Latest On Plastic Sisters, Adepticon 2018, & More!

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Do not miss the latest news and product happenings from the plastic Sisters of Battle, Knight Castellan, Age of Sigmar Deepkin, and new releases from Forge World, Star Wars Legion and more!

There was a lot of news across the hobby this weekend. We’re seeing new releases from Forge World, Black Library, and all sorts of news related to 40k and Sigmar.  So enjoy our recap of the all the coverage you may have missed!

LIVE Reveals From Games Workshop’s Preview

hor of space marine and chaos

The time is now, Games Workshop is previewing more of their 2018 releases tonight at Adepticon. We are covering the event live as it unfolds from 9pm to 10pm EST

GW Announces New PLASTIC Sisters!

plastic sisters of battleGames Workshop just announced the Sisters of Battle will be coming our way, in plastic! Come find out the latest and when you can expect to see them.

New Imperial Knight Castellan & Codex REVEALED!

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The Imperial Knight codex is on its way, as well as a new Knight model. Come find out what Games Workshop had to say about the upcoming releases.

New Idoneth Deepkin Minis REVEALED!

idoneth deepkin turtle

Games Workshop just gave us our first look at the Idoneth Deepkin army for Age of Sigmar, and these fishmen look amazing! You’re not going to want to miss this!

New Forge World Previews & Hobbit Releases

Thunderhawks wallpaper Forge worldWe’re seeing new Hobbit releases coming out of Forge World that are now available for pre-order. Plus, we’re getting a preview of an upcoming release from the Rogue Trader days.

40k Adepticon Championship Top 16 Lists REVEALED

hor of space marine and chaosThe first day of the 40k Tournament Championships at Adepticon is over, and the Top 16 results are in! Come see who made the cut and their lists.

Star Wars Legion: Han Solo SPOTTED at Adepticon

We got a pleasant surprise today when we saw Han Solo and a new Rebel Command unit in the FFG Display case at Adepticon. You’re not going to want to miss this!

Necron Codex: Comprehensive Rules Breakdown

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Are you ready for more info on the Stratagems, Warlord Traits, Relics, and point costs for the Necrons? Then come check out this comprehensive rules breakdown!

Tyranids Win Adepticon 2018


The 2018 40k Championships at Adepticon is over, and the results are in. Tyranids have won the event, come see the list that shot them to the top of the heap.

New Black Library: Mercy & Carcharodons Outer Dark

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Even more great books like Carcharodons: Outer Dark and Mercy are now on for pre-order.  Come see what’s new this week on the lore side of things from the Black Library.

So there it is! There was all sorts of news related to the games we love. It looks like we’re finally getting plastic Sisters of Battle as well as a new Imperial Knight codex, Han Solo and a new Rebel unit for Star Wars Legion, new releases from Black Library, and much more. Make sure you go back and check out all the things you may have missed over the weekend.

next 3 codex books

Latest News & Rumors from Games Workshop