All The New Warhammer 40k Kroot Models On The Way

new kroot models tau warhammer 40kThe Kroot are getting tons of new models for Warhammer 40k; here is everything on the way for the Tau, including the Hunting Pack army box set.  

The T’au Empire is known for its futuristic warfare and tactical ranged assaults. However, the Kroot Hunting Pack brings a different aspect of military might to complement the T’au’s advanced tactics with raw, primal strength.


This is the biggest range refresh we’ve ever seen for the Kroot, so let’s check out all the new models!

Scout & Snipe With Kroot Lone-spears!

Kroot Lone-spears 4

Even more new Kroot are here as GW revealed the Lone-spears along with their 10th Edition 40k rules to scout out the enemy! Here is the latest on the new Kroot Lone-spears from Warhammer Community.

Kroot Lone-spears

Lone-spears ride strange chameleonic creatures called Kalamandras, whose ability to alter their skin colour and move through tough terrain unhindered makes them the perfect mount for expert hunters. Their speed and strength let them keep up with packs of Kroot Hounds, guiding them to fight more effectively and capture far-flung objectives.

The mount is pretty cool, and we expect the kit to have a lot of extra bits! You can arm them with either the exploding spears or a Long Gun (which works well with their ability).

The Kroot are a communal species, but they don’t all thrive in kinbands. Some – whether natural loners, disgraced warriors, or disaffected mercenaries – prefer the company of beasts, and when the Kroot are called to war these Lone-spears perform a vital service tracking enemies and relaying vital intelligence.

This should be a fun addition to your army and give you some lone operatives (they might not be, but it would be awesome if there were) or at least models to move around on the flanks and score objectives.

Kroot Long Gun Rules

Kroot Lone-spears 2

Others opt for the Kroot long gun, a pinpoint accurate rifle that fires heavy rounds over extreme ranges. Experienced Lone-spears can even pick individual soldiers out of crowded fortifications, striking down medics and weapon teams to remove daunting obstacles from the path of the kinband.

With Precision and 3 Damage, there’s a chance you can snipe off some characters with this model. However, even if you don’t kill characters, the next rule makes the long gun awesome.

Kroot Lone-spears 3

Whatever they use to fight, their shots also serve as guiding beacons to their fellow Kroot, marking priority targets for destruction and guiding attacks to their prey – whether at range or in close combat.

This is a pretty wild rule, and if you don’t move with your Lone-spear, you will be hitting on a 2+ (since the gun is heavy). Then, all your Kroot get to re-roll hits against that unit, both in shooting and in melee! We expect a couple of these in most armies, as this rule seems super strong.

Update 2: Kroot Trail Shaper Emerges For Battle!

More new Kroot are on the way for 40k as the Greater Good expands and brings the Trail Shaper to battle for the Tau! This is also the second time we’ve seen rules for the new Kroot, so it gives a good idea of what to expect! Here is the latest on the new Kroot Trail Shaper miniature and rules.

Kroot Trail Shaper

Where War Shapers directly lead their kindred in battle, Trail Shapers are responsible for the overall plan of attack. As their name suggests, they prepare the battlefield for their army’s arrival by picking out routes for infiltration, identifying advantageous terrain, and choosing how their forces will fight.

They are equipped in the traditional Kroot manner, with a sturdy Kroot rifle in hand and several practical blades hanging about their person. This light equipment helps them move unhindered through forests and jungles, and evade enemy units who attempt to chase them down.

The model looks pretty iconic, and from the sounds of it, he’ll help your battle plan take shape and get your models sneaking all around.

Luckily, they also showed off some rules of what to expect!

Kroot Trail Shaper Rules

Kroot Trail Shaper 2

Intimate knowledge of the local terrain keeps Trail Shapers one step ahead of keen opponents who might have thoughts about charging the Kroot. The Trail Finding ability makes sure that opponents have to get seriously close before success is guaranteed, while unlucky prey Falling Back will find their predators in hot pursuit.

Getting free moves is always awesome and should keep him safe from big, scary units!

Kroot Trail Shaper 3

Even before the battle begins, Trail Shapers can pull a fast one over their opponents by launching a Kroot Ambush. They, the unit they join, and a whole other Kroot unit melt into the background and reappear where they’re least expected – taking advantage of the Scouts 7” rule shared by almost all Kroot to pressure vulnerable troops away from their objectives.

Redeploying two units is super strong, but then, you can also scout them and really push a flank hard or reinforce your center.

Update 1: Tau Kroot Hounds & Rules Tear into Warhammer 40k!

Here is the latest on all the new Kroot Hounds miniatures and 40k rules from Warhammer Community.

