Spicy New Abaddon & Obliterators CSM 40k Codex Rules

New-chaos-space-marines-codex-rules-rumorsThe leaks have begun! Don’t miss the new Chaos Space Marines 40k codex rules for Abaddon and Obliterators that are looking very spicy…

The whole Chaos Space Marines codex has pretty much leaked with most of it posted on the usual Imgur, and /tg threads. 

Spicy New Abaddon & Obliterators CSM 40k Codex Rules

Let’s check start with the Overall Chaos Space Marines and Legion rules Codex rumors we have already seen, and check out the rest of the rumors en masse:

Some of those are super spicy for sure, and some are not. Either way, we know new Chaos Space Marines are on the way. Check out all the pages of the new Chaos Space Marine Codex rumors above!

  • CSM doctrine:
  • Exact same thing as SM, except replace +1AP with exploding 6s (unmodified hits)
  • Icons:
    vengeance +1 CA
    wrath +1ap melee
    flame +1ap shooting
    excess +1 to hit melee
    despair 6s to hit = autowound
  • All legions are getting 6 WT, 8 relics & 8 stratagems
  • What else is in the book  They have a way of consistently hitting on 2s (even with thunder hammers)

Abbadon The Despoiler Chaos Space Marines 40kCodex Rules Datasheet

We had already seen several rounds of rules rumors for the heir to the Warmaster, and now we have his datasheet as well:

Abaddon-Rules chaos datasheet

These were the previous rumors for him for you to compare and contrast:

  • 8A s10 ap4 d3, 6+ to wound causes d3 MW (drachnyen pierce)
  • 16A s7 ap4 d1 (drachnyen sweep)
  • always fights first
  • -1 to wound
  • The damage of the first failed save is reduced to 0 damage
  • +1s on the charge
  • can only take a max 3 damage per phase
  • full rerolls
  • charge bonus
  • supposedly very pricy (would be around 300 ish points)

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It also seems that drachnyen is strength 12 on the charge- whew!

Obliterators Chaos Space Marines 40k Codex Rules Datasheet

Just like with Abaddon, we had already seen two sets of rumors for these guys as well, and WHEW are they looking good now!


Once again, here are the previous rumors for you to compare and contrast:

  • Can shoot units that are in engagement range with them (like Wraithguard)
    in melee, they have powerfists without the -1 to hit
  • 3 different shooting profiles
  • 5″ bs3 ws3 t5 5w 4a ld9 2+/5++
  • have essentially big guns never tire(shoot into engagement range with -1 to hit)
  • Not core
  • ignore modifier for heavy weapons
  • armed with powerfists without -1 to hit
  • 24” range
  • Has 3 shooting profiles:
  • Heavy 9+d6 s5 ap1 d1/ Heavy 3+d3 s7 ap2 d2/ Heavy d3 s9 ap3 d4

There is supposedly no way to double fire them now, as Cacophony is gone, and the new double shoot mechanic is restricted to core choices (which obliterators are not).

The question is what else will we see for the followers of the dark gods this year besides just new rules…?

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

Some of those are super spicy for sure, and some are not. Either way, we know new Chaos Space Marines are on the way. Check out all the pages of the new Chaos Space Marine Codex rumors above!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

What do you think of these new Chaos Space Marines 40k codex rules for Abaddon and Obliterators that are looking very spicy…

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