Codex Space Marines Stratagems Spotted!


Get ready to start delving deeper into your Space Marine tactics with three pages of Stratagems from the Codex: Space Marines!

Seen in a review video by Winter SEO, the Space Marine stratagems take up three pages of the Codex: Space Marines and contain 26 Stratagems that are Chapter-specific or open to any Chapter. Some things to observe here when choosing your stratagems. If your Chapter does not have any associated Stratagems, then they can use the Stratagems of its founding Chapter (i.e. Crimson Fists using “Bolter Drill” Stratagem of the Imperial Fists.) However, the Black Templars cannot make use of their founding Chapter Stratagems but they have one of their own: Abhor the Witch.

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The Stratagems will state when you can use them and if they can be used more than once per game.

Codex Stratagems

The Stratagems are wide and varied and give all the Chapters access to abilities that can aid them. As long as you have the Command Points to spend.

Codex Stratagems Stratagems

A lot of pricey ones are making it look like Battalion detachments may be the way to go moving forward! Will the meta shift again?

Codex Stratagems last page

Try out an Orbital Bombardments that costs 3CP and can only be used ONCE per battle. Or, how about equipping up to two extra Chapter relics at the cost of 1-3 Command Points at the start of the game?

Like using Land Speeders and have a Whirlwind or two in your Battle-forged army? Give Datalink Telemetry a try for 1 Command Point and if the Whirlwind’s target is visible to a friendly (Chapter) Land Speeder unit within a 12″ range, the Whirlwind’s attacks automatically hit.

Space Marines Stratagems

Interested in Chapter-specific Stratagems? Ok, let’s start with the Ultrasmurfs’ “Sons of Guilliman” for 1CP and the Ultramarine Infantry or Biker unit chosen during the Shooting or Fight phase can re-roll all failed hit rolls of 1 for the rest of the phase.

Codex Stratagems

However, if the unit chosen is a Tactical Squad or Intercessor Squad, re-roll ALL failed hit rolls instead. The Iron Hands have one as well called “Machine Empathy” that allows an Iron Hands Vehicle attacking in the Shooting phase to ignore penalties for moving and firing a Heavy weapon or for advancing and firing an Assault weapon until the end of the phase.

That is a spicy meatball indeed!

Raven Guard, those stealthy Space Marines, have “Strike From the Shadows” which allows a Raven Guard Infantry unit to set up during deployment in the shadows instead of on the battlefield.

Raven Guard StratagemAt the beginning of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, the unit emerges from hiding and can be set up anywhere on the field that is more than 9″ away from any enemy models. Salamanders have their “Flamecraft” Stratagem that allows a chosen unit to add 1 to the wound rolls made for all that unit’s flame weapons. To clarify, this Stratagem will only apply to a weapon whose name includes the word “flame”. Vulkan He’stan’s Gauntlet of the Forge is also a flame weapon.


There are the Stratagems from the Codex: Space Marines. Stop back by next week for our first look and then tips and tactics breakdown of how to make your Command Points count with these Stratagems.

What are your thoughts on these Stratagems? Were you hoping for more Chapter-specific ones? Let us know in the comments below.

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