All The GW New Releases Available To Order Through May 7th

new-releases-warhammer-40k-use-me-now-wal-horAll the new Games Workshop releases from early April are still available across platforms- here are the links to where you can still find them.

Most of these Games Workshop releases are orderable but they might be low on stock, or higher in price already on the secondary market. So be sure to check out all of the offerings, and pick up anything you might want while they are still available…

Some of these may also still be available on GW’s store, but they are often cheaper when the allocations were favorable from stores elsewhere. Of course, if you can get them at your LGS at a discount that may be a great place to spend your hobby dollars as well!

Here are the latest new Games Workshop releases with order links!

GW New Releases: April 9th

Table of Contents & Article Summary

40k Tyranids Release & AOS Thondia: Pricing & Links

If you want to see what the new Tyranids are capable of, then this is the week for you!

9th warhammer 40k banner

Codex: Tyranids Retail Price: $50

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Codex Tyranids

Inside this 128-page hardback book, you’ll find:
– In-depth coverage on the vast, nearly-uncountable swarm, and the numerous conflicts the Hive Fleets have been involved in since the Imperium first encountered them. You’ll also find information on the named Hive Fleets such as Leviathan, Behemoth, and Kronos
– Gruesome and detailed artwork that depicts everything from the lowliest Ripper to the most terrifying Hive Tyrant, each boasting chitinous armour and vicious fangs
– All the rules you need to play a Tyranid army, including 41 datasheets covering every size and shape of biomorph and bioweapon, as well as a number of rules for rare organisms, Hive Fleet adaptations, adaptive physiologies, spore seeding, synaptic imperatives, and Hive Mind disciplines
– All the rules you need to wage a Crusade campaign of narrative games in which your Hive Fleet devours planets, including new Agendas, Battle Traits, Requisitions, and Crusade Relics
– An ‘Eavy Metal miniatures showcase full of wonderfully painted Tyranid miniatures

The next new codex is on the way, but will it be enough to shake up the 40k meta? We’ll just have to wait and see!

The Parasite of Mortrex Retail Price: $38

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Games Workshop’s Store Link

The Parasite of Mortrex

This kit bullds one Parasite of Mortrex. Armed with clawed limbs and a barbed ovipositor, this winged beast is a mobile incubation organism housing hundreds of Ripper pods. With a host of horrifying abilities, this unique biomorph adds disruptive tactical options to the already unpredictable tendrils of the Hive Fleet.

This set comprises 12 plastic components and is supplied with a Citadel 40mm Round Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly

Parasite of Mortrex sprue

As the only new model with this batch of 40k releases, this might be a hot model for the Tyranids release because of its cool lore and potential for a good ruleset going forward.

Combat Patrol Tyranids Retail Price: $150

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Combat Patrol Tyranids

This set includes the following multipart plastic models:
– 1x Hive Tyrant, which can also be built as a Winged Hive Tyrant or a Swarmlord
– 3x Tyranid Warriors, which can also be built as a Tyranid Prime and 2x Tyranid Warriors
– 36x Termagants
– 3x Ripper Swarms

All models are supplied with their appropriate bases.

These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly

Over the eras of Tyranid metas, there have been two core ideas, a more elite style list and a swarm-based one. We can’t tell which will be top with the new update, but this Patrol will give you a huge head start in the swarm direction with a whopping 36 Termagants.

Tyranids Datacards Retail Price: $29 & Dice Sets Retail Price: $38

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Games Workshop’s Store Links: Datacards & Dice

Tyranids Datacards and Dice Sets

With so many slavering gribblies to take care of, you’ll want to keep your rules near at hand, and nothing is better than a good pack of datacards to keep your Stratagems and Synaptic Imperatives in order. Team them up with some fetching Tyranid dice and you’ll be the talk of the next Hive Fleet get-together.

