RUMORS: Armageddon, New 40k Orks & Guard Models!

40k-9th-Edition-armageddon-rumorsWell it looks like those return to Armageddon 40k rumors from last year may be spot on as new Kill Team, Orks, and Steel legion all look to be on the way soon… 

Last November someone posted a rumor on B&C, about new Death Korps of Krieg, Orks, and some Cadians models coming during 2021 and even into 2022.

What are the rumors? What do we think? Let’s dive right in cause this is a hot one, especially in light of the upcoming Octarius preview Saturday.

Initial Rumors: Death Korps, Orks, & Cadians

dkok uniform

Heard third-hand; take with the usual pinch of salt.

2021: 10 plastic DKoK troopers, initially as part of a Kill Team 2nd Edition box set with plastic Ork Kommandos and Ork terrain.

2022: Cadians are getting re-done. They’ll have more of a veteran, weather-beaten look. Greater focus on individuals (whatever that might mean).

So the core of the rumor is as follows (for 2021):

  • A squad of 10 plastic Death Korps of Krieg
  • Plastic Ork Kommando and Ork Terrain

There is also a rumor even into 2022:

  • Cadians getting an update, supposedly more focused on “individuals”

This last one is weird, because, in theory, we may have just got that with the new Cadian Upgrade set and/or the Gaunt’s Ghosts.

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Rumors: Return To Armageddon?

Armageddon_Steel_Legion_Warboss_ThrakaOrks and Death Korps are an interesting mix, and for them to be bundled together in the same rumor? hmm… The thing is DKoK just got an update in the FW compendium last year, and is undoubtedly a best seller for Forge World, so it’s hard to think that they would be crossing over to plastic form from GW.

However, Death Korps has a striking resemblance to another Guard faction who we haven’t seen in 20 years… The Steel Legion.

Armageddon-Codex-Book-Games-Workshop-Codex-SupplementSteel legion first appeared over 20 years ago (in July 2000), along with Orks Speed Freaks, Salamanders, and The Black Templars in Codex Armageddon.

Now we know that the Salamanders off-shoot chapter “the Kraken” will be coming over the horizon shortly in Octarius battling the Tyranids.. all around the same time perhaps?

Let’s assume for the sake of the argument all of this is true. Orks, Steel Legion (not Death Korps), and maybe even the Salamanders all might get rules updates at the same time, and if they do…

Warzone: Armageddon?

Ghazghkull Mag Uruk ThrakaOkay, okay, we know it’s not going to be Armageddon… these rumors last year were most likely for the new series of Warzone books centered around the Octarius sector.

But it is worth mentioning that Armageddon is a 20-year-old book that introduced the same conflict amongst the factions above on the planet of Armageddon (aka the Third War for Armageddon). We also haven’t seen the Steel Legion model-wise since the book’s debut in July of 2000, quite a long hiatus. Curiously they do have current rules in the Imperial Guard codex, but no models available at this time…

Who is to say that it is Steel Legion and not Death Korps of Krieg as the original rumor suggests? Well, Forge World just purged their lineup, and Death Korps of Krieg is very much a Forge World staple, so it seems far-fetched IMHO.

steel legionIt is also not too big of a stretch to say the originator of the rumor may have confused the Death Korps with Steel Legion. The only major aesthetic differences being slightly shorter coats & longer boots plus a different helmet and removable goggles for their gas masks.

After all, usually, when you see guardsmen in a gas mask, you just assume that’s Death Korps, it’s one of their most unique visuals and an easy mistake to make.

You can tell in GW’s latest teaser for Octarius, this may not be the Death Korps of Krieg and could be Steel Legion mainly because there is no Pickelhaube (spike) on the top of the helmet!

The font on the other hand is definitely nearly identical to the Kill Team font. Perhaps foreshadowing an Imperial Guard Steel Legion vs. Orks Kill Team box set?

Warzone Octarius

More food for thought, the recent Warzone: Charadon, finishes up this week on pre-orders with Book II, and GW has confirmed there will more additions to the Warzone line.

warzone charadonPsychic Awakening had 9 installments,  meaning this new wave of Warzone books could be of similar length if GW wishes. The shift to focus on planets/systems also helps out this theory a bit.

Steel Legion or Death Korps- I think everyone is on board to see new models for either.


What do you think about the rumors? Is a return to Armageddon er Octarius & Steel Legion possible? Are plastic Death Korps really coming to GW?

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