More new Tyranids Warhammer 40k Codex rumors are here in the latest compilation for all the new releases, rules, and models!
Tyranids are confirmed to be coming soon from Games Workshop. Before we get too far, these all are rumors from several sources that we have seen lately, but they seem pretty solid. Again though, these are rumors so take them with as much salt as you need, especially considering they are for Tyranids…
Let’s start with what we know so far:
Games Workshop Teases Tyranids Next 40k Codex After Eldar
This is what got the ball rolling as Games Workshop had their own teaser about the upcoming Tyranids Codex release:
This isn’t just an exciting time for Aeldari, but for all Warhammer 40,000 xenos players – after the craftworlds touch down, there’s something gribbly and chitinous coming. We don’t want to say too much right now, but there are lots of them, they’ve come a long way, and they’re VERY hungry. For biomass. Okay, you forced it out of us – it’s the Tyranids.
And that was pretty much all they said. However, it was more than enough for us to dig up these old Tyranids rumors below. Plus don’t forget to check out all the new Tyranids Crusher Stampede rules they just got as well by clicking here.
Old Tyranids Rumors Coming True in 2022
These old rumors (from Hastings in 2016) had some come true, but others are still lingering, and not too far-fetched given the current teasers from Games Workshop for new Tyranids models. So obviously with the new preview video from GW, we have reason to believe they might finally be real, and if they are true, it means Tyranids are getting some much-needed new kits.
Plus, one other thing to note, it takes GW a long time to get models out, so these could have easily been in development for many years already. Especially since we heard Castellan Crowe was done and ready for a release over three years ago too.
First though, Obviously these are rumors and from an old source, but hey, with the new GW video, and Tyranids Codex confirmation, we have more hope that they may pan out.
- Broodlord: plastic clampack CONFIRMED
- Genestealers: plastic kit completely redone
- X-a-vores: combo kit would include options for Biovore, Pyrovore, a new psychacvore
- Termagants Kit: completely redone with new weapon options
- Gargantuan Creature in Plastic
So after seeing the rumor engine images, plus the video, some of these are really not sounding too far-fetched after all. Well except maybe the last one, but hey we doubt Tyranids players would complain if it did…
Within the video above which debuted on Warhammer Community, there are at least seven, possibly nine or even ten, new models. We don’t get a full look at any of the models, however, we do get glimpses, and one definitely stole the show at least for us.
Now, let’s check out the pics that could easily be a new giant bug!
That is a clear Tryanid model! With a very large tail, and wings, maybe the Flying Tyrant is getting an update? Either way it looks huge!
For a split second, you can also see what appears to be a tentacle-like appendage from higher on the model. Plus from the side what may be the torso is clearly visible before the model spins revealing a wing.
While this probably is for the gargantuan creature, that doesn’t mean we won’t see a new Biovore kit as well. Plus, we’ve also seen other Rumor Engines from not that long ago that point at other new Nids.
Now, let’s jump into the next big things that may be coming for Tyranids in 2022.
RUMORS: New Tyranids Codex 40k Rules & Compilations
More rules rumors and a pretty thorough compilation of everything speculated so far is up on the Tyranids discord that you can join by clicking here.
Synapse getting changed to a once per game ability is something we have never seen before, and a 4++ heck even a 5++ mechanic as rumored would be interesting for sure.
General Rules:
Some of these seem to confirm the earlier write-up and expand on the leaked IKEA rules datasheets for the monstrous creature stats.
Either way, exciting times are on the way for Tyranids along with rules and models via all the latest rumors and reveals. Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.
- Points Changes In Chapter Approved 2022
- 40k Core Rulebook & Rules Changes on the Way
- New Primaris Space Marines 40k Rules & Minis
- New 40k Chapter Approved GT 2022 Missions
- New 40k Grand Tournament 2022 Secondary Objectives
- Warhammer 40k Balance Updates & Rules Changes
- All The Tau 40k Rules
- New Chaos Space Marines Rules & Rumors
- Eldar Release Rules & Rumors
- Adeptus Custodes 40k Rules
- Genestealer Cults 40k Rules
- Tyranids 40k Rules & Models Rumors
All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022
What do you think about all these new Tyranids models rumors that are out there?
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