New GW FAQ, Space Marines & Forge World LATEST

By James Rodriguez | July 24th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

hor of space marine and chaosIf you blinked you missed it, another extremely busy weekend the hobby was here! Come check out the latest rumors, updates, and new releases galore!

Here’s what happened over the weekend in the world of tabletop:

GW Changes 40k Meta With New FAQ


Games Workshop just updated the FAQs for all five of the new index books for 8th Edition Warhammer 40k Matched Play, with flyers being a big focus point.

New Forge World Releases Revealed

Thunderhawks wallpaper Forge world

It’s a Forge World TWO-FER this week with one stunning new kit for the Sisters of Silence, and yet another sheet of transfers for the Adeptus Astarte!

RUMORS: GW’s August New Release Roadmap?

hor of space marine and chaos

There’s a lot of new stuff coming out over the next couple month from GW. From Primaris to AoS and even Death Guard come find out what may be next.

3 New Age of Sigmar Rule Battalions SPOTTED

fyreslayersWith three new Start Collection boxes on the way this weekend, you’re also getting three new Battalions. Come take a look at the box sets and their rules.

New Primaris Apothecary & Chaplain Rules

Very little has been seen regarding the Primaris Chaplain and the Primaris Apothecary… Until now. Come see their datasheets.

10 Man Reiver Codex Datasheet Spotted

40k Reiver Tactica ArtGrapnels, HO! The complete Primaris Reiver datasheet from the new 8th Edition Codex: Space Marines is here. Come take a look at what they are packing!

UPDATE: Repulsor Datasheet Complete Rules

repulsor tankCome take a look at the complete Primaris Repulsor Grav-Tank datasheet from the new 8th Edition Codex: Space Marines. No salt required!

New Primaris Aggressor Datasheet Arrives


Here is the datasheet for the new Primaris Aggressors from the Codex: Space Marines. Come check the info on these bad boys!

UPDATE: Redemptor Dreadnought Datasheet Spotted!

Redemptor Dreadnought

We were teased by Games Workshop with some tactics and rules for the Redemptor Dread, but now here is the official datasheet from the Codex: Space Marines!

Sisters & Heresy: New From Black Library

sisters of battle celestine

The Black Library is at it again! In true grim-dark fashion, GW has brought two fantastic tales that will shine the light on life in the war machine.

Codex Space Marines Stratagems Spotted!


Get ready to start delving deeper into your Space Marine tactics with three pages of Stratagems from the Codex: Space Marines!

8 New Space Marine Chapter Warlord Traits Arrive

Primaris Space MarinesThere’s a lot to be seen in the new Codex: Space Marines, and today we’re going to be taking a look at the new Warlord Traits. What will your warlord take?

This was a great weekend for Warhammer fans everywhere! We got to see all sorts of content related to the new edition of Warhammer 40,000, new rules from the Codex: Space Marines, Forge World just put the new Kharon Pattern Acquisitor for the Sisters of Silence up for pre-order, and Black Library put up two new titles for your reading pleasure.

What do you think about everything that happened over the weekend? Let us know in the comments below. Thank you for making us your go to source for the latest info on the hobbies we love.


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