The Primaris Gladiator kit has arrived- check out our unboxing and build where we show how to make all 4 tanks from one kit!
We’re back unboxing the new Primaris Gladiator tank that just came out! Rob sees what it takes to get it ready for the tabletop, shows the size of the model, and tells you the GOTCHAS to be aware of when building it!
Most importantly, he is also going to show you the difference between the Impulsor and Gladiator kits and how you how to make everything from one kit.
We are going to show you everything including the sprues, bits, and of course how big it is. That way you can decide if this is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars. Let’s go!
Make All 4 With One Kit: GW Primaris Gladiator Unboxing
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Ah, the new box in all it’s cardboard glory! Who doesn’t love that feeling of opening a box for the first time? Let’s see what’s inside!
Instructions and Sprues
The reason we’re building all four variants is simple, you never know where the meta is going to shift, or when you’ll be able to get the exact kits you want. Better be ready for anything! The one version actually uses the original sponsons so we’ll see if you can magnetize that side of things.
There aren’t a ton of gotchas, but there are some! If you’re magnetizing/building all the variants (spoiler you may not even have to magnetize), there are certain parts you don’t want to glue down, like the antennae, sponsons, hatch, and turrets. Even though the one variant uses a different sponson set-up, Rob is going to figure a way to make all of them!
It is kind of annoying that the guns aren’t super interchangeable. So you’ll just have to be a little creative when building it to get all the variants from one kit. Also, the hatch slots in fine, so you probably don’t have to magnetize it and still be able to take it off and on.
You get the regular Impulsor Kit as well as the extras, which we’ve already shown you how to build. For only $5 more, this box is a decent value, because you get a decent amount of extra stuff for not too much more. The bits look great and nothing sticks out as an issue.
Building all the Variants onto the Impulsor Kit
Rob is going to use his existing Impulsor kit and see how it goes on top of that. Luckily he left a ton of the stuff off, it’s like we knew this new kit was coming or something… If you want to see how the original kit goes together, check it out here.
He glued together the Gladiator tank top and it just slides on super easily and doesn’t look like it’s going to move. So you can use this as either an Impulsor or Gladiator if you don’t glue down a bunch of the pieces.
He then built the sponsons but didn’t glue any weapons down. Because they all just pop into the sponson mount, and then you can pop it onto the tank. Pretty sweet! You could throw a 1/16 magnet if you want, but Rob doesn’t think you need it.
The turret is interesting. He didn’t glue on the bottom piece, because you can just slide in the different weapons and then pop the bottom back on. And boom, you have a different weapon!
Completed Mini
Without any magnetization at all, you can make a modular kit! Pretty awesome! Because of how all the bits fit, you can just pop stuff on and off. Just be sure to watch the video to know the exact parts to leave unglued. The only thing with a little gapping in the turret, but it’s nothing crazy. You may have to magnetize a little when you paint it, but it doesn’t really seem like it. Basically, you can make all the variants just by not gluing stuff down! We’ll take it.
That does it for this one! Pretty amazing that you can build it so quickly and get a modular kit without magnetizing anything!
What do you think of the kit? Do you like you can make all four without magnets?
Get Your Primaris Gladiator Here!
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Travis Pasch
Job Title: Head Writer & Editor
Socials: @paschbass
About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.
Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.
Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!