GW Previews: What’s New for Warhammer 40k in 2023

gw-previews-new-warhammerWith the release of 10th Edition, here’s the latest new release roadmap, previews, and upcoming plans from GW for Warhammer 40k in 2023!

This has been quite the insane time for 40k with a new edition, a giant starter set, all kinds of plastic minis, and a constant stream of fresh resin miniatures release too. So, we’re definitely excited to see where things go from here.

Be sure to check out all the other previews for 2023 from Games Workshop below for Age of Sigmar, Horus Heresy, and of course, Warhammer 40k as well:

9th warhammer 40k banner

Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Leviathan Starter Box Set  (April 29th, 2023)

leviathan reveal starter set 10th Edtioin unboxing contents

As the name suggests, Leviathan is an absolutely gigantic box, packed to the brim with miniatures, books, and more. When you lift the lid, you’ll find stacks of sprues containing two armies full of gorgeous new miniatures. Beneath that, you’ll find the massive Leviathan book, the Chapter Approved Leviathan Mission Deck, and a construction booklet.

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47 New Tyranids Previewed For 10th Edition Leviathan Warhammer 40k Starter Set

10th edition tyranids armyGames Workshop unveiled 47 insane new Tyranids miniatures from inside the Leviathan Starter Box Set for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k!

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These Are The 25 New Space Marines Miniatures For 10th Edition

Leviathan Space marine armyDon’t miss the 25 new Space Marines models for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k inside the Leviathan Starter Box Set!

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New 10th Edition 40k Trailer Teases New Starter Set & Models

new-10th-edition-trailer-teases-models-revealed-warhammer-termagants-terminators-tyrnaids-space-marines-40k-starter-setTons of new Space Marines and Tyranids miniatures are coming starting with these 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Terminators and Termagants! Read More

New Space Marine Terminators

Terminators 10th Edition 2

It is this pattern that forms the basis for the new Terminators, now substantially filled out to match the scale, and the increased detail, of modern Space Marines.

Together as a group of five, they look pretty awesome, and now teleporting them in will be even more cinematic! Read more here!

Lion El’Jonson Primarch Miniature (Separate Release)

new-lion-el-johnson-miniature-primarch-warhammer-40kAfter years of rumors and clamoring, a new Lion El’Jonson primarch miniature is coming to Warhammer 40k after being revealed at the AdeptiCon 2023! Read More

Imperial Guard Black Library Miniature Minka Lesk

Black Library Miniature Minka Lesk

A former Cadian Whiteshield* – full name Arminka Lesk – our plucky heroine was assigned to her regiment at a young age. When the 13th Black Crusade arrived, ‘Minka’ was ordered to defend her hometown of Myrak from a Chaos assault that swiftly became a heretical deluge.

They did a decent job on the model, as it really looks like the artwork for the books, which is always nice for a Black Library mini!

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Snikrot Individual Release

Snikrot Model Warhammer 40K

Snikrot, often known as Da Green Ghost, is a sly spectre who specialises in slitting throats and taking scalps with his massive combat knives, known as Mork’s Teeth.

This new model of Snikrot definitely has a more aggressive pose than the old model, more in line with what you’d expect from an Ork!  Keen-eyed hobbyists have probably noticed that rumor engine bit on his base as well.

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Commander Farsight Individual Release

XV-86 Supernova battlesuit commnader farsight oshovahXV-86 Supernova battlesuit commnader farsight oshovah 1

Don’t let the imperium hear the word “AI”; they probably would not approve one bit.  From the looks of the model, it is much bigger than a standard Crisis suit and appears from the scale to be on a 60mm base instead of a 50mm.

These upgrades come just in time for his greatest challenge yet in Arks of Omen: Farsight. The infamous Bad Moons warlord Nazdreg, master of tellyporta taktiks, has taken up the reins of the War of Dakka – a never-ending conflict fuelled by the Orks’ desire to beat the Farsight Enclaves at their own shooting game.

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Space Marines Primaris Desolation Squad: (Single Box Release)

New Space Marines ReleasesWhile these new Desolation Space Marines aren’t a super surprise, it’s still nice to see the actual miniatures revealed! We’ve seen rules rumors, a rumor engine, and a shrouded pic of these for a long time now… Read More Here!

Space Marines Primaris Brutalis Dreadnought: (Single Box Release)

New Space Marines ReleasesThey said this would be a successor to the Furioso Dreadnought, but every chapter can take them. Read More Here!

New Space Marine Primaris Lieutenant: (Single Box Release)

New Space Marines Releases


New Space Marines Strike Force Agastus 6We were nervous at first, but GW came through and revealed another Space Marines Lieutenant kit! They said this has a ton of options and will have many weapon load-outs.