40k Kroot Hounds

You didn’t really think we’d leave the loyal hounds behind, did you? This pack of Kroot Hounds have slipped their collars to tear across the battlefield, snapping beak-like jaws and shredding unfortunate prey with razor-sharp claws.

The new minis look great! While they feel like the old hounds, they definitely look updated for the 10th Edition.

40k Kroot Hounds 2

Hunting packs of Koot Hounds are unleashed to savage exposed flanks and chase down fleeing foes, driven into a frenzy by the scent of blood. Their incredible speed can punch through enemy lines to catch vulnerable targets – especially when goaded by an attendant squad of Kroot Carnivores.

40k Kroot Hounds 3While they don’t say how many come in a box, it looks like you’ll get at least five. We also don’t know how many extra poses they will have, as they only show the same five.

40k Kroot Hounds 4

Kroot Hound 40k Rules

40k Kroot Hounds 5

The Loping Pounce ability grants an extra burst of speed by allowing charges after they Advance. At their absolute limit, a pack of these hounds can rocket forwards up to 30” in a single turn – a turn of speed some Aircraft struggle to match.

30″ is no joke! We assume this means they can move 12″, advance 6″, and charge 12″. Hard to say exactly, but that’s what absolute limit means to us.

40k Kroot Hounds 6

They’re even handy for capturing objectives, as the Hunting Hounds ability bumps their OC characteristic to 1 when accompanied by a Character. Now if only there were a Kroot Character who could keep up with them…

They will be an independent unit, but you’ll want to keep them close to your units and characters, as they will get buffed up.  The new Kroot Hounds miniatures look great and will probably be great flankers for any 10th Edition Tau or Kroot army.

Kroot Get A Revamp With New Tau Codex & Army Box Set

This is what Warhammer TV and Warhammer Community had to say about the new Kroot models and Tau codex, along with our commentary on it as well!

Thanks to last year’s roadmap, we already know Codex: T’au Empire is on its way soon, and it will be available first in the awesome Kroot Hunting Pack army set. The book comes with a fancy full-art cover fit for an Ethereal, but the real stars are the new Kroot miniatures, and wow… there are more than a few.

Tau KrootIt’s been almost 20 years since the Kroot Carnivores have had a new kit (other than the Kill Team box), and these look pretty great with a bunch more options. They also mentioned in the preview that everything we saw is just about half of what the line will have!

Tau Kroot

The backbone of any Kroot Hunting Pack is composed of Kroot Carnivores, skilled warriors with rustic equipment and savage countenance. With the new kit, Carnivores have several dynamic poses befitting their natural agility, and they come equipped with a tanglebomb launcher that adds explosive fire support to their Kroot rifle volleys.

New Kroot Characters

Kroot kindreds have a variety of specialized leaders known as Shapers who guide them in battle. The Kroot Hunting Pack offers two new Shapers, starting with the War Shaper, an experienced battlefield commander who takes responsibility for the disposition of all Kroot forces on the field.

Tau KrootWar Shapers are skilled warriors, and their primitive weapons are highly effective in their experienced hands. Be it the twirling melee prowess of the bladestave and prey-hook, or the ranged power of the dart-bow and tri-blade

Tau KrootAccompanying the War Shaper is the Flesh Shaper, who takes pride in guiding the carnivorous practices of their fellow Kroot and ensuring that only the finest genetic material makes it into their pack’s evolutionary heritage.

Krootox Rampagers & Krootox Rider

Tau Kroot hunting pack army box setKrootox are not normally aggressive by nature, but a juvenile Krootox can be roused to battle by a particularly wild rider. Herded into thundering packs of Krootox Rampagers, their raw strength is fully exploited for sudden ambushes and devastating charges. 

Tau Kroot hunting pack army box set They will act as linebreakers and skirmish cavalry that range ahead of the wider Hunting Pack. With up to six in each unit, they’re a big pile of melee power to be charging around the battlefield. These will be a great option for Tau, as they can smash enemies off objectives with combat. 

Tau Kroot hunting pack army box setThe Krootox, a hulking beast of a subspecies, makes a return as the iconic Kroot weapons platform. The new model is covered in ornaments, fetishes, and bangles to showcase their status as valued partners.  It’s nice to see the more classic Krootox Rider return with another big gun!

New Kroot Hunting Pack Box Set

Tau Kroot hunting pack army box setAll of these will be available in a new launch box for Tau, but this is only about half of the new models that the Kroot will be getting!

10th Edition Tau Codex

Tau Kroot hunting pack army box set codexThe Kroot Hunting Pack even has its own dedicated Detachment in the new Codex: T’au Empire, allowing players to deploy an all-Kroot force complete with thematic Enhancements and Stratagems.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

Are you excited about such a big rework for Kroot and their Hunting Pack Army Box Set for 10th edition 40k?

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