All The New Vampires Coming For Age of Sigmar (so far)

GW-Previews-vampireA new set of Age of Sigmar releases filled with bloodthirsty Vampires are here as they try to harvest some blood and fight the forces of good.

It’s time for another big online GW Preview for all things Warhammer! Here are the latest reveals from  Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community!

GW The Dead & The Divine Preview

the dead and the divineHot on the heels of our Christmas and New Year’s reveals we have the first Warhammer Preview Online of 2021 – The Dead and the Divine! This Saturday, we’ll be showing off new models and tantalising glimpses of the future, and it’s going to be a big one. We’ll be showing off new goodies for…

All the Latest GW Previews:

All The New Vampires Coming For Age of Sigmar (so far)

VampireThere was a shoddy picture of this new Soulblight Gravelords mini spotted recently. But GW decided that wasn’t good enough so they put out this high-quality photo before the big preview. While the Vampires have a different feel to them, we’re sure you could use both in your army and no one would say anything. Next, let’s look at what’s coming next for Warhammer Underworlds. 

Roadmap Revealed

RoadmapFirst off it looks like we won’t see the full Death Warband in action until April, but that’s not really too far off now. After that, it looks like Orruk players will be getting a new Warband. And if you ask us, that looks an awful lot like a Savage Orruk! They’ve always been cool minis os it will be nice to see some of them grab new models.

Crimson Court Direchasm Warband

The Crimson Court bring their bloodlust to Warhammer Underworlds, and we hope that you’ve packed your decks with lots of wooden stake upgrades because garlic is very hard to find in Direchasm. 

Crimson court scenery


Crimson court scenery 1


Crimson court warbandThis new vampire warband is all about aggression, but it can come with heavy penalties if you don’t control their hunger. And when we say, “control their hunger”, we don’t mean with a sandwich.

By the look of it, this Warband might be one of the most aggressive yet, they need to presumably kill enemies quickly and consistently to feast on their blood, or else they will get weaker and thus loose the power they need to kill opponents easier.

Crimson court 4The first character looks very similar to a Blood Knight Lord (or Vlad)- Could this revive lead to an update to the Blood Knights kit for AoS?

Crimson court 3The second character is a more typical female vampire lord. You can definitely tell just by looking at it that she oozes confidence and has a serious issue with a superiority complex. We can assume she might be good in melee and a duelist but will lack defenses.

Crimson court 2The third character is another Vampire lord in heavy armor, this time sporting a gigantic mace bigger than most humanoids in the game. A hit by this will more than likely break half the bones in the target body.

Crimson court 1The final character least armor/clothes, but also the smallest weapon in a single one-handed mace. He does however have a large stature and has sprouted wings. He will probably have goo movement and decent power, but nothing too insane.

Warhammer Quest: Cursed City

Looks like Battlefleet Gothic isn’t happening… yet, but a new Warhammer Quest is!

Speaking of vampires, an epic new Warhammer Quest game brings even more bloodsuckers to the Mortal Realms. If you and your friends have already defeated the Silver Tower and the Blackstone Fortress, you’ll find an exciting challenge ahead as you embark on the most dangerous quest yet, into the cursed city of Ulfenkarn.

warhammer quest blood moonSome of the art style used in this video is near identical to the old AoS Everchosen Battletome, which is fine because it fits perfectly with the blood theme.

warhammer quest gangHere we see the heroes gather, there seems to be 4 of them. We can assume they are a dwarf, a human witch hunter, an elven archer, and a larger brute, warrior-like character.

cursed city


warhammer quest heroThis Witch Hunter character offers a return to good old fashioned Witch Huntin’. Except now this character brings a custom rifle with an underslung stake launcher. Why get close to beasties when you can stake ’em from far away? Not to mention the giant executioner’s blade on his back and hammer in hand for anything that wanders too close.

warhammer quest villianThe final model is a villain the heroes must face, which we can presume is one of the lackeys of the main villain referred to as the “Wolf”, who is likely a vampire lord. Judging by the iconography and such, this quest looks like something right out of Vlad the Impalers playbook, that is if he had access to necromancers to raise all the people they kill for food.

How do you feel about these new additions to the specialist lineup? Are you a player of either of these games? Are you excited for the return of Vampires in AoS?

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