As usual, Datacards are a great way to smooth the learning curve and dice remain an easy way to show off your devotion to your favorite faction.

aos banner age of sigmar logo

Season of War: Thondia Retail Price: $55

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Season of War Thondia

Inside this 112-page hardback book, you’ll find:

– An exciting narrative exploring the wild Realm of Beasts, as the Prime Huntress Yndrasta investigates the strange events transforming the land
– Detailed maps, history, and lore for Ghur, including a bestiary of the flora, fauna, and factions that make their homes on the alpha-continent of Thondia
– Rules for using the Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur, a powerful new unit type available to all factions, plus warscroll battalions and battleplans for recreating the story of Season of War: Thondia
– Realm rules for fighting in Thondia, including Realmsphere magic, monstrous denizens, and mysterious terrain, plus an open play battlepack for randomly generating your own Ghurish battleplan
– A narrative Path to Glory battlepack for founding your own Thondian outpost to explore the Realm of Beasts, plus Anvil of Apotheosis rules for creating Ghurish heroes
– A matched play Strife in Thondia battlepack including core battalions, battle tactics, grand strategies, campaign rules, and battleplans for matched play games

With the ripples of Kragnos still being felt across the realms, this new Season of War focuses on the growing situation in the Era of the Beast.

Realmscape: Thondian Strongpoint Retail Price: $220

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Realmscape Thondian Strongpoint

This set contains 168 plastic components, with which you can build:
– 1x Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur
– 1x Cleansing Aqualith
– 1x Megadroth Remains
– 1x Domicile Shell
– 1x Domicile Shell with Winch
– 1x Guardian Idol

This new Terrain set provides a great start to a table, but also comes with a new miniature to add some unique scenarios to your games to make them more interesting!

Krondspine Incarnate

The set also includes two double-sided folding gaming boards measuring 30″ x 22.4″, allowing you to build a battlefield suitable for games of up to 1000 points in Warhammer Age of Sigmar. These durable boards depict the wild reaches of Thondia – each features an uninviting, boggy marsh with half-sunken flagstones on one side and an arid desert littered with massive bones and half-buried ruins on the other, and can be combined with other gaming boards to create battlefields of any size.

These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly

Thondian Strongpoint sprue 1


Thondian Strongpoint sprue 2


Thondian Strongpoint sprue 3


Thondian Strongpoint sprue 4


Thondian Strongpoint sprue 5


Thondian Strongpoint sprue 6


Thondian Strongpoint sprue 7


Realmscape: Thondian Expanse $60 (GW Webstore Only)

Realmscape Thondian Expanse

Explore the predatory reaches of Thondia, a particularly foreboding region of the Realm of Beasts, with these double-sided, fold-out gaming boards. Each board features an uninviting, boggy marsh with half-sunken flagstones on one side and an arid desert littered with massive bones and half-buried ruins on the other. When placed together, these boards make a battlefield measuring 44.8″ x 30″, perfect for games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar of up to 1000 points, and the ideal foundation for a wide range of Citadel scenery. Thanks to the expandable rules in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Core Book, two or more sets of these boards can produce battlefields suitable for games of 2000 points or more. The artwork is also fully compatible with the Realmscape: Ghurish Expanse gaming boards, allowing you to expand your battlefield options even further.

The boards are made of thick, durable card with reinforced folds to ensure excellent condition even after frequent use. Each board measures 22.4″ x 30″ (76cm x 56.8cm) and can be folded into eighths for easy storage in the included sleeve.

For a quick and easy game board, these are simple to set up and get the job done. Just keep in mind these are for 1k point games, so you’ll need a bigger one for larger games, or you can just make your own too!

GW New Releases: April 16th

Blood Bowl Norsca Team & McFarlane Figures: Pricing & Links

If you want to see what the new team is capable of, then this is the week for you! Plus, with a bunch of MacFarlane and Black Library stuff, there is plenty for everyone.

BLood Bowl banner

Norsca Rampagers Retail Price: $50

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Norsca Rampagers

Norse Blood Bowl Team Norsca Rampagers sprue

The multi-part kit is comprised of 120 plastic components with which you can assemble the Norsca Rampagers, a Norse team for use in games of Blood Bowl. The team is made up of 6 Norse Raider Linemen, 2 Beer Boar, 2 Norse Berserkers, 2 Ulfwereners and 2 Valkyries. In addition, there are 2 double-sided Blood Bowl coins, 2 turn and re-roll markers, 4 balls, and a transfer sheet with 292 decals.

