GW Reveals Puzzling New Imperial Knights & Chaos 40k Teaser

Armies-on-Parade-Lore-40k-AoS-imperial-knights-wal-horGW just put out a teaser for what may end up being either a new Imperial Knights or Chaos Renegades codex books, models, or both? It’s all very puzzling…

While the preview seems to be just for Imperial Knights, it looks like this might be a dual reveal for Chaos as well. Especially considering the New Year’s preview definitely looked to have a new Chaos Knight or Daemon Engine. Also, with the big AdeptiCon preview just a few days away, we now have a better idea of what the 40k portion could look like. Well, hopefully it has some Chaos Space Marines models as well too…

Warhammer Community posted the mini teaser along with a short video. Let’s check out the New Year preview first then jump into the new stuff and all the codices still out there to be released!

Games Workshop New Years Day 2022 Preview

Within the video above which debuted on Warhammer Community, there are at least seven, possibly nine or even ten, new models. We don’t get a full look at any of the models, however, we do get glimpses, and one definitely stole the show at least for us. Most have been revealed by now, but not the Deamon Engine-looking model!

gw 2022 daemon engine 1This first image looks very much Chaos Renegades. Specifically, it resembles the Maulerfiend’s weapon, which leads us to think there could be a new potential Daemon Engine of sorts coming!

gw 2022 daemon engine 2Backing up the Daemon Engine idea, we’ve got more chaos-y metal and exhausts that you’d see on top of such a construct along with these armor plates a frame later.

GW Reveals Puzzling New Imperial Knights & Chaos 40k Teaser

The preview video itself doesn’t show too much, but we can tell the following:

Knights CodexHere’s what Games Workshop has to say about the teaser:

With portents of Chaos popping up all over the Imperium and new Xenos threats preparing to swarm the galaxy, Humanity needs its mightiest defenders on the front lines. The Code Chivalric demands a response, and thus the Imperial Knights stride forth once more to smite Mankind’s deadliest foes on the glorious field of battle.

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We weren’t sure how soon they would get a book, and it’s a little surprising that Imperial Knights could potentially now be next in line for one after the Tyranids with this reveal.

Imperial Knights

Across the Imperium, crowds are gathering to watch these highborn cavaliers mount their colossal steeds and embark on their crusade against the forces of ruin. Maybe we’ll catch a glimpse of these magnificent behemoths at AdeptiCon later this week?

As we said, this seems to be covering the 40k portion of the reveal, so if you play Knights, probably Chaos or Imperial, you might be in luck!

Games Workshop’s teaser email also had the following to say:

Saddle up – the Imperial Knights are riding out to battle a truly terrible foe in this tantalising teaser.

What kinda foe could that even be, well this is one possibility we suppose:

New Chaos Daemon Engine Hidden in Plain Sight

chaos daemon engine

In a Vigilus background article about War Zone Nachmund, GW revealed the full art of the Space Marines codex cover with the following description:

On the fringes of the Vigilus Sector, the Ultramarines rooted out a force of Black Legionnaires and Daemon Engines known as The Daemonkin, whose abhorrent flesh factories were in the process of creating Noctilith Crowns – devices that would soon be used by Abaddon the Despoiler to infuse Vigilus with the corrupting energies of the warp.

Hidden in plain sight

Another piece of the puzzle is that this is from the events in the Shadowspear box, which debuted some of the models in the first piece of art above and was centered around Daemon Engines…

Do you notice anything strange in the upper right corner of the picture? Much like the Lord Discordant above, it’s not the most defined picture but look close…

chaos daemon engine 2Could that be a totally new Daemon Engine? Much like the Lord Discordant “reveal”, it’s hard to make out a ton of details, but it looks huge if nothing else!

