Complete List of Contrast, New & Discontinued Citadel Paints

contrast logo hor warl

What is staying, and what is going? Don’t miss all of the changes to the complete line of Citadel Color paints that is happening soon.

Contrast paints are right around the corner.  Because of that, we may be seeing some of GW’s less popular/niche paints go to the wayside. As with any business at some point, the slow movers have to get removed from the range and replaced with something new.

Some Citadel Color Paints May Disappearing:


Coming from an Industry Insider, here are some of the Citadel Color product appear to be on the way out.

  • All glaze paints removed.
  • Some primers removed.
  • Texture paints will be absorbed into the Technical category.

Glaze Paints

waywatcher green citadel glaze

Glaze paints are nice but they’re also niche. With all of the glossy shades and washes out there perhaps the glazes no longer have a place in the lineup with the rollout of Contrast?

Primers Being Removed

sprays citadel

Of the Primers that look to be staying, there are:

  • Corax White
  • Chaos Black
  • Munitorum Varnish
  • Mephiston Red
  • Macragge Blue
  • Death Guard Green
  • Mechanicus Grey
  • Zandri Dust
  • Leadbelcher
  • Retributor Armor
  • Wraith Bone (new)
  • Grey Seer (new)

These primers appear to be safe. However, looking at the ones not mentioned, they’re already marked unavailable on GW’s website or can’t even be found:

  • Incubi Darkness
  • Rhinox Hide
  • The Fang
  • Caliban Green

These primers have definitely been useful at giving us a unique base coat to prime our models on. And while it’s not been confirmed, we think it’s odd that an Industry Insider said some primers are going to the wayside and there are some cans that are marked unavailable online already. Don’t panic. This is just something to think about. 

Texture Paints Absorbed as Technical Paints

citadel technicals

Finally, we might be seeing the texture paints like Stirland Mud, Argellan Earth, etc. be retitled as Technical paints. There shouldn’t be anything changing for the colors we already know. They’ll just be rebranded as a Technical.

Contrast paints are also coming with more new base paints to give your models the proper foundation. Industry Insiders have said that the Grey Seer and Wraithbone paint pots (pictured above) will be part of an add-on of around 15 new base paints to the existing line, for use with the Contrast paints.

They will be priced at $4.55 ea

contrast paint

If some of the names of those new base paints seem familiar, they are! Several of them, in fact, look to be derived from the previous airbrush paint line that Forge World sold up until last summer. Speaking of which…

Forge World’s Airbrush Paints Are Coming Back?

forge world airbrush paints contrast

Alongside contrast paints, Forge World’s old airbrush paint line seems to be hitting the market again through normal Games Workshop retail channels as well!

Going off of name alone, all 26 of the previous FW paints look to be returning, and will be hitting store shelves alongside Contrast soon:

contrast paint 2

As you can see by our exclusive full list of new airbrush paints above, they look to be returning! Industry Insiders and retailers alike have confirmed these new air paints will be retailing for $7.80 a pot.

List of Contrast Paints & Their Names

citadel color


contrast list

Last but not least, with a total of thirty-four paints, we should be able to capture just about any color we want to on our models. With even more reports of the Citadel paint world changing, be sure to let us know what you think about Contrast and the possibility of paints disappearing in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.