More New Genestealer Cults Primus & 40k Rules Teased

genestealer-cults-rules-newGW revealed a ton of Genestealer Cults 40k rules ahead of the codex, covering the primus, stratagems, stats, weapons, and more!

With the new book so close, GW has been releasing a ton of rules to build the hype. This time, the Primus looks like he is getting tougher and grabbing some improved weapons alongside new stratagems and a bunch of abilities.

Warhammer Community unveiled the rules just days ahead of the release. Let’s first check out the Brood Brother rules, then jump into the new stuff!

New Genestealer Cult Brood Brothers Rules!

Brood Brothers

You can include an entire Detachment from Codex: Astra Militarum in your Genestealer Cults army. Not only does this give you access to lots of additional units but, even better, it doesn’t prevent the Genestealer Cult units from using the awesome new Crossfire rule to gun down anyone standing in the way of your rebellion.

This is a GSC classic and we like to see how they are handling it this time around. Just remember to not let the amount go over 25% of your Power Rating, not points. While they are generally similar, just pay attention or you’ll lose your Crossfire rules.

Brood Brothers 2

Previously, Infantry units would get a boost to their Leadership thanks to the Cult’s shared consciousness. Now, that boon is stronger than ever and spreads to all Brood Brothers forces. While they may not gain the Crossfire keyword, it’s hard for the massive firepower offered by a Heavy Weapons Squad or some Valkyrie air support to go unappreciated by Acolyte and Primus alike.

Getting this for everything is really nice and of course, Infantry gaining the Unquestioning Loyalty is going to help them stay on the field longer.

They also mention taking heavy hitters like the Leman Russ tank (now with a 2+) save along with Heavy Weapon squads etc.

GW Reveals New Genestealer Cults Primus 40k Rules

Primus Rules

Primus Rules 2

Alongside an improvement to his cult bonesword, both his scoped needle pistol and toxin injector claw retain their ability to wound non-vehicle and non-titanic units on a roll of 2+, regardless of their toughness, thanks to the samples of the Primus’ own virulent blood each weapon employs. Not content with improving his physical prowess, the Primus has also been practising his sharp-shooting too, giving him a Ballistic Skill of 2+.

He has a decent stat line (just don’t look at his save…) and with 5S, -2AP, and D2, he should be pretty decent at slicing through 2 wound models. The improvement to his BS and pistol are also nice, but shouldn’t be anything game-changing.


Primus Rules 3

As a general, the Primus brings more to the table than combat prowess. He is able to plan raids and ambushes in minute detail, thanks to his abominable intellect. These meticulous plans give his cult warriors the edge against the tyrannical foes they battle against.

This is really strong for a few reasons, first, you pick the unit in your command phase, and for any attack (shooting and combat) you get to re-roll a one, this means the unit doesn’t have to be close to the Primus for any time other than command phase. Then how it’s worded, it’s every individual model, not just one re-roll, each model gets a wound re-roll. Lastly, it’s 9″ and not 6!

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Primus Rules 4

In some cults, the Primus is even better at planning than others, their otherworldly patience allowing them to spend hours collating tiny morsels of information and likely delivering exhaustive slideshow presentations of their plans to their comrades. It’s worth it though – the Exacting Planner ability enables a Primus to use Meticulous Planning twice in one phase, with one instance free from CORE unit restrictions. 

Having two units with the buff above that don’t have to be core is really good. Pretty simple.


Primus Rules 5

The Primus is a valued commander, and as such inspires Fanatical Devotion from lesser members of the cult, who are willing to lay down their lives for his.

This is a cool Stratagem to really let you get your units into combat even when you may have been outmaneuvered.

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

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