4 Best Warhammer Starter Set Box Values of 2018

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Games Workshop has had a busy year pumping out starter boxes with all kinds of factions. We’ll show you the best 4 value-wise from 2018!

Starter Boxes are a fantastic route to go down if you’ve been wanting to start a new faction. You can split those starter boxes with a friend and reap all kinds of value from the models inside. Check out the list from this year!

Forgebane Box Set Contents & More

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Come see what Games Workshop released in the box set showcasing Ad Mech and Necrons with new units of 8th edition.

Save Hobby $$ Tooth & Claw Value Breakdown

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With the Tooth and Claw box out, let’s take a look at the break down for the value of everything that comes inside. Which faction will you go for?

Value Breakdown: 40k Wake the Dead Starter Box

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There’s a ton of savings to be had from the Primaris Marines vs. Eldar Box Set from earlier this summer. Check out what you may want to split with a friend!

Save $$$ Wrath & Rapture Box Set Updated Values

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Is the Wrath & Rapture Box set a good deal for your hobby dollars? Check out our break down of the set and see what the Chaos gods have in store!

Imperial Knights Renegade Box 2018 Review

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Check out some giant robot action in our Imperial Knights Renegade Game Box Set review. You can get two Knights for the price of one!

The Kill Team Core Game, Kill Team: Rogue Trader and Blackstone Fortress are also great Starter Sets. However, the units inside are difficult to break down the value as they’re exclusive to their Box. With that said, you can still play them in the 40k setting and create some really interesting games with their rules.

What are your favorite Starter Sets of the year? Did you split any with a friend? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.