The rules for using Norse teams in your games of Blood Bowl can be found in Spike! Journal 14. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly

Nosrcans are brutal, so expect them to be able to hit pretty hard and take some punches on the field.

Spike! Magazine 14 Retail Price: $15

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Spike! Magazine 14

This journal covers the history, rules, and rosters of the Norse team. Alongside tales of booze, bone-breaking tackles, and a few incidents of accidentally freezing to death, you’ll find the fantastic fun and essential commentary you’ve come to expect from Spike! Journal. As such, this magazine is the perfect companion for any cold-loving coach.

For everything you need to know about the new faction, this new book is your answer!

Norsca Dice Retail Price:$18 and Team Cards Retail Price: $30

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Games Workshop’s Dice & Cards Store Link

Norsca Dice and Team Cards

There are plenty of accessories for your new team, too. The Norse Team Card Pack features handy reference cards for your players, as well as bespoke special play cards, such as Armoured Boar! Make sure to grab a set of Norse Team Dice, with a stylish dragon-ship design that’ll have Nuffle smiling on your rolls.

As with most major new releases, you can also pick up cards and dice to help with the learning curve and pronounce your loyalty to the newest faction.

Norsca Team Pitch Retail Price: $50

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Frontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Norsca Team Pitch

The Frozen Lake pitch has two sides – one depicting the pitch in fair weather, with the lake covered in a thick sheet of ice. The other side depicts the pitch after some disaster or another has caused the ice to break apart, exposing the freezing waters below.

You’ll also find a pair of matching double-sided dugouts to complete the theme. Each dugout features score, turn, and re-roll trackers, plus Reserves, Knocked-out, and Casualty boxes.

Rules for using each side of the pitch in your games of Blood Bowl are included.

Additionally, there’s a team pitch so the new team can have some immersion in their own field and change the scenery of your Blood Bowl games.

Ultramarines Reiver With Bolt Carbine

Warhammer 40k McFarlaneIf the stealth and terror tactics of the Primaris Vanguard are your thing, then this Ultramarines Reiver is the perfect action figure to add to your collection. His backpack is outfitted with a grav-chute, so even if you accidentally knock him from your shelf, he’s all but guaranteed to land safely (though be careful – in the grim darkness of the far future, anything can happen).

We’ve seen a bunch of Space Marines before but hey, now if you need to be a little stealthier, this is the way to go. Order yours here at this link.

Space Marines Reiver With Grapnel Launcher – Artist’s Proof

Warhammer 40k McFarlane 2If you’d rather paint your own Reiver action figure, the Artist’s Proof is the ideal choice. What’s more, in place of the Ultramarines Reiver’s bolt carbine and a grav-chute, this version is equipped with alternative wargear in the form of a grapnel launcher, offering added variety should you get them both.

It’s interesting they gave this one a different weapon choice for the AP. These are really fun to paint up and you can make it whatever chapter you want. Order yours here at this link.

Ork Meganob With Shoota

Ork mega nob McFarlaneDa Orks iz ’ere! The first of four greenskin action figures from McFarlane Toys sees an Ork Meganob armed with a kustom shoota and power klaw and clad in mega armour enter the fray. You also can kit out his armour rig with an optional backpack with attached banner pole, and give him the metal jaw that no self-respecting Nob would be seen without.

This is the first Ork we’ve seen from them and it’s pretty cool, but the paint job does leave a little to be desired. You can always fix it up if you want but having some giant Orks hanging around would be so much fun! Order yours here at this link.

Click Here To Get All 4 Assassins & Free Shipping Worldwide!

Ork Meganob With Buzzsaw

Ork mega nob McFarlane 2Of course, if you want your Meganob action figure to look even more killy (if such a thing is even possible), you’ll want it to be dual-wielding killsaws for some good ol’ fashioned slicing and dicing.

