Latest on 40k’s New Miniature Lineup in 2018

By Rob Baer | April 27th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

space marine wal hor wide

Today we’re going back taking a look at the latest new miniatures that may, in fact, be on the way in the coming months from Games Workshop for Warhammer 40k.

First off we know there are new Knight models on the way, and Hermanista from Bolter & Chainsword dropped some rumors on the supposed release order and his prediction on the timeframe.

It seems like Knights will most likely be arriving around May 12th followed by a whirlwind release of two more codex books to close out the fiscal year sales wise for Games Workshop.

Castellan Knight New

I’m wracking my brain of the order they were presented on the release sheet, but I think it went


So I’d expect the first two one week, the other the week after.

The valiant is silver with a spear and some plasma type gun I think. As I think I’ve said before I’d expect it to be the character box as well.

I don’t know if it’s thin/lanky or not, and it was so long ago now that I’m wracking the noggin to remember the conversation.

The release sheet did have renegade on there as well, so hopefully that means a rerelease or an update?

And I was thinking May too, what came out last May? As it’s likely from a sales pov GW will want to match last year’s release with another similar level one to keep the pounds ticking over

So, if the rumor is true it looks like it’s going to be the Castellan and Armiger coming out the first week, followed by the Valiant and Helliger the second week. But, there could be a fifth Knight as well. According to hermanista, the Renegade Knight was also on the release sheet, leading him to believe a re-release or an update.

But, once again, this is just a rumor so take it as you will.

Ultramarine Wal Hor

We also know there is a new Primaris Space Marine Lieutenant Calsius that is on the way as well in a more exclusive format from Games Workshop

The Warhammer Conquest magazine has been delayed by the publisher, but a lucky few have already started receiving theirs, including CruxTerminatusMinis on Youtube. He actually gave us a look at the back cover of the fourth magazine where it shows you what’s coming in the next issue, and that’s where we’re getting a look at the new Lieutenant Calsius mini.

So, from the looks of it, the new Lieutenant Calsius model will be available with the fifth issue of Warhammer Conquest.Lieutenant Calsius

The new Lieutenant Calsius mini appears to only come with one wargear option, adding to the exclusiveness feeling, unless his rules are just going to be that awesome that he doesn’t need anything but his trusty power sword. None the less, we’re really looking forward to finding out more about this new Space Marine Lieutenant.

missing-space-marines-classified-horSpeaking on Marines we recently were reminded of TWO new ways to get exclusive Space Marine miniatures, both on the way soon as well:

Space Marine Adventures: Labyrinth of the Necrons was announced by Games Workshop at the New York Toy Fair back in February, with the latest spotted over on the Bolter & Chainsword courtesy of battle captain corpus.

Arriving towards Autumn/Fall GW will be releasing a new 40K board game.

Set on a Necron tomb world it will be set as a 1-4 player co-op game, pitting your marines against the games emerging Necrons.

Here’s the real kicker…the marines will be from the previously Japan only releases….

Expect custom dice, players creating a pool of dice including any negatives etc then going from their for game play mechanic.


Space Marine Adventures Necrons

Space Marine Adventures allows 1-4 players to join forces and attempt to break into a Necron labyrinth. Choose your hero and use each character’s unique skills to battle various deadly hazards, not least of which are the Necron guardians themselves. The easy-build nature of the kits and intuitive game make it suitable for players aged 8 and over – good for anything from family games nights to a quick adventure for a regular gaming club. While this set is a great introduction to the 41st Millennium, each Space Marine in the set is also a unique and dynamic sculpt, making them great additions to an existing collection, too.

Labirynth of Necrons

So Labyrinth of the Necrons, which was first spotted back in February, then confirmed by GW the next day, is going to be a new Space Marine Adventures game featuring the Blood Angels, Ultramarines, Space Wolves, Salamanders, and Imperial Fists.

Games Workshop did not provide a release date for the new box set, just that it would be out later this year. Space Marine Adventures is designed to be played in a short amount of time which works out perfectly for teaching new players the game, or when you only have a limited amount of time to get a game in.

