New Ad Mech Canticles & Doctrina Imperatives 40k Rules

gw-new-admech-rulesShow your faith in the Machine Spirit with the new Ad Mech Canticles and Doctrina Imperatives 9th Edition 40k rules and be rewarded!

Warhammer Community just unveiled more rules for the upcoming book and how you can gain some extra power each turn. We’ve seen some of the IKEA-style datasheets, but with the codex coming soon, you know GW was going to put out some rules. These are a quick follow-up when compared to the Forge World rules, which you can check out here, but are pretty interesting! 

New Ad Mech Canticles & Doctrina Imperatives Rules

ad mech codexThe book will go on pre-order this Saturday, so if you’ve been waiting to get these guys on the field, get ready! While they are only getting one new mini with the release, it’s always fun to get a new book. But enough about the codex, let’s check out the rules.

Ad Mech Canticles Rules

CanticlesThe Canticles of the Omnissiah might not sound like music to flesh-ears, but the warriors of the machine god love ‘em, and they belt them out in the midst of battle to fan the flames of their fervor. These chants grant special boons to any units that include the Canticles of the Omnissiah ability, like Servitors and Tech-Priests. Take a look at this incredibly versatile little ditty. Choose the Benediction of the Omnissiah in the late game to ensure those make-or-break rounds of shooting go off without a hitch.

This is a pretty sweet ability! Getting a reroll on every portion of the roll is insanely strong. Especially if you have some high damage weapons, you can save all kinds of command points and really make your units hit hard.

Canticles 2Is the enemy bearing down on you? Is it time to punch some faces? This thrash-metal jam will get the troops pumped up. 

Well, if you’re going to be in combat, might as well activate this over the shooting one! One strength isn’t anything too crazy, but it could make a big difference.

Canticles 3And if the gang is headed somewhere in a hurry, pop this jaunty road-trip tune on the playlist. 

This is another useful one, because if you really need to capture that objective or make a charge, rolling an extra dice just takes a ton of the variance out of it!

Doctrina Imperatives

skiitari marshalEither a Tech-Priest or Skitarii Marshal can activate the Doctrinas to further incite faith in the Machine Spirit! Here’s a little more about how they work:

Each Doctrina offers a situational bonus, but good things rarely come for free – for example, defensive protocols reduce mobility. This gives and take is represented in your games by one of four Imperatives, chosen at the beginning of the battle round. They affect units with the Doctrina Imperatives ability, which includes Skitarii units like Rangers, Ruststalkers, Sydonian Dragoons, and the like. 

Bulwark imperativeIf your gunline is facing down the implacable march of gauss-spewing Necron Warriors, you might choose the Bulwark Imperative to keep your Vanguard alive and shooting. 

If you’re going to be sitting still and shoot, lowering your move doesn’t really matter and an additional save is a nice trade-off.

protectiveNow, this is really powerful! Since most of your shooting units aren’t that strong in CC anyway, the trade-off is basically nothing.

Previous Rules Released

ad mech patrolIf you want to see all the rules that have been revealed so far, just click on any of the links below:

What do you think about the new Canticles? What do you expect the other to be?

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