New Necromunda Vespa ‘Minx’ Merdena Has Some Big Guns!

new-necromunda-modelsAnother Orlock Mini has the big guns for the Ash Wastes, with the reveal of the new Necromunda Vespa ‘Minx’ Merdena miniature!

It looks like they will continue to release minis from Forge World even after the new boxset releases. The new mini also follows the theme of the vehicular combat side of Ash Wastes and will bring some more speed to the game!

Warhammer Community unveiled the new model along with when we can expect it to come out. Let’s first look at the Ridgehualer we saw, then jump into the new stuff!

Necromunda: Ash Wastes Cargo-8 Ridgehauler Revealed!

And now the big reveal, behold the Necromunda: Ash Wastes Cargo-8 Ridgehauler!


So why head outside at all? Simple – there’s plunder to be had. The surface of Necromunda is criss-crossed with trade routes between all the various hives, spaceports, bastions, and trade centres. Goods from the hive manufactories are ferried across the poisoned wastes on great land trains. There’s money to be made from protecting the Guild of Coin’s Cargo-8 Ridgehaulers, which are juicy targets both for the nomadic denizens of the Ash Wastes and for gangs of underhive bandits.


Ridgehauler 2This could make for some super fun raids and we can only imagine how important the cargo inside is to take this risk! Plus, the kit just looks really fun!

Ridgehauler 3

Yes, that is a Munitorum Armoured Container in the back. And yes, there are rules for upgrades, armaments, and various common cargos. In fact, this is just the cab – Ridgehaulers are highly customisable, and can be fitted out with up to four trailers bristling with heavy weaponry, extra armour, and other defensive boondoggles to your gang’s own specifications (and the depth of its pockets). You can build your own custom train!

It would be awesome to see one of these with four trailers and a whole gang trying to take it out and plunder everything!

Ridgehauler 4

Crucially, Ridgehaulers are owned and operated by the Guild of Coin – those are their hoodlums manning the gun turrets, who must be hired as specialist drivers and crew. However, any gang can hire them – except Ash Waste Nomads, who prefer to rob them than ride them. And as the campaign proceeds, you can trick your Ridgehauler further with things like nitro burners, all-wheel steering, crash cages, and lots and lots of guns. 

That’s cool every gang can take them, the only downside is GW mentioned the coming months when talking about the kit. so this might still be quite a way off from hitting shelves…

New Necromunda Ash Wastes Vespa ‘Minx’ Merdena Mini Revealed!

Vespa Merderna

But now there’s a new head of hair in town, and this one has more volume than a Goliath karaoke night. Vespa ‘Minx’ Merdena is the (joint) youngest of Slate Merdena’s dozen children, a wild child with a taste for violence and an eye for style.

Alongside her driver, Big Pete Plainsman (who sports his own magnificent beard), Vespa is the latest of the Dramatis Personae to come to Necromunda – and the first on wheels. Riding a beefed-up Orlock Quad, the two operate out of Cinderak City as guns-for-hire, protecting the Mercator Gelt convoys that radiate out of this great urban hub.

Honestly, this is a pretty cool mini and she has a belt-fed rocket launcher, so… What more could you want! Plus, with them being guns for hire, they will be super fun to use in the Ash Wastes!

Vespa Merderna 2

Vespa wields Mischief, a belt-fed rocket launcher which can Rapid Fire frag and krak rockets – suspiciously well-suited to putting a serious dent into the side of any Cargo-8 Ridgehauler she may come across in the wastes. And with a BS of 3+ and the Trick Shot skill, she’s going to be nailing targets much more often than not – unless she gets hair in her eyes.

With some good BS and rules, they might be picked up by a lot of people as you might need a lot of armor penetration in the new version of the game!

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should keep an eye out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

Are you excited about all the new Necromunda models on the way? Will you be picking this up?

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