With these being more expensive we hope these are bigger and it’s a mistake on the site. The accessory of the metal jaw is just a really cool little addition. Order yours here at this link.

Ork Big Mek

Ork mega nob McFarlane 3

The third Ork action figure enables you to match the three-model Meganobz set with a Big Mek clad in mega armour. He’s tooled up with all the gubbinz you could want, including a kombi-weapon with skorcha, a power klaw, and even a backpack-mounted kustom force field generator.

With a force field and a kombi-weapon, this is just a really cool figure! Order yours here at this link.

Ork Big Mek – Artist’s Proof

Ork mega nob McFarlane 4The Artists’ Proof edition of the mega-armoured Ork Big Mek is the perfect opportunity for you to try your hand at painting a large-scale greenskin. Armed and equipped with the same wargear as the painted version, you can add your own creative flair to this awesome action figure to make it truly your own.

If you’re not too excited about the paint jobs on the above Orks, then this is the way to go. Order yours here at this link.

Tyranid Genestealer

Genestealer McFarlane

If you serve the will of the Hive Mind, there’s no better way to prove it than with this fearsome Genestealer action figure. It comes pre-painted in the colours of Hive Fleet Leviathan, and this beastie looks ready to tear anything in its way to pieces.

If you love Nids, you’re finally grabbing a McFarlane fig! Rejoice for all action figure lovers. Order yours here at this link.

Ymgarl Genestealer – Artist’s Proof

Genestealer McFarlane 2If you’re feeling especially outlandish, the Artist’s Proof version represents one of the infamous Ymgarl Genestealers, complete with the tell-tale combination of scything talons and feeder tendrils. As a blank canvas, you can paint your action figure in the colours of your Hive Fleet of choice.

Last but not least, the Nids are also getting an AP as well. So if you want to paint up your custom scheme, you can! Order yours here at this link.

GW New Releases: April 23rd

Underworlds Nethermaze, 40k Stickers, & More: Pricing & Links

While the price of the box is going up quite considerably from previous seasons, the minis inside the box are actually really cool. Plus, if you’re in the UK or Ireland, you can get some really cool collectibles.

warhammer underworlds banner

Warhammer Underworlds: Nethermaze Retail Price: $95

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Games Workshop’s Store Link

nether maze box

This set contains:

– The complete rules for Warhammer Underworlds – a tight and concise ruleset, honed over many seasons. This expansion adds fresh new mechanics like Maps and Domains, as well as chilling new lore and art that delves deeper still into the shadowy setting established by Harrowdeep

nethermaze Shadeborn


Shadeborn warband sprue 1


Shadeborn warband sprue 2

– The complete Shadeborn warband – Murderous aelven Shadowstalkers that utilise the umbral arts, melting into the shadows and then reappearing to strike down their foes from behind. Quickly assemble your warband with four push-fit models, cast in a deep mauve to stand out even when unpainted, plus fighter cards and a full Rivals deck to claim the deeps for Khaine

With some new design elements, these shadow cloaked assassins are some sweet models.

nethermaze Skittershank’s Clawpack


Skittershank’s Clawpack warband sprue 1


Skittershank’s Clawpack warband sprue 2

– The complete Skittershank’s Clawpack warband – Skaven assassins that exhibit all the cunning and cruelty of the Clans Eshin. With five push-fit models in skulking brown plastic, plus fighter cards and a pre-made Rivals deck, you’ll be ready to clash quick-fast
– 2 double-sided game boards to represent the uncanny corridors of the Nethermaze
– Warhammer Underworlds tokens, including objectives, wound markers, glory points, and many, many more
– 48 universal cards – gambits, objectives, and upgrades that can be used by any warband, perfect for changing up your Shadeborn and Skittershank’s Clawpack decks, or expanding on your favourite warband as you bring them into the new setting
– 36 Grand Alliance cards – gambits, objectives, and upgrades that can be used by any warband belonging to that Grand Alliance
– 11 Dice – 5 Attack dice, 3 Defence dice and 3 Magic dice, enough for the most devastating blows, desperate defences and cataclysmic spells

Whether you’re a new player looking to start your journey or a veteran gamer looking to update your game for the new season, this set is a must-have.

