New Warhammer Underworlds Starter Set & The Mad Mob

GW-Previews-underworldsA new starter set and warband are coming for Warhammer Underworlds as Stormcast, Nighthaunts, and Savage Orruks get new content!

It’s time for another big online GW Preview for all things Warhammer! Here are the latest reveals from  Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community!

GW The Lords of the Mortal Realms Preview

Lords of the mortal realms

Have you recovered from The Dead and the Divine yet? We’re not sure that we have. After seeing those vampires, we now sleep with our windows closed and with a wooden stake under our pillow. We’re going to have to sharpen a few more stakes after today’s Mortal Realms special, featuring big reveals for:

Lords of the mortal RealmWell, if you like any of the fantasy-style games, you’re in luck! Even if you don’t, you can always check back to see the new minis on the way. With the Dark Eldar getting the next release for 40k, all you 40k players will probably have to wait two more weeks for some new stuff.

All the Latest GW Previews:

The Mad Mob Revealed

This well-rounded warband is on a mission to hunt the greatest beast of all – the living mountain itself, and they’re going to cause a lot of problems for anyone foolish enough to get in their way.

mad mob shaman


mad mob archer


mad mob claws

Mad Mob Characters

mob shamanFirst up, the shaman, Savage Orruks love their shamans and this one appears to be the natural leader of the mad mob.

mob archerNext is the archer, who adds a bit of ranged capability to the savage orruks, versatility in a Warband certainly helps with strategic playstyles.

mob clawsThis melee character featuring claws might be the most savage of these guys, but will he be able to get up close and tear up some opponents?

mob axeFinally the Axe-wielding beserker. He might be the simplest looking, however, his Warband will probably have his back rounding out the force with tons of options.

Underworlds Starter Set

underworlds starter setThis new starter set contains the exact same Warhammer Underworlds game you’ve come to know and love, but it includes two pre-made decks, making it the best way to start playing the game.

This may not be the most competitive option out there, but it is a great option to help you and a buddy dip your toes in to see if you want to expand and try out more of the Underworlds game.


underworlds starter set contentsOf course, experienced players will also want to get their hands on the two new warbands, Storm of Celestus and Drepur’s Wraithcreepers, to pit against the underworld’s other denizens, such as Khagra’s Ravagers.

Besides giving you everything you need for a starter game of Underworlds, it actually features two exclusive warbands, which is nice to give to new players. It will be interesting to see if the warbands are good compared to standalone factions.

How do you feel about these new warbands? Do you have a buddy in mind to split the starter set with?

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