RUMORS: Games Workshop’s July New Release Lineup

new gw releases

GW’s new release summer roadmap is filling up fast for July, with all the new models out there on the horizon. Don’t miss the latest rumors and previews!

We’ve been getting hit with preview after preview for multiple GW games. Now that time has gone on, we could finally be seeing Titanicus, Sylvaneth (hopefully), Warcry, and Chaos Knights… Here’s what’s been previewed so far that is still on the way

GW’s July New Release Roadmap

Adeptus Titanicus


titanicus 7

Named Titans are coming to the gam with their own command terminals which we’ve already seen previewed. Some of them (like the command terminal all the way to the left) are going to be locked in on their wargear while others can be completely customized. Check out the named Titans and their rules that were mentioned.

titanicus sprue

Knight upgrade sprues and dice could be hitting the shelves soon as well. We’ve been comparing the dice pack to the size of the upgrade sprue and we feel like the sprue will be about the size of the current stratagem cards. Taking a deeper look at what kind of upgrades we’ll be getting, they’ll have:

  • 6x fists (3 Right and Left)
  • 3x missile pods
  • 3x Meltas
  • 3x Knight heads

Adeptus Titanicus Imperial Knights

While the sprue may come with six fists, it’s actually all geared around upgrading three Knights only. At least we’ll have more options on which hand we want our fist on and if nothing else, these will be a great leftover conversion bits.



The Porphyrion is also on its way to the game. We’ve already seen a good bit on this Knight.

acastus banner

Acastus-class Banner

Pictures from Warhammer Fest Courtesy of Sablednah:

titanicus fest 2


titanicus fest 3

You can see the Acastus Porphyrion with its rocket pods as well as the Questoris-class Knight with the new rocket upgrades in the back left.

titanicus fest 5

There’s a lot in store for Titanicus overall. With named Titans, a new model, and some upgrade sprues coming, the game is definitely picking up speed.

Specialist Games (Blood Bowl Wood Elves, and LoTR (MESB) Scouring of the Shire) are also on deck as well. GW may hold off releasing their biggest, most popular releases on huge holidays and instead, release more specialist games…

Sylvaneth Could Finally Be Coming (We Hope)

New AoS Sylvaneth Model Lineup REVEALED

It has to be pretty annoying to be a Sylvaneth player right now. Knowing that your faction got reworked but you can’t put your hands on the rules because they’re being delayed due to some trade disagreements among Countries. We’ve been seeing preview after preview on these guys for about a month now but we’re still waiting for these guys to hit the stores. If you haven’t been keeping up with their support, look no further because we’ve got everything covered.


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The Warcry starter set could also finally be upon us. Right now, all we’ve been seeing are the cosmetic details of the Warbands in-game.


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everchosen 4

The Everchosen are a primal Warband focusing on killing beasts in utter savagery. This Warband focuses more on numbers and looks to have a bunch of little guys that dogpile you as well as one or two warriors that are actually good in combat.







Meanwhile, the Splintered Fang look to be more of an elite Warband that focuses on making every hit count. Being themed around snakes, they’ll probably have some seriously poisonous weapons.

corvus cabal

Finally, the Corvus Cabal, which is the latest Warband look to be focused around a bird theme and definitely have numbers to back their cause up. However, they’ll probably be in the same boat as the Everchosen with only a few fighters that can actually hold their own in combat.

40k Chaos Knight Codex Support

Chaos Knights Codex

Chaos should be the next big release into 40k bringing a codex and all new kits!

chaos knight dominus

Domins-Class Knights have finally made their way to Chaos. With the only thing known about Chaos Knights being the model line, it’ll be exciting to see how the Warp changed these from the Loyalist version.

chaos knight armiger


Chaos heretic Knights warhammer 40k codex download pdf revealed

Chaos Knights probably won’t have any kind of Household (because they’re Renegades that broke away and joined Chaos) so they’ll probably have marks of (enter Chaos god here) for bonus rules.

Moving Deeper Into Summer’s Releases


Still, on deck are a slew of painted models for what we can only assume will be a release in the next three months. For the most part these all have product shots and have been actively previewed from May onward.

traitor command 2

Beyond Summer:

It’s really no surprise but Sisters of Battle are coming at some point in 2019. We still have a lot to chew through in the months ahead, however. Just keep the Sisters in the back of your mind for right now.

lizardmen seraphon race hor wal

Seraphons also look to be getting a 2.0 reboot for Age of Sigmar as well according to rumors from June that seems to be supported by some of the rumor engines as of late.

Rumors From an Industry Insider: 

Lizards are coming back late summer for a bigger release than Sylvaneth.

The only “lizard” faction we know about is Seraphon and while the Sylvaneth are still being held up, they’ve definitely gotten a lot of support. That makes us wonder exactly what kind of help the Seraphon could be getting this summer. Most overhauled factions at the very least get their own set of Endless Spells, however, Seraphon have a lot of older models too. Maybe we could see some minis transferred over to plastic or even get reworked.

The trade tariff may have caused a hiccup in GWs stream of constant releases, however, their previews have been going strong.

With that said, it’s only a matter of time before we see more on their latest projects.

Overall, we could be having a busy month in July. Hopefully, we’ll be seeing all of these releases make their way to the stores. In the meantime, what are you most excited for? What wargear loadout will you put on your Chaos Knight? Which Warcry Warband will you be playing first? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.