This box contains push-fit miniatures which are supplied unpainted and require assembly

If you favor the rat-men, then these new Eshin models might be a new favorite for you.

The Exiled Dead Retail Price: $42

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Games Workshop’s Store Link

The Exiled Dead


The Exiled Dead sprue 1


The Exiled Dead sprue 2

This set contains:

– 7x push-fit Exiled Dead miniatures – no glue required to assemble, cast in a cadaverous grey to stand out even when unpainted
– 7x fighter cards, one for each warrior in the warband – Deintalos the Exile, the Prentice Markov, the Deadwalker Regulus, and the Arcwalkers Vlash, Bault, Coyl, and Ione.
– 65 cards to enhance your fighters and provide new tactics and challenges for your games of Warhammer Underworlds: Harrowdeep, including:
– 12x Exiled Dead objective cards
– 10x Exiled Dead upgrade cards
– 10x Exiled Dead gambit spell and ploy cards
– 6x Universal objective cards, usable by any warband
– 7x Universal upgrade cards, usable by any warband
– 7x Universal gambit cards, usable by any warband
– 12x Grand Alliance cards, usable by any warband belonging to the specified Grand Alliance
– 1x Exiled Dead Warband Background / Rivals Deck Card

Miniatures in this box are supplied unpainted and require assembly

There’s no denying the cool factor of this Warband, if you like zombies, this is easily one of the best warbands for you.

Rivals of Harrowdeep Retail Price: $80

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Warhammer Underworlds Harrowdeep stormcast

This set contains:

– The complete Xandire’s Truthseekers warband – a band of Thunderstrike armour-clad Stormcast Eternals and their aetherwing companion, venturing into the dark of Ulgu on a quest from Sigmar himself. Build your warband with the four push-fit plastic models, cast in blue plastic to ensure they stand out even when unpainted, plus fighter cards and a 32-card Rivals-format deck so you can start playing right away

As one of the two warbands in the Harrowdeep starter, it’s great to finally pick these guys up separately, well, in the same box but not in the starter!

Warhammer Underworlds Harrowdeep Orruks

– The complete Da Kunnin’ Krew warband – a gang of sneaky, cutthroat greenskins from the swamps of Ghur aiming to claim the dark, dank corners of Harrowdeep for themselves. Build your warband with the five push-fit plastic models, cast in dark green plastic, and build your decks with fighter cards and a 32-card Rivals-format deck to get stuck in as soon as possible

This box contains push-fit miniatures which are supplied unpainted and require assembly

Just like the Stormcast, you can pick up these guys as they were the other half of the box which you can now get separately.

GW New Releases: April 30th

New Necromunda Ash Wastes: Pricing & Where to get yours

Sure there is a large box, but the good thing is you can also just pick up the kits on their own if you don’t want everything inside the starter set.

Well, everything but the terrain…

Necromunda Ash Wastes Boxset Retail Price: $299 USD

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Frontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

House Orlock regularly makes trips into the wastes, so it’s good to see. Then, these are the first vehicles in Necromunda, but they said there will be more than this, and we have already seen a few new release still on the way like the Cargo hauler etc..

Necromunda Ash Wastes

The boxed set contains:

26 plastic miniatures, each supplied with the appropriate Citadel bases:
– 12 House Orlock models, including two Outrider Quads
– 14 Ash Waste Nomads, including four Dustback Helamites

So again as we had seen, this giant new boxset comes with everything you need to start playing! The Rulebook, measuring tools, dice, reference sheets, tokens, cards, mats, models, terrain…

It really does come with everything you need!

Ash Wastes Nomad gang

– An array of modular Ash Wastes terrain including:
– 2x Ash Wastes Hab Building
– 1x Large Platform
– 2x Small Platform
– 5x Walkways
– Double-sided gaming mat
– All of the dice, tokens, cards, and templates needed to play
– Rules for the weapons and fighters included in the box

As part of the box, there are of course two gangs’ worth of models, and one of them is made up of entirely new models!