Now, we have a pretty good idea of what to expect for the 40k portion of the Adepticon preview. With this book (or possibly two) coming very soon, let’s see what other codices are left for 9th edition Warhammer 40k

  • Imperial Knights 
  • Chaos Knights
  • Chaos Space Marines
  • Imperial Guard
  • Daemons
  • Various Space Marine Chapters (6 like before in 2019?)
  • Space Marines 2.0 (like 8th)
  • Inquisition/Assassins (if not White Dwarf fodder again)

RUMORS: New Knight Castellan & Valiant Datasheet 40k Rules

These were spotted over on Reddit, and are actually pretty decent quality, the images even show them on screen in a PDF program which looks to lend to their legitimacy a bit.

We expect to see more at AdeptiCon as well, so expect the Knight rules to be flowing in the next couple of weeks. Let’s check out the rules.

Knight Valiant 40k Datasheet Rules

Knight Valiant datasheetOld Datasheet

Knight ValiantNew Datasheet

Well, just right off the bat, the stats are getting way better with more WS and BS, more Wounds, better Move, Save, and Attacks. The Conflagration Cannon is getting more attacks and AP but losing one strength, the Missile is going up in strength with more consistent damage, Siegebreaker is going up in Strength and has more consistent damage.

However, the Harpoon is changing the most, and it’s kind of crazy, instead of dealing normal damage, it just does 10 Mortals to the target and Mortals to everything close.

Lastly, the feet are changing a lot as well. With fewer attacks but much more damage on each, plus it has more base attacks to start with.

Knight Castellan 40k Datasheet Rules

Knight Castellan datasheetOld Datasheet

Knight castellan DatasheetNew Datasheet

Much like the Knight Valiant 4ok datasheet rules the Castellan is getting a much better stat line with increases all over the place. The weapons from above also have the same changes, but the other ones are changing a decent amount.

The range on the Plasma has been pretty heavily reduced but the Damage is way higher now. The Volcano Lance is gaining more consistency with 2D3 shots instead of 1 D6, the AP is increasing by one, and the Damage is moving to 6+D3.

They both will also be reducing all damage by one, which makes sense and is nice. Lastly, it looks like they will just explode on a 4+ instead of the two-dice system, which is just easier to do.

Exciting times look to be on the way for Imperial Knights players if these new rules datasheets for the Castellan and Valiant pan out to be true!

GW AdeptiCon Preview Reveals New Chaos Knights

Yes, new codexes are on the way soon for Chaos Knights and Imperial Knights! The crowd at AdeptiCon have already seen the books for the first time – now it’s your opportunity to admire these mighty tomes.\

Chaos Knights Abominant 

The Abominant has everything you could want in a Chaos Knight – tusks, a volkite combustor to devastate distant enemies, an electroscourge to crush anything that gets too close, AND it’s a psyker. Yes, a Knight that has psychic powers! And that gun is a nod to classic Heresy-era weaponry, which their Imperial counterparts have all but lost.

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The first miniature up is the upgrade kit to make a Knight Abominant, which will actually be a psyker. It covers most of the things from the above preview video, so don’t expect too much else from them. One thing to note here though, is all the current Questors, and Dominus Knights currently go for $170, so we’re not sure what the upgrade sprue will push it to when it releases separately…

The new army set is a great way to kick off a Chaos Knights army and perfect for adding reinforcements to an existing host of Descecrators and Rampagers. This box will be the first place you’ll be able to get your hands on the new Codex: Chaos Knights before it comes out as a separate release soon after. 

They also mentioned the army box will have 3 knights (the Abominat and box of two Karnivore models) and the codex, along with some transfer sheets

Chaos Knight War Dog Karnivore


Armed with a reaper chaintalon and slaughterclaw, the Karnivore can tear its way through anything from Dreadnoughts to Trygons.

Be careful not to upset the Karnivore, or you’ll have to face its bigger brother – the Abominant! 

Next up is the Karnivore, which is fully geared up for close combat.

Lastly, we have the two new codex books, so at least Imperial Knight players are getting that!

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should keep an eye out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

Are you excited about the potential for new Imperial Knights or Chaos Renegades? What are you hoping for in the reveal?

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