New 40k Adeptus Mechanicus Forge World Rules REVEALED!

gw-new-admech-rulesGW revealed a ton of Adeptus Mechanicus Forge World 40k Rules today, so get ready to pick your favorite and start thinking about those new lists!

Warhammer Community unveiled a whole host of new rules today including stratagems, dogmas, and more. We’ve seen some of the IKEA-style datasheets, but with the codex coming soon, you know GW was going to put out some rules.

We found these on Imgur with all the pictures. If you want to see all the other rules for Adeptus Mechanicus, click any of the links below:

New 40k Adeptus Mechanicus Forge World Rules REVEALED!

ad mech codexThe book will go on pre-order this Saturday, so if you’ve been waiting to get these guys on the field, get ready! While they are only getting one new mini with the release, it’s always fun to get a new book. But enough about the codex, let’s check out the Forge Worlds.


Forge World Rules Adeptus Mechanicus MarsAs the founding forge world and the religious centre of the Adeptus Mechanicus, the armies of Mars believe themselves to be the best of the best. These forces are always trying to prove their supremacy in battle – driven by rigorous training and ready access to the copious resources of the Red Planet. 

Nothing too crazy here, but rerolling a hit when resolving attacks is always nice, especially when you have such high damage weapons as Ad Mech has.

Forge World Rules Adeptus Mechanicus Mars 2This is actually really cool because if you need to kill units of super-tough guys, you can take some weaker but high-volume guns and really dish out the mortals.

Capping it at 6 is interesting, but I guess they didn’t want one unit to be able to inflict like 10 mortals for 1 or 2 CP.

Forge World Rules Adeptus Mechanicus Mars 3This turns someone into a serious combat threat, with 3 additional attacks, damage 2, and -5 AP!


Forge World Rules Adeptus Mechanicus LuciusThis is going to be a very gunline orientated army that will also be a little tougher than usual. With getting an extra +1 to some saving throws and the extra distance, they are trying to get into a gunfight for sure!

Forge World Rules Adeptus Mechanicus Lucius 2It’s always nice to put units into reserve, but this would have been really cool to be able to do with vehicles. Still, a nice little rule, and who knows, maybe they will get more teleportation abilities as well.


Forge World Rules Adeptus Mechanicus agripinaaGetting an extra ap at half range is going to buff up their firepower a ton. This can even make your normal weaponry fairly deadly to marines. Always being able to hold steady or set and defend is also pretty cool and can make your units that much harder to kill.

Forge World Rules Adeptus Mechanicus agripinaa 2If you want some tough Kataphron Servitors, for 1 CP this is pretty nice, but nothing too insane or game-changing on its own.

Forge World Rules Adeptus Mechanicus agripinaa 3Rerolling all the wound rolls is nothing to sneeze at. Just plop this mini next to your servitors and they immediately become much better.


Forge World Rules Adeptus Mechanicus GraiaIf you want a tough Forge World, this is the one to choose! Giving the entire army a 5+ against mortals and always passing Combat Attrition tests could be worth the trade-off for less shooting efficiency.

Forge World Rules Adeptus Mechanicus Graia 3This extra bubble range gives you that little bit more flexibility when deploying and keeping units in range for auras.

Forge World Rules Adeptus Mechanicus Graia 2For one CP this is definitely a fun stratagem. You basically can deny one power each turn 50% of the time, so when your opponent tries to get off that game-changing power, break this out and roll a 4+!

Stygies VIII

Forge World Rules Adeptus Mechanicus stygiesGetting dense cover for a majority of shooting is really going to save you (maybe). Even at 18″ for the vehicles, they will be getting the benefits until your opponent can really get up close and personal.

Forge World Rules Adeptus Mechanicus stygies 2


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For 1 CP this can really disrupt your enemy’s plans and if you do happen to go first, may really allow for some shenanigans.

Forge World Rules Adeptus Mechanicus stygies 3If you are in range of 3-4 units this can do some serious damage, but at only once per game, it probably won’t see much play, or necessarily be too useful.


Forge World Rules Adeptus Mechanicus ryzaHave you always dreamed of a CC Ad Mech army? Well, this is the Forge World for you. We just imagine a giant army of chicken walkers blasting down the field lancing through everyone. Not sure how much play it will see, but man it would be cool!

Forge World Rules Adeptus Mechanicus ryza 2If you have a unit with a ton of plasma, for 2 CP this could really turn the unit deadly.

Forge World Rules Adeptus Mechanicus ryza 3We kind of wish they had given the melee one to them and this to a more shooty army. Still, doing to mortals on a roll of six isn’t too bad.


Forge World Rules Adeptus MetalicaThis allows you to take a gunline but always be on the move. Meaning you don’t have to stay static and can really go for objectives while still having the same shooting efficiency.

Forge World Rules Adeptus Metalica 2Halving the move of a unit is pretty sweet and for only 1 cp you also stop them from firing overwatch, so nothing too crazy but a nice little addition.

Metalica RulesThis will basically do 4 damage to most things, but at only a single attack each turn, not sure how much use it will see.

Custom Forge Worlds

ad mech patrolYou start by choosing from one of four Primary dogmas, each with three Secondary dogmas to refine them further. For example, you might decide to start with a Data-Hoard Forge World that safeguards arcane knowledge and exotic technology. That makes their highly advanced vehicles a bit tougher. 

This is pretty cool if you want to mix and match a little or just add some different flavor to your army. Let’s check out the two they showed us so far.

Custom Forge WorldGiving all of your vehicles a 6+ FNP will on average give your vehicles about 2 extra wounds in a sense, so pretty nice. Then you get to pick all your secondary dogmas.

Custom Forge WorldThis is actually a cool combo, so not only are your vehicles tougher, they regain wounds for free and will be on the top profile for so much longer!

Previous Rules Released

skiitari marshalIf you want to see all the rules that have been revealed so far, just click on any of the links below:

What do you think about the new Adeptus Mechanicus Forge World rules now?

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