More on 40k’s New Genestealer Cult Biker Models

genestealer cult bike

Check out the latest on the new fan favorite Genestealer Cult bike models for Warhammer 40k that are coming soon from Games Workshop.

CaptainBetts, a user on Reddit, has been posting rundowns of what was said first-hand at the event. Let’s see what he’s got to say about Genestealer Cult and their new biker models.

Take a look at the latest on GSC from the Vigilus Open Day to bring you up to speed.

Genestealer Cult Uprising

GW announced that the Cult codex is next in line. Be sure to check out their rumored Warlord Traits and Stratagems if you haven’t already.

Looks like that digital topical layout of Warhammer World is officially confirmed from the rumor engine in this new preview.

Brand New GSC Models

Vigilus Rumor Engine Weekender

Vigilus Rumor Engine Weekender

Yep – he’s planning to infiltrate somewhere that looks very much like Warhammer World itself! Looks like he’s planning a visit.


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More on the New Biker Models

gsc bokers


gsc biker

CaptainBetts explored the customizability of these new models. Some people were asking if these would be mono-pose minis or if they would have different wargear options as well as cosmetic alternatives.

Almost all of the models look like they have some kind of close combat/shooting weapon. Some of the weapons look new. One may even be a new type of grenade launcher.

gsc biker 2

You can spot blasting charges on the side of this guys’ bike. The one in front of him is actually holding a charge. Basically, it looks like Neophytes and all their normal wargear just got strapped to some Bikes.

gsc sniper

The sniper model that folks seem to be 99.999999% sure is a character, also looks to have some kind of machete strapped to her hip. Whether or not it’ll have some fancy AP/damage is still up in the air. But it definitely looks different from most of the other knives we’ve seen on Cult models.

Possible Biker Stats


From CaptainBetts:

Based off what I believe to be GW’s points formula, the other GSC rules and other biker models, the bikes will be 15 points per model. They’ll have the following stats: M14″, WS4+, BS4+, S3, T4, W2, A1, Ld7 (seargant has Ld8). They will also have Cult Ambush and the ability to turbo boost for an auto-advance of 6″. If they get Cult Ambush and the “Cult Ambush tax” of 25% is a thing, they’ll be more like 18-19pts.

Remember this is speculation.

It looks like these guys could cost just a little bit less than two Space Marines. They’re fast at M14″ and made it over the T3 hump into T4 thanks to the bike’s armor. If they are 2 wounds a piece, that’ll add to the tankiness, but their save can’t be all that great. An autocannon will probably make short work of these guys.

On the other hand, If they are true GSC models, they should have the Cult Ambush rule.  Bringing these guys 9″ away and then letting them move 14″ into a target-rich environment might be the perfect strategy to tie the enemy up long enough to bring in swarms of Genestealers.

Gunslinger Model on Sprue

genestealer gunslinger New Genestealer Cult Models SPOTTED

We saw this model pop up originally at another Warhammer preview earlier this year. His sprue was lying in a display case at the Vigilus Day Open as well.

gunslinger sprue

What do you think about these pictures? Do these stats look about in-line with what you were thinking? Will you be running these guys in your GSC list? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.