Horus Heresy Warhammer 40k Models Moved to Legends

even-in-death-space-marine-wal-hor warhammer legendsGW moved plastic Horus Heresy models usable in Warhammer 40k to Legends for 10th Edition, including Dreadnoughts and more.

It’s a bit of a surprise in some ways, as GW has been moving a ton of models to the Last Chance to Buy List ahead of the new edition, but those weren’t selling. These models from Horus Heresy, some less than a year old and in plastic, seem to sell, but it looks like GW wants to make a more considerable distinction between the games.

Luckily, though, they will have datasheets, so if you want to play them with your friends or at stores, go for it, they won’t be legal for competitive play.

Horus Heresy Models moving from Warhammer 40k to Legends

Here’s the latest from Warhammer Community.

HH Models 40k Legends

In years past, many war machines of the Horus Heresy have received rules for Warhammer 40,000. In the new edition, these units will return as Legends of the Horus Heresy – still very much usable in your games, but leaving competitive tournament battlefields to the core Warhammer 40,000 miniatures range. 

The Warhammer Design Studio are creating free datasheets for the Legends of the Horus Heresy – even including the elusive Chaos Kratos. You’re free to use these rules in your games wherever or however you play them – at home, in stores, or gaming clubs, both for narrative campaigns and matched play games. 

As we said, if you play with your buddies, feel free to use these rules all you want! However, for competitive games, they will not be allowed and will probably not be kept up with as the edition moves forward.

They also say this is for balance, as there are too many units to keep up with. So, this might be good for 10th Edition if GW can keep the game more balanced.

Now, let’s preview what will be moving to Legends when 10th Edition releases.

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Legends of the Horus Heresy units:
(for use in matched and narrative play, but not competitive events)

  • Leviathan, Contemptor, and Deredeo Dreadnoughts
  • Kratos, Sicaran, Spartan, Cerberus, and Typhon Tanks
  • Certain variants of the Land Raider, the Vindicator, and the Whirlwind
  • Xiphon Interceptors, Fire Raptors, Storm Eagles, and Storm Birds 
  • Legion Support Weapons
  • Fellblades, Falcions, Mastodons
  • Javelins, Dreadnoughts and Deathstorm Drop Pods
  • Secutarii Hoplites and Peltasts, and Terrax-pattern Termites
  • Decimators, Greater Blight Drones, Blood Slaughterers, Greater Brass Scorpions, Kytan Ravagers, the Kharybdis Assault Claw, and the Dreadclaw Drop Pod

Imperial Armour Units, That are also in the Horus Heresy

(for use in matched and narrative play, including competitive events)

  • Adeptus Custodes units 
  • Imperial Knights

So, some pretty huge ones here, including the Leviathan, Contemptor, the Sicaran, and Spartan, all of which are fairly new and in plastic. So, if you have anything on the list, you might need to look at changing up your army for tournaments.

At this point, though, GW has made the call, and these will not be supported moving forward. Luckily, there are some things not going away:

Horus Heresy Legends Exceptions

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There are always exceptions. The war machines of the Knight Households and Titan Legions have endured for 10,000 years,* and these models will continue to receive  supported rules for Warhammer 40,000 in a downloadable Imperial Armour Index. These will continue to receive balance updates going forwards, and will therefore be usable in competitive settings.

The forthcoming plastic Cerastus Knight Lancer is a case in point – loyal Imperial Knights and wretched Chaos Knights alike will soon be able to field these leggy lords of war.

The Adeptus Custodes are another exception. The Emperor’s guardians have used the same advanced machinery for thousands of years, maintaining Caladius Grav-tanks and Aquilon Terminator armour in pristine condition. Auramite doesn’t degrade – and let’s face it, they’ve been sitting on their hands for the last few millennia, unlike the never-ending attrition endured by the Space Marines.

If you play Adeptus Custodes or Knights, you will have some units spared (maybe the Caladius being the biggest).

Space Marines & Chaos Space Marines Kratos Datasheet

GW also gave us a datasheet preview and what the new rules will look like in 10th Edition.

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The Warhammer Design Studio are creating free datasheets for the Legends of the Horus Heresy – even including the elusive Chaos Kratos. You’re free to use these rules in your games wherever or however you play them – at home, in stores, or gaming clubs, both for narrative campaigns and matched play games. 

The following datasheet works for Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines alike – the latter receive an army rule card in addition, which shows you which keywords to switch out.

The Kratos will have all the toughness, a ton of wounds, and some serious weaponry. It’s also an exciting idea to make a sheet for both CSM and SM with interchangeable keywords. If this helps balance, while a bit sad, it might pay off in the long run.

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

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