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40k kill team banner

40k Kill Team Inquisition Narrative Expansion & 2023 Roadmap

ashes of faith

The battle for the city of Deepwell – and with it, the very planet of Exhalus – is a push-and-pull struggle for control of vital locations, using decks of cards, reusable stickers, and chunky terrain tiles to create objectives, enlist conspirators, and hoodwink your opponent. The cards included are themed around the Inquisition and Cult forces included in the box, but they can be used by any Kill Team to run the campaign as you see fit.

Ashes of Faith provides a complete start-to-finish campaign system that only needs a killzone to play, and will offer wildly different experiences every time as plans go awry and momentum shifts back and forth ahead of the nail-biting finale. The Kill Teams in this box are also usable in more traditional Kill Team campaigns and matched play missions, and they both offer a distinct playstyle.

Ashes of Faith is interesting as a new Narrative set for Kill Team and also doesn’t have any terrain, just rules and the two sets of factions! According to their shared roadmap, this will release before 10th Edition Warhammer 40k!

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Kill Team Gallowfall Models (Individual Releases)

Kill Team Gallowfall

TheGallowdarkis doomed. After millennia drifting listlessly through the galaxy, this space hulk is finally on a collision course with an unlucky planet – and neither gods nor mortals can prevent its inevitable demise. 

All of which means your kill teams should probably start making themselves scarce. That’s exactly the plan for the Leagues of Votann hulk-delvers in Kill Team: Gallowfall… They’re just, you know, grabbing a few souvenirs on the way out.

This new Kill Team Warhammer 40k box pits a party of Leagues of Votann against some fresh new 40k Beastmen of Chaos!

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Soulshackle: Hand of the Archon (Individual Release)

Adeptus Arbites Kill TeamUnfortunately, there won’t be totally new Kabalites, but they will grab an upgrade sprue to make them a bit more unique! There is already a ton of bits in the normal kit, but this adds even more.

Again, this is another shrouded mini released from the New Year’s preview, so hopefully, we will get the rest soon.

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More New JOYTOY Action Figures Hit Pre-Order!

JOYTOY voldus & Guilliman preoder

These new JOYTOY pre-orders are currently available on Flyima. Use Discount Code: SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 12%!   They have free shipping to the States too, which is fantastic, and we’ll take a closer look at the sets below!

New Primarch Guilliman Pre-Order: $143

Click on these links to order yours for less:  Flyima | Locker Toys Entertainment Earth Sideshow Collectibles Amazon | or eBay |

At first glance, they packed all sorts of detail into this figure!

JOYTOY 40k Guilliman 2You’ll also get two head options with the figure, but that only makes sense, as you need to have the option to be too cool for helmets if you want it!  If you have him on the table watching over your games, how can you possibly lose?

New Grandmaster Voldus: $80

Click on these links to order yours for less:  Flyima | Locker Toys Entertainment Earth Sideshow Collectibles Amazon | or eBay |

joytoy voldus 1

Nothing quite matches the flair of a named character!  As a Terminator, Voldus will be a pretty decent size. If you have him on the table watching over your games, you’ll have his blessing while hunting daemons. (he is an excellent Psyker, after all)

New Blood Angels Assault Terminators: $378

Click on these links to order yours for less:  Flyima | Locker Toys Entertainment Earth Sideshow Collectibles Amazon | or eBay |

JOYTOY Blood Angels TerminatorsIt’s always awesome to get full squads, and what’s more intimidating than some assault terminators?  From the looks of it, these don’t have an insane number of bits, but they still look great, and we expect them to be super articulate.

They even give them some serious fangs, which is just awesome!

Ultramarine Primaris Chaplain Brother Varus: $66

Click on these links to order yours for less:  Flyima | Locker Toys Entertainment Earth Sideshow Collectibles Amazon | or eBay |

JOYTOY Chaplain 8This is possibly the coolest Chaplain we’ve seen yet! Picking this up will really buff up your collection.  He doesn’t have a huge number of options, but plenty to make some really cool dioramas!

Get 12% Ordering JOYTOY Warhammer 40k Action Figures:

If you’ve been eyeing any of the fantastic JOYTOY Warhammer 40k action figures, use our exclusive discount code to get yours for less from Flyima! Use Discount Code: SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 12%!

Best of all, they have free shipping to the States for almost all of them!

Hellblasters JOYTOY 3

Click Here to Get Your JOYTOY Figures 12% OFF!

Don’t forget you can use Discount Code: SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 12% on Flyima as well!  Entertainment Earth has more extended pre-orders and now various free shipping and discount offers when you use our link here to order.

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2023

Are you excited about the new miniature releases for Warhammer 40k in 2023?

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