One thing that does appear to be confirmed is the fact that the Marines in the picture above do match the following Japanese exclusive Marines below:

12 Space Marine Japan

  • The blue Marine is Brother Sevastus.
  • Brother Calistus is the green Marine.
  • The grey Marine is Brother Aethor.
  • Brother Toriad is probably the yellow Marine.
  • The red Marine looks to be Brother Dolor.

There’s all of the information we know about Space Marine Adventures: Labyrinth of the Necrons, but if you are hungry for more exclusives Space Marines Heroes II was just announced as well.

Now we’re just down to rumors on two of the mighties warlords that even hit the tabletop, Ghazghkull Thraka, and Abaddon the Despoiler. It would sure feel good to see updated miniatures of these two, ad their last versions are old enough to have graduated high school at this point.

Chapter Master Valrak mentions all sorts of rumors for the upcoming Ork releases in his latest video on YouTube, but as always remember to bring your salt:

I’ve been sent some information regarding Orks and their upcoming codex for 8th Edtion. Apparently, they will be getting new kits and a big push with the new story. Now I’ve personally heard that Prime Orks are going to be a thing for them, remember, bring your SALT!

He then posted on B&C about Ghaz, and answered a few questions as well about the source of his information:

Ghazz is going to receive a new model, prime Ork. New models on release of codex.

Q: Where is this information from? Wonder if it will be mentioned tomorrow, GW posted they were revealing some information tomorrow if I recall.

A: I have a chap that sends me stuff, the last thing he sent me was Knight Codex information about a week or two before GW announced it. Again I have to state, bring your SALT!

Ghaz will become a Prime Ork, not units.


Previous Orky rumors from Bell of Lost Souls claim there is indeed big release on the way for Ork players, with some major changes in store:

Industry rumormongers say to look for the following:

  • Look for the Orks to return about a year after 8th Edition arrived.
  • The Orks will return to the game in a major way with a large release.
  • There will be advancing storylines putting the Orks in the post great rift Imperium in a big way.
  • Multiple new kits are coming.
  • Many existing units will be changed substantially from their current rules.

So according to that, it looks like the Orks will be on their way around June time frame, so we shouldn’t have to wait too much longer for an official announcement from Games Workshop.  Large release, advancing storyline, existing units getting a much-needed rules update, and multiple new kits, what more could Ork players ask for?

Oh, and don’t forget about what appears to be a big Ork walker that was spotted in the White Dwarf image that was posted on Warhammer Community after the live preview from GAMA.

eternal crusade abaddon

There’s is also a new rumor out that might be hinting at Abaddon getting a new model, and it might make Chaos fans excited for what’s to come overall as well.

Abaddon hasn’t received an update to his model in quite some time, but the latest rumor spotted over on BoLS might just be the light at the end of the warp. Let’s take a look at what it had to say.

Please keep in mind, this is just a rumor, make sure you add some salt.

Industry insiders report:

“Look for the return of Abaddon and his entourage this year on the heels of the Orks.”

Current Abaddon Model From the Early 1990’s (Original cost $12-$15):

abaddon miniature

Converted Abaddon using plastic Terminator Lord kit, and metal bits above:

If the rumors are true, it looks like we might be seeing a new model for Abaddon. That’s the only thing we can assume “Look for the return” means because he’s already in the Chaos Space Marines Codex, so it would be a return to the rules. But the rumor also stated it will be “on the heels of the Orks”, and, once again, if the rumors are true we’ll be seeing the release of the Orks around June, which would put Abaddon in the July – August time frame.

Triumvirate of the Primarch

Now, as for the entourage part… This could mean a couple things. This could mean we’ll be seeing a Black Legion lineup of releases coming, or it could mean we’ll be seeing a new Triumvirate coming out featuring Abaddon and two of his bodyguards. Either way, we’re really looking forward to finding out more. Make sure you’re checking back in with us for the latest updates, we’ll be putting them out as soon as we get them.

What do you think about the latest on some of the most popular model’s upcoming releases (both confirmed and unconfirmed)? Which are you ready to spend fat hobby dollar stacks on if, and when they hit store shelves?

next 3 codex books

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