The Five MUST SEE Popular Posts of 2015

By Rob Baer | January 11th, 2016 | Categories: Top 10, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

The FIVE Must See Popular Posts of 2015

2015 has come and gone but don’t let that stop you from checking out the FIVE most red hot popular posts of 2015, here on Spikey Bits!


5.) The Tau Finally Get a Titan Battlesuit

Forge World dropped a preview of the new Tau Titan back in July, and as you can see the news was very well received!

We ever did a scale mock up of it based on the waist burst cannons compared to existing models in the range, to give everyone a look how they matched up.

slaanesh cultist 1

4.) 40k Deep Thought – Why GW NEEDS to Kill Slaanesh?

Let’s face it Slaanesh seems to be the last bastion of 80’s sex drugs and rock and roll that’s left in the grim dark currently, but why is that? Has GW been slowly getting rid of their IP that doesn’t fit with known mass market appeal and we’re just starting to become wise to it?


3.) The Best Alternatives to GW Miniatures – REVEALED

They say competition breeds innovation and lower prices, and for this industry that seems to hold true. Come see the amazing sampling of independent company alternatives to Games Workshop’s Citadel miniatures.

It’s hard to deny that Games Workshop’s designs for miniatures have made a quantum leap in the last few years. Part of that is sure to stem from the new 3D computer design and printing technology our there, BUT how much of it was also inspired by necessity?

Do they need to stay ahead of the tidal wave of independent bits, and figure manufactures out there? 

Checkout these best alternatives to GW Miniatures!


2.) Squats Are BACK! No Really…

Bob Oley, the original sculptor of Games Workshop’s Squat miniatures dropped a Kickstarter for something he called the scrunts, that look just like the Squats of old!

Hello and welcome to our 3rd kickstarter, where we hope with your support and backing to be able to fund the expenses involved in producing Armies of the Scrunt Empire. Since our last Kickstarter Bob has devoted a great many hours constructing and sculpting the miniatures to make these sets.We just love these gas masked scrunts and gas masked dachshunds, we would be thrilled to be able to get moulds made for them and to add them to the Olleys Armies Miniatures lines already on our website. That will only happen if we can get the funding we need from this Kickstarter project. So please take a look at the pictures below showing the sets Bob has made We hope that you like them and that you decide to back our project.

Thanks Bob & Jackie


1.) New Miniatures GW Doesn’t Want You To See

New resin makers Wargames Exclusive burst onto the scene in 2015, with our revealing look at this overseas model maker.


Well that’s our look back at the FIVE most popular posts overall of 2015 here on Spikey Bits! What does 2016 hold for us, well hopefully some more great hobby goodness and of course we’d love to see a new Chaos Space Marine codex.

What was YOUR favorite post of 2015?

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