Cypher is a Must in Almost Every 40k Chaos List Now

new-rules-cypher-40k-fallen-angelsThe new Chaos Space Marines 40k codex rules may just make Cypher an auto-include in almost every army list now…

We’ve seen a huge amount of leaks from the upcoming codex, so we have a decent idea of what will be strong and what won’t, and Cypher (and Abaddon) are almost as hot as Hansel right now. Expect to see him in almost every list until this invariably gets addressed with an FAQ or NERF.

Plus, we’ve already seen the Raptors and Warp Talon Rules, so if you missed those you can check them all out by clicking here or the Lord, Sorceror, and more by clicking herePlus also looks like these rules match most of the rumored rules leaks from earlier in the year as well…

RUMORS: New Codex Chaos Space Marines Rules

Let’s check start with the Overall Chaos Space Marines Codex and Legion rules rumors we have already seen.

Some of those are super spicy for sure, and some are not. Either way, we know new Chaos Space Marines are on the way. Check out all the pages of the new Chaos Space Marine Codex rumors above!

  • CSM doctrine:
  • Exact same thing as SM, except replace +1AP with exploding 6s (unmodified hits)
  • Icons:
    vengeance +1 CA
    wrath +1ap melee
    flame +1ap shooting
    excess +1 to hit melee
    despair 6s to hit = autowound
  • All legions are getting 6 WT, 8 relics & 8 stratagems
  • What else is in the book  They have a way of consistently hitting on 2s (even with thunder hammers)

Cypher is a Must in Almost Every 40k Chaos List Now

He has an ability that mixes with the new CP changes (since you have so much less) that are just beyond strong and even if he never makes a single attack in a game, he could potentially single-handedly win it on the CP front.


Here are some stat highlights:

  • 90 pts
  • If the chaos lord keyword is in the list he doesn’t take a detachment slot
  • 3+ 4++ Save/ can only ever be hit on a 4+
  • Bolt pistol 6 shots st 4, ap 1, damage 1
  • Plasma pistol 3 shots st 8 ap 3, 2 damage no penalty for rolling 1s
  • Can advance and fall back and shoot at no penalty
  • Can escape once per game, letting you totally reposition him

cypher the fallen angel darkNow onto the big one.

Agent of Discord will stop all generating and refunding of CP on a 4+. When you combine this with the already smaller pool of CP (to start at least) it just becomes insanely strong. Plus, for only 90 points, that is quite the rule. So, for under a hundred points, we basically expect to see him in almost every single list. Oh yeah, and not taking up a slot makes it even easier to include him in pretty much every list.

Talk about messing with Vaders buttons- no one wants to get their CPs denied! Plus if the Agent of Chaos rules stay the same, he may be quite splashable across Chaos lists.

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

 Check out all the pages of the new Chaos Space Marine Codex rumors above!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

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