Ad Mech Tech-Priest Holy Order Rules Preview

gw-new-admech-rulesThe Ad Mech Tech-Priest Holy Order rules will give you a little bit more flexibility and efficiency for only a few points- check it out!

Warhammer Community just unveiled an interesting new mechanic for upgrading characters similar to the Drukhari codex. For 25-35 points the holy orders will allow you to specialize characters with additional auras and special abilities.

Each one has two parts an ability and a progressive ability. Some are only once per game, while the others are active multiple turns. It’s an interesting mechanic but could be a little confusing. Maybe they just seem that way without everything laid out, but we’ll just have to wait till we play with it!

Ad Mech Tech-Priest Holy Order Rules Preview

ad mech codexThe book will go on pre-order this Saturday, so if you’ve been waiting to get these guys on the field, get ready! While they are only getting one new mini with the release, it’s always fun to get a new book. But enough about the codex, let’s check out the rules.

Holy Orders Point Cost

holy Order Point costBy paying a nominal cost in points or Power Level, your Tech-Priest models can hail from one of four Holy Orders. Far from just being a flavourful footnote,* each Order provides two specialised skills to further customise the leaders of your army.

The first skill allows you to lower the Command points cost of a critical Stratagem when you need it most, with each Holy Order dedicated to their own code of war.

They only show the Artisans and the Magi rules, but they are pretty interesting. First off you get to lower the command points for a stratagem once per game, which looks to usually be a single point taken off. Then you have the progressive one, which is two parts. The initial part is active all game and gives buffs right away, but then you switch to the second progressive part. Meaning you gain different buffs, but can’t go back to the initial one. The points costs aren’t anything too crazy, because they do grant some decent buffs.


holy orders magiNothing too crazy, but lowering a stratagem late in the game could be very helpful when you just don’t have many CPs left to go around.

holy orders magi 2The second skill, however, is something rather different. Called progressive abilities, these rules come in two parts – an Initial part that’s in play from the beginning of the battle, and an Advanced part that you can choose to activate by having your Tech-Priest take the Activate Advanced Protocols action.

Activating the Advanced part can drastically change the bonuses granted to your nearby units, giving your force the ability to switch tactics on the fly and keep your opponent guessing. If the Initial part is really floating your boat, however, you can always keep it active for the entire game. 


It seems once you change to the advanced part, you can’t come back to the initial one. But like it says if you want to keep the first part the whole game you can. Still, with this one, you will probably move on to the second one pretty quickly, as scoring additional hits on 6’s is seriously nice.

holy orders techAgain, the first part is all based on movement, but this one is a little trickier when deciding to switch. Because adding the strength can be nice all game, but the first part won’t really be used until further into the turns. They don’t say if you can switch on turn one, but we’ll know soon enough as the codex drops soon!

Previous Rules Released

ad mech patrolIf you want to see all the rules that have been revealed so far, just click on any of the links below:

What do you think about the new Holy Orders? Are you excited about the book?

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