10 Orlocks on foot and two hardy Outrider Quads

Also included is a 176-page hardcover Necromunda: Ash Wastes rulebook containing:
– Background on the Great Equatorial Wastes, including its inhabitants and notable locations
– The rules for playing games of Necromunda, including rules for vehicular combat
– Rules for fighting in the Ash Wastes, including unpredictable weather
– Multiple scenarios and a full campaign to play through
– Rules for creating your own gang

These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly

While the new Orlocks, don’t have quite the same excitement surrounding them, the brand new 4-wheelers are pretty dope!

Ash Wastes Nomads Retail Price: $47

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Frontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Ash Wastes Nomads

The set includes:

– 10x bodies in five different designs, each wearing heavy rags and festooned with canteens, containers, and tools, to be assembled in any way you see fit
– 14x heads in seven different designs – plus two of the bodies have a head attached
– 10x ragged back-mounted shades
– Weapons aplenty! 4 long rifles, 4 blast rifles, 2 blast pistols, 2 stalking knives, 2 charge casters, 2 mono-hooks, and 2 chain lances

This set comprises 96 plastic components and is supplied with 10x Citadel 25mm Round Bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly

Ash Waste Nomads War Party sprue

Additionally, you’ll be able to pick up these nomads separately from the box!

Dustback Helamite Riders Retail Price: $47

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Frontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Dustback Helamite Riders

This multipart plastic kit allows you to add Dustback Helamite Riders to your Ash Waste Nomads gang. This set of four miniatures offers a number of equipment options and cosmetic components, to help you build unique mounted gangers, and includes:
– 4x Helamites and Nomad rider bodies, each in two different designs, wearing heavy rags and festooned with equipment
– 2x optional horns for two of the Helamite heads
– 8x Nomad rider heads in four different designs
– 4x saddle poles, each in two designs, one with a hanging rag shade, the other with equipment lashed to it
– Weapons aplenty! 2 blast rifles, 2 long rifles, 2 blast pistols, and 2 chain lances

This set comprises 80 plastic components and is supplied with 4x Citadel 75mm Oval Bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly

Dustback Helamites sprue

The exciting new cavalry options are also up for grabs separately if you were looking forward to them.

Ash Waste Nomads Tactics Cards Retail Price: $16.50

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Frontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Ash Waste Nomads Tactics Cards

This box contains 26x cards (100mm x 75mm) for use in games of Necromunda:
– 18x Ash Waste Nomads Tactics cards
– 8x Blank Fighter cards

You will need a copy of the Necromunda: Ash Wastes Rulebook to use this card pack in your games of Necromunda.

As with most new products/rules you can pick up these cards to provide a little bit extra inside your games with the new faction!

Orlock Outrider Quads Retail Price: $47

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Frontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Orlock Outrider Quads

This multipart plastic kit allows you to add Outrider Quads to your Orlock gang. This set of two miniatures offers equipment options and cosmetic components to help you build distinctive bike-riding gangers, and includes:
– 8x Orlock heads in four designs, wearing goggles and respirators suited to the ash wastes
– 4x heavy weapons, allowing you to choose between harpoon launchers and heavy bolters
– Driver arm options, including one holding a bolt pistol
– A variety of stowage for the quad’s frame

This set comprises 94 plastic components and is supplied with 2x 90×52.5mm Oval Bases (not pictured). These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly

Orlock Outrider Quads sprue

As the new unit for Orlock, this might be an easy pick-up for the fans of the faction looking to jump into the Ash Wastes experience without having to pick up the box.

Orlock Vehicle Gang Tactics Cards Retail Price: $16.50

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Frontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Orlock Vehicle Gang Tactics Cards

This box contains 26x cards (100mm x 75mm) for use in games of Necromunda:
– 18x House Orlock Vehicle Gang Tactics cards
– 8x Blank Vehicle cards

You will need a copy of the Necromunda: Ash Wastes Rulebook to use this card pack in your games of Necromunda.

Like the other set, these new cards are an easy pickup if you’re looking to get more out of your gang.

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from all preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

With all of these GW new releases available, what will you be picking up? Have you already snagged some?

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