What new previews are coming soon from the GW’s Years Open? Warhammer TV gave us a teaser of what we can look forward to including new 40k GSC and AoS Gitz!
Warhammer TV posted on their Facebook a peculiar picture of to factions that live underground and are “humanoid”…You know what we’re talking about? Genestealer Cult and more Gloomspite Gitz of course!
Let’s break down the latest teasers and rumors for both releases!
GSC & Gloomspite Gitz Teased
What do the Gloomspite Gitz and Genestealer Cult have in common? They both live underground, they’re humanoid, and they just so happen to have a taste for human flesh! (or any flesh for that matter). But taking a look at the New Year Open pic they posted, there’s no mistake that we should be seeing something new for both of those factions.
Gloomspite Gitz have been the talk of the town for the last few weeks thanks to all the previews GW has been putting out. As for GSC, we’ve seen some previews from a while ago, but nothing too recent. What could they possibly be giving us on them?
Let’s take a look at a snippet from our 2019 Roadmap post to give us some insight on what’s ahead.
What’s Lurking Around the Corner?
The Genestealer Cults have been waiting for their moment to strike – and in 2019, the second wave of these insidious infiltrators will be landing, alongside a new codex.
Genestealer Cult models and new codex are rumored to be Jan/Feb. There were a ton more reveals from the Vigilus Open on new GSC models that are coming as well as New cult bikers.
For the most part, we’ve been seeing GW’s second wave of GSC models get previewed. However, we have been left in the dark on the rules for them. Could the New Years Open Day finally give us a deeper look at how these models will play?
Even More On Gloomspite Gitz?
Destruction is coming to the Mortal Realms – in the form of the Gloomspite Gitz and the Bad Moon they worship. This annihilatory alliance of grots, troggoths, gargants and giant spiders will be hitting shelves early in 2019, featuring a massive range of new models and some madcap army mechanics…
Games Workshop has been pulling out all the stops on these guys here lately with videos and talk of what’s to come. Check out the latest in-depth peek at what’s ahead for the Gloomspire Gitz. It’s looking like these guys are getting two separate waves of releases. The first being the Grotz and the second, the Troggoths.
With the preview floodgates open on this faction, we’re not exactly sure what GW could be previewing. We still have yet to see an official preview of the Warscroll Battalions in their book as well as some of the rules for the new units (i.e The Dankhold Troggboss). In fact, the only Warscroll Batallion we’ve seen so far is the Troggherd.
The Warhammer New Years Open is going to be bursting at the seams with a new word on what’s to come in 2019. Make sure you tune in and get the latest previews tomorrow, January 5th, 2018 when it all goes down.
What do you think Games Workshop could preview for the Cult? Can rules be the only thing left to preview for the Gloomspite Gitz? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.