New Forge World, Blood Bowl, Necromunda & Citadel Paints LATEST!

space marine wal hor wide

New miniatures are on the way from GW! Here’s previews for Forge World, Warcry, Blood Bowl, and all the Citadel Color paints that you can order this week!

We’ve got the biggest announcements for the tabletop hobby, with our expert commentary that you may have missed over the weekend while you may have been relaxing.

GW Confirms Next Week’s New Paint Release Lineup

contrast logo hor warl

What is staying, and what is going? Don’t miss all of the changes to the complete line of Citadel Color paints that is happening soon.

New Black Library: Primarch Angron, Unsung War & More

Screenshot_170Even more great books are here from Black Library, as Angron, Unsung War, and more headline the lore side of things this week from GW! Read More

Rumor Engine Latest: 20 New GW Models?

rumor engine primaris wal hor pdf download warhammer communityWe need some new previews stat! Are these the next 20 models from GW? The rumor engines are starting to stack up. Check out

New Forge World Rohan Pre-Order For LoTR

forge world new releases games workshop warhammer community thundehawkForge World has been steady every week giving us new content for our hobby tables. Check out the latest Lord of the Rings character! Read More

New 40k Blackstone Fortress, Warcry & More SPOTTED

blackstone fortressThe UK expo has rolled around and GW gave us some new models to get hyped for! Check out what’s on the way to some of their specialist games! Read More

GW Reveals New Necromunda Enforcers at the UK Expo

necromunda walEnforcers ready! The pace is revving up once again from GW as we’ve got a first-hand look at the next “gang” to enter into Necromunda. Read More

5 Ways To Bury the Table in Wyldwoods: Sylvaneth 2.0

New Sylvaneth 2.0 Battletome, Warscrolls, & More SPOTTEDDon’t miss the 5 different ways to summon the Sylvaneth Awakened Wyldwoods, and smother your opponents in tree circles of terrain! Read More

RUMORS: New Blood Bowl, LoTR, & Titanicus This Summer

games workshop warhammer rumorsEven more new Blood Bowl, Lord of the Rings & Titancius may be on the way to stores this summer! Don’t miss the latest. Read More

Complete List of Contrast, New & Discontinued Citadel Paints

contrast logo hor warlWhat is staying, and what is going? Don’t miss all of the changes to the complete line of Citadel Color paints that is happening soon. Read More

A Compelling Argument That Tomb Kings Are Returning

If you miss the Tomb Kings, check out these compelling arguments that they may be returning in some form or another to Age of Sigmar! Read More

New Citadel Contrast Paint Racks Spotted!

exclusive games workshop store wal hor miniatureDon’t miss the all-new paint racks for Citadel Contrast paints along with the rest of the new color line that was just spotted! Read More

And that’s a wrap! Don’t forget to keep your eyes glued to Spikey Bits for what else the gaming world is throwing at you this week.