also looks pretty big! Maybe it will be an elite Warband just like the faction’s lore.

As for the new logo, our first guess is going to be Idoneth Deepkin. The crown on top looks like royalty, and who is more royal than Aelves? The S for Slimy, Slithering, Sea Snakes, also seems to be a heavy reminder that our favorite Water-Aelves haven’t gotten a Warband yet…

Crimson Court Direchasm Warband Revealed

The Crimson Court bring their bloodlust to Warhammer Underworlds, and we hope that you’ve packed your decks with lots of wooden stake upgrades because garlic is very hard to find in Direchasm. 

Crimson court warbandThis new vampire warband is all about aggression, but it can come with heavy penalties if you don’t control their hunger. And when we say, “control their hunger”, we don’t mean with a sandwich.

By the look of it, this Warband might be one of the most aggressive yet, they need to presumably kill enemies quickly and consistently to feast on their blood, or else they will get weaker and thus loose the power they need to kill opponents easier.

Crimson court 4The first character looks very similar to a Blood Knight Lord (or Vlad)- Could this revive lead to an update to the Blood Knights kit for AoS?

Crimson court 3The second character is a more typical female vampire lord. You can definitely tell just by looking at it that she oozes confidence and has a serious issue with a superiority complex. We can assume she might be good in melee and a duelist but will lack defenses.

Crimson court 2The third character is another Vampire lord in heavy armor, this time sporting a gigantic mace bigger than most humanoids in the game. A hit by this will more than likely break half the bones in the target body.

Crimson court 1The final character least armor/clothes, but also the smallest weapon in a single one-handed mace. He does however have a large stature and has sprouted wings. He will probably have good movement and decent power, but nothing too insane.

New Warhammer Underworlds Starter Set & The Mad Mob

GW-Previews-underworldsA new starter set and warband are coming for Warhammer Underworlds as Stormcast, Nighthaunts, and Savage Orruks get new content!

This well-rounded warband is on a mission to hunt the greatest beast of all – the living mountain itself, and they’re going to cause a lot of problems for anyone foolish enough to get in their way.

mob shamanFirst up, the shaman, Savage Orruks love their shamans and this one appears to be the natural leader of the mad mob.

mob archerNext is the archer, who adds a bit of ranged capability to the savage orruks, versatility in a Warband certainly helps with strategic playstyles.

mob clawsThis melee character featuring claws might be the most savage of these guys, but will he be able to get up close and tear up some opponents?

mob axeFinally the Axe-wielding berserker. He might be the simplest looking, however, his Warband will probably have his back rounding out the force with tons of options.

Underworlds Starter Set

underworlds starter setThis new starter set contains the exact same Warhammer Underworlds game you’ve come to know and love, but it includes two pre-made decks, making it the best way to start playing the game.

This may not be the most competitive option out there, but it is a great option to help you and a buddy dip your toes in to see if you want to expand and try out more of the Underworlds game.


underworlds starter set contentsOf course, experienced players will also want to get their hands on the two new warbands, Storm of Celestus and Drepur’s Wraithcreepers, to pit against the underworld’s other denizens, such as Khagra’s Ravagers.

Besides giving you everything you need for a starter game of Underworlds, it actually features two exclusive warbands, which is nice to give to new players. It will be interesting to see if the warbands are good compared to standalone factions.

Warhammer Quest: Cursed City Full Reveal


8 Heroes come inside this box (with rules for a 9th supposedly in the accompanying novel of the same name).

cursed city Heroes


cursed city Heroes


cursed city Heroes

They’ll need all of their skills and cunning if they are to save Ulfenkarn, for the city is at the mercy of unspeakable horrors. From bat swarms and Corpse Rats to the Deadwalker Zombies, Ulfenwatch, and Kosargi Nightguard.

Keeping to its Warhammer quest roots, tons of mobs are coming inside including rats and bats, and all sorts of other baddies:

cursed city monsters mobs


cursed city monsters mobs


cursed city monsters mobs


cursed city monsters mobs


cursed city monsters mobs


cursed city villainsThe final boss has been revealed as Radukar the Wolf, who originally was the city’s savior, turned twisted master…

Radukar the WolfAll in all this set comes with 50 miniatures plus 10 objective markers and all the dice, tokens cards, and more that you will need to play the actual game.

cursed city contentsWhile we don’t know the price of this set quite yet, here is what the last Warhammer Quest starters sold for in the year they were released:

  • Silver Tower (2016) $150
  • Shadows Over Hammerhal (2017) $150
  • Blackstone Fortress (2018) $150

BLood Bowl banner

Blood Bowl Death Zone: New BB Supplement Announced

Blood Bowl Death ZoneHot on the heels of Blood Bowl: Second Season Edition looms Death Zone, the first major supplement for the game. Every coach worth their salt is going to want in on this action.

We expect the book will be coming out soon, and with something for every coach, it will definitely be worth picking up.


We know this is a lot to digest so be sure to take your time counting up all of the kits we’re bound to see sometime in the near future.

In the meantime, what new releases do you think we’ll see from GW in 2021 that didn’t make this roadmap? Do you think the other codexes will also be pushed back?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!

About the Author: Andrew Schrank

andrew schrank headshot

Andrew Schrank

Job Title: Miniatures & Warhammer Hobby Staff Writer

Socials: Facebook

About Andrew Schrank: Over the past 15 years, Andrew has played all the games, including tabletop and video games, and immersed himself in the associated lore. Andrew joined the Spikey Bits team in 2018 and covers the Warhammer hobby and tournament scene, along with the latest in tabletop miniatures, each week.

Aspiring diplomat, Lord of Fluff, and Master of Ice Hammer, He loves Star Wars, Chaos Undivided, and Gundam. During his free time, he hunts Platinum trophies on PS5 and reads international news. On weekends, Andrew plays commander and cEDH games, often with unique strategies that push the limits.

He believes each day presents a new opportunity to grow and be challenged.