RUMORS: New FREE 40k Miniatures & Coin Spotted on eBay Already

free-from-gwAnother Warhammer 40k coin has been spotted, and there are new rumored free miniatures that may be on the way from GW soon!

It’s not uncommon for hobbyists with inside connections to get an early word about upcoming releases and promos. The hard part comes in when there is evidence for different things!

As it looks like for May, two factions are potentially the promo for the month!

Warhammer 40k Aeldari Coin Spotted for Sale on eBay

While there’s not much context for this one, it’s pretty simple… It’s up on eBay!

Aeldari coin ebayA so far yet unreleased Aeldari 40k coin is up for grabs on eBay for carrying prices. We saw something similar happen for the Orks promo coin a few months back too.

In short, this could be coming up any month now, but there’s no telling if it’s May, June… or July… or even further!

RUMORS: New FREE 40k Miniatures & New Coin Promo

But that’s not all, new rumors from the B&C, seem to hint what could be May’s promo model and coin!

Cultists of the abyss

I have it on good authority that the coin for May is Chaos and the model is a BSF Cultist (not Traitor Guard, but Cultists). Not clear whether or not the firebrand will be up for grabs, though he is in the box.

Not sure if this signifies anything regarding the release cycle.

Which looks to have panned out:

GW Announces FREE Chaos 40k Miniature & New Coin Promo

As rumored the new free 40k miniature and Warhammer collectible coin promotion are both for Chaos!

cultist of the abyss mini of moth

You may get a model that looks a little different from the one above, but rest assured they all have the same fanatical devotion to the Ruinous Powers.

All of the cultists from the BSF box are pretty sweet, so this is an awesome mini offering for the month. You could easily find other uses for a single one of these cultists in your other games!

chaos space marine coin

While you’re at it, you can even find out how to get hold of the profanely glamorous commemorative coin!

Ruinous powers rejoice! This coin looks sweet and simple and has the Chaos star on the front side.

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should keep an eye out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

What do you think about these two potential feature factions for the May model and coin promotion? Do you hope it’s one or the other?

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