Necron Triarch Stalker 40k Rules Changing As Well

necron wal horThe Triarch Stalker, a classic Necron unit has just emerged on the web showing an updated statline as well. Check out the latest on the Necrons in 9th!

u/beuhlakor on Reddit posted a picture of what looks to be the new instruction sheet for the Triarch Stalker. This isn’t the first pre-existing Necron unit we’ve seen get a statline overhaul. 

As a quick reference, we’ve also got all the datasheets we’ve seen listed here.

Jumping into the Triarch Stalker, here are the details.

Necron Triarch Stalker 40k Rules Changing As Well

triarch stalker 1


triarch stalker statlineSo here’s the statline. The degrading hasn’t changed at all from the Stalker currently. But looking at what has been updated, we’ve got:

  • +2 Wounds
  • Twin Heavy Gauss Cannon is now S7 -3 D3 dmg.

  • Heat Ray has two basic profiles as before except now with 12″ range.

  • Massive Forelimbs are now a whopping -2AP 3 flat dmg.

  • Particle Shredder gets +2 shots, loses a Strength value, but flat two dmg (essentially anti-Intercessor).

Overall, this unit looks to be in a much better position to kill off a bunch of Primaris dudes (or should be once the Necron Codex drops). With the current profile, those massive forelimbs are a joke at -1AP D3 dmg. But once this datasheet becomes official, this thing could be a platform that melts Primaris while it’s on its way to open up an Impulsor like a can of sardines. Definitely a massive buff!

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What do you think about the 40k rules changes to the Triarch Stalker? Can you see yourself fielding multiples of these once the datasheet gets updated?  

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