New Chaos Space Marines Models In Kill Team Nachmund REVEALED

kill-team-nachmund chaosMore new Chaos Space Marines models were just revealed inside Kill Team Nachmund along with the new Eldar Voidscarred Corsairs models!

A couple of weeks ago we saw the new Eldar Corsairs, but now we get to see who they are fighting. This is good for Chaos players but also might be a disappointment in the fact they are just grabbing an upgrade sprue, much like we saw for the Pathfinders. So while getting upgrades is always cool, it most likely means the existing kit won’t be reworked.

Warhammer Community unveiled the new kit and what to expect in terms of terrain as well. Let’s check it out!

New Chaos Space Marines Models In Kill Team Nachmund

With the full box revealed, there are a lot of new minis inside, but generally, there is a long wait period between when the Kill Team boxes come out and they are released separately.

Chaos Space Marines Kill Team 9

Much like the T’au Pathfinders from the Kill Team: Chalnath set, this box provides a ton of new customization options for an existing kit. Legionary kill team commanders are going to be spoilt for choice.

Let’s check out what you can make with all the new bits, but remember this will also probably increase the cost of the kit as well.

Chaos Space Marines Kill Team


Chaos Space Marines Kill Team 2


Chaos Space Marines Kill Team 3

You’ll be able to dominate the battlefield with a range of operatives. Like to gun down your enemies from distance? The Heavy Gunner’s reaper chaincannon will cut a swathe through your foes. Prefer to get up close and personal? The Shrivetalon is bound to leave a mark with his flensing blades. Need some psychic support? That’s where the Balefire Acolyte comes in.

Chaos Space Marines Kill Team 4


Chaos Space Marines Kill Team 5

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Chaos Space Marines Kill Team 6


Chaos Space Marines Kill Team 7


Chaos Space Marines Kill Team 8

These operatives are painted up in Black Legion colours (the home for ambitious heretics of any persuasion) but these kit enhancements would look at home in most other Legions. The giant axe is perhaps indication of a Khornate mindset, while the Butcher’s fondness for flayed skin could be indicative of a Nostraman origin. The Balefire Acolite has a book and some flames.

The upgrades sprue (we assume it will be one new sprue in the kit) will give you a lot of extra options. Now you can have some more heavy support options as well as some giant CC weapons. Then, you also get some psychic options, so pretty cool overall.

Plus the wargear on these models matches up with the Legionnaires rules rumors for Chaos Space Marines that we have been seeing for their new codex.

Check out all seven pages of new Chaos Space Marines rules rumors above

With this and the other new releases, we hope to see even more Chaos soon! Or at least a new book before the end of the summer!

Kill Team Nachmund Terrain:

Chaos Space Marines Kill Team 10

Along with two full kill teams, you get a rulebook featuring details of kill teams in War Zone Nachmund and some new missions that pit the Aeldari Corsairs against the Chaos Space Marines. You also get a lot (and we mean a lot) of Sector Mechanicus terrain for your kill teams to fight over, around, and on top of.

This is actually a decent amount of terrain when compared to the last box. Let’s hope the price doesn’t go too much higher than we’re used to with this.

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

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