Charadon, Be’lakor Rules, Forge World Changes & July Previews

new-gw-releases-marchHere are all the new wargaming releases, previews, rumors, and more from the weekend, plus the latest from GW as well!

These were the biggest announcements from the wargaming hobby, along with our expert commentary from the last week!

weekend-newsLet’s take a look at what you may have missed for Warhammer and the latest releases for tabletop wargaming in general!

Phobos Conversion Kits for Deimos Pattern Predators

Table of Contents & Article Summary

The new Phobos conversion kits for Deimos Pattern Predators from Pop Goes the Monkey will make using your tanks that much better! Read More

New Warzone Octarius 40k Book & Black Templars

Hive Scum Printed feature r

The Hive Scum Mini set from Gamemat EU is now available as both printed minis and STLs- check out the latest offering! Read More

cursed city giveaway

Be one of the few to possess the out-of print and very elusive Warhammer Quest Cursed City box, in our latest monthly giveaway! Read More

Bitz Bib feature r

We’ve all been there, you’re building a mini, then next thing you know, the pieces disappear into the void, save yourself with the Bitz Bib!Read More


Don’t miss the latest GW new releases roadmap for 2021 with tons of minis for most of the major games that are on the way in July and beyond. Read More


Three Warhammer 40k army lists dominated the recent Comic Quest July RTT with one going undefeated over the weekend! Read More

Old Man Gregor feature r

Get ready for some iconic games as Artel W has finally come through with Old Man Gregor- check out the new amazing mini! Read More

thunderhawk wal hor

It looks like things are a bit in flux at Forge World with rumors of new Horus Heresy, product changes, and even their AoS line potentially going to Legends. Read More

And that’s it for all the latest 40k rumors and releases for wargaming in general. Don’t forget to keep your eyes glued to Spikey Bits for what else the gaming world is throwing at you this week.

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