Wild Edits GW Is Making To Their Warcom Posts

warhammer-community-edits-redactedThis latest Games Workshop Warcom posts edits took out all kinds of information, and we can’t seem to understand why.

It’s nothing new; GW seems to re-write the narrative on what they always promise in writing.  That being said, this is the biggest Games Workshop post edits since the Warhammer+ new animations “every Wednesday post.”  

While editing something for correctness is fine, just stripping a post and giving basically no reasoning is very strange.  We get that Warhammer Community has a new writer now that doesn’t even seem to care enough to capitalize his own name, but after you see how much of this post was removed, you may also scratch your head.

Here is what we are talking about:

Wild Edits Games Workshop Is Making To Their Warcom Posts

Literally, everything in red below was removed via edits by Games Workshop on a recent Warcry post. You can compare the text below to the current post here.

GW Post CensorGW Post Censor

Wow, that seems like a lot to remove, but perhaps the real question is why they even removed it in the first place. People definitely read it and noticed it, as evident by comments on the Warcry Reddit before the article was edited.

One guess is they might have just not wanted hobbyists to know what to expect in the book because it’s being pushed back. Another is they may have made some serious errors in what’s actually in the book, or possibly, they don’t want to rebalance things until more warbands come out.

It’s really hard to say as they give no info on the situation, but it seems strange to just take away all the possible info out there for people who play the game and want to know if they can use their warbands.

To their credit, though, at least they put something at the bottom of this article (Whereas in the Warhammer+ post, they said nothing and just changed it):

NB This article originally mentioned the Warcry Compendium. Fear not, it’s still on the way, but we wanted to give you more information on this massive tome in future articles. 

What is NB, though? We think it’s Latin for “nota bene” which is usually used before a piece of information to make readers notice it.

The bright side is it will be cheaper for people to get in and play the older factions without buying all those books; the downside is that old players have to buy the new book. The bigger issue is that GW is still rewriting the narrative, with it’s the second biggest occurrence regarding selling a product or service. 

Update To Article: 

On the very same day we released this article, Games Workshop again went back and made edits to a Warhammer Community post after it went live. 

It could be that a lot of this is prompted by the community reaction; they then go back and change things based on how readers react.

GW Daemons Edits

So first up, they, for some reason, had 76pom in there, which obviously, them changing that makes sense. But, look at the green highlighted section.

GW Daemons Edits

The green section is added, and originally they didn’t explicitly say the saves couldn’t be modified. However, after some confusion on their Facebook page, they went back and added this in. It feels like a response to the community, but we’re not a hundred percent sure.

Here’s what could have made them make the change.

Daemons edit

As you can see, there was some confusion on how the saves worked, so this very well could have been the reason GW went through and added the footnote. Either way, it’s interesting to see a post go live and get edited within hours, showing how much truly gets changed on these posts.

Building Hype for Nothing?

This rumor came from Warhammer Community.

rumor engine 07-26-22

In a previous week of the Rumor Engine, there were hints about something changing or a new grand design or “final week” Then, the next week, the very same rumor engine format was posted at the very same time again…

The time has almost come, the Rumour Engine is swirling with more energy than ever before, and we’re only a few moments away from whatever grand design it has in store. Before the Dark Powers usher us into a new and brighter future,we have just one more vision of a forthcoming release to prepare us for the greatness that awaits.

Isn’t it wonderful? The warp has this and more to share – so the Engine tells us – if only we embrace it. We don’t see any downside to this, so let us know what you think this week’s Rumour Engine image is on the Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, and Warhammer Age of Sigmar Facebook pages while we get everything ready for next week’s grand ascension.

So, while they often write these like this, this is the first time they really mention any finality. They said there would be a grand ascension and that only one more vision is left. To us, this feels like their way of telling about a big reveal and a change in how they reveal rumors.

But that looks to have not happened, and really any text mentioned in these posts is just hyperbole at this point, which is unfortunate. 

Remember Those App Promises?

warhammer appWarhammer Community gave details on the app way back when and they aren’t even true today, and this is after it had been out for well over two years…


We know you’re eager to find out when Battle Forge is coming your way. It’s really soon – August, in fact! Battle Forge is among the first of many features being added to the app, and it’ll make putting your armies together a breeze. You can choose your datasheets, change weapons, add options, pick your psychic powers, Warlord Traits, and Relics, and then output the list to print, send to friends or get feedback from your gaming buddies on social media. All you need to do to be ready for Battle Forge is download the app and subscribe through My Warhammer.


GW was asked directly; “when will the list building app not suck?”

  • The entire application department has been restructured under Mike Brandt. (who if you remember seems to be responsible for the terrible rollout back in 2020)…
  • Mike admitted and owned the fact that the application is in a bad state, and talked about the plans moving forward.
  • The goal is to not make it good enough you would want to use it, but make it so good you wouldn’t want to use something else.
  • A big update is planned for May (2022) that’s supposed to be the first step in that plan.

They then promised further down the post that its new functionality would be coming soon, and they were listening to the community. However, as we’ve seen, this wasn’t true. The app still has most of the same issues, and list building is less than optimal…

Again though, this isn’t the worst offender when it comes to selling products with half-truths; the Warhammer plus and app combo definitely takes the crown.

Warhammer+ Plus Where’s The Animations?

This is from a little while ago but is still happening today, as you saw above.

Let’s start with something that really, really put a bad taste in our mouths. This is the picture of a Sunday teaser release from not even 30 days into the launch of Warhammer Plus. It shows nothing about any animation, doesn’t talk about a mid-season break, or has any content included about any animation.

Warhammer Plus

A mere 16 hours after this editorial about the lack of animations, GW changed the lineup (see new image below) and informed readers about a “mid-season break” only one month into the launch of the app.

With Angels of Death on its mid-season break, it’s time for Hammer and Bolter to step to the fore once again!

So, from the same post we grabbed this picture from, they actually went back and changed the content and original post without notifying readers that an edit was made.

Warhammer Plus 2As you can see, they went back and changed the picture in the original post with this, the Deep Strike podcast about Angels of Death- a podcast about the show.

They didn’t even change the text to address the addition of the show in the graphic or even the post. Then, they finally mentioned Angels of Death will not be returning until November, so after four episodes, it’s taking an entire month’s break.

Which is fine, if you know, they had told us at the launch how this was going to work, and not shoehorn it in when they ran out of content (less than a month later) and then edit their posts to match…

We wish they had just told us the truth from the beginning that animations would not be coming every week (as they didn’t have enough content), instead of waiting unil 30 days later and then just taking out the biggest draw. Instead of acting like it’s all guns blazing, in reality, that just never seems to be the truth for any of their in-house developed assets.

Instead, we as a community just get constantly blindsided by bad releases, allocations, paywalls, FOMO, and GW doubletalk.

These factors may seem to have really contributed to a drop in consumer confidence with Games Workshop overall.

Games Workshop was great once, and we’re here for when they are great again.  Until then, here are more articles on the issues that Games Workshop is facing:

What do you think about how Games Workshop edits their posts to re-write the